A Brief History of the Java Programming Language – Java编程语言的简史

最后修改: 2022年 1月 2日


1. Overview


Java is one of the most popular programming languages worldwide. It was created by James Gosling and Patrick Naughton, employees of Sun Microsystems, with support from Bill Joy, co-founder of Sun Microsystems.

Java是全世界最流行的编程语言之一。它是由Sun Microsystems的员工James Gosling和Patrick Naughton在Sun Microsystems的联合创始人Bill Joy的支持下创建的。

Sun officially presented the Java language at SunWorld on May 23, 1995. Then, in 2009, the Oracle company bought the Sun company, which explains why the language now belongs to Oracle.


In this article, we’ll explore the history of the Java programming language.


2. What Is Java?


Java is described as being a multi-purpose, strongly typed, and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) language. By design, it has as few implementation dependencies as possible.


With this programming language, we can create applications on multiple devices. Its scope is very wide, allowing us to create software for mobile devices, point of sale terminals, ATMs, IoT (Internet of Things), as well as web pages.


Although Kotlin is the preferred language for Android development in 2021, Java is still the default language for developing apps for Android. The big reason for that is Android’s tight integration with Java. In fact, parts of that OS, like the UI and specific core libraries, are written in Java.


3. Brief History


Let’s dive in to take a look at how the Java project started and evolved through time.


3.1. The Beginning


The project was born in 1991, behind the scenes of a Sun Microsystems team, when three engineers, James Gosling, Mike Sheridan, and Patrick Naughton sought to design a language applicable to small electrical devices.

该项目诞生于1991年,在Sun Microsystems团队的幕后,当时三位工程师James Gosling、Mike Sheridan和Patrick Naughton 试图设计一种适用于小型电气设备的语言

Soon after, they launched the Green Project to study the impact of convergence between digitally controlled home appliances and computers.


Using a syntax similar to that of C++, they made a digital remote control, equipped with a graphic and animated touch screen. The fruit of several months of intense research, this remote control had the fantastic feature of controlling a whole living room equipment. It was programmed in a new language, completely independent of the processor it was running on, making the remote one-of-a-kind.


Ultimately, it was James Gosling, one of the members of the Green Project, who originated this new language, which he called Oak.


Afterward, the project gained ground when American cable operators joined the project. Oak then became FirstPerson. Unfortunately, the FirstPerson project had no commercial success, as it was certainly too far ahead of the industry, whose priority was, above all, profitability.


3.2. The Arrival of the HTTP Protocol and the Mosaic Browser


In 1993, the HTTP protocol and the Mosaic browser arrived, which was a crucial event for the project. During this time, the team realized that the Internet would be the ideal network to position their product.


Then, in 1995, James Gosling unveiled a browser called WebRunner that was capable of showing HTML content mixed with Applets. Things took off from there. First, WebRunner became HotJava, then java.sun.com officially opened to the public.


Eventually, the name of this technology would become “Java” (meaning “coffee” in American slang), in honor of the programmer’s favorite drink, namely coffee, part of the production of which comes from the island of Java.

最终,这项技术的名称变成了 “Java”(在美国俚语中意为 “咖啡”),以纪念程序员最喜欢的饮料,即咖啡,其部分生产来自爪哇岛。

It was then that Sun and Netscape announced their desire to integrate this new technology into their browsers, which definitively launched the language. The versions would then follow one another from version 1 in 1996 to version 17 in 2021.


4. Features


Thanks to its excellent features, Java has become a popular and useful programming language. Sun characterized it as being:


  • Compiled and Interpreted
  • Platform Independent and Portable
  • Object-Oriented
  • Robust and Secure
  • Distributed
  • Familiar, Simple and Small
  • Multi-threaded and Interactive
  • High Performance
  • Dynamic and Extensible

Source: “Programming with Java” – E Balagurusamy.

源于此。“用Java编程” – E Balagurusamy。

Next, we’ll detail each of these features.


4.1. Compiled and Interpreted


Java combines the power of compiled languages with the flexibility of interpreted languages.


The compiler (javac) compiles the source code into bytecode, then the Virtual Machine (JVM) executes this bytecode by transforming it into machine-readable code.


4.2. Platform Independent and Portable


The two-step compilation process is what lies behind Java’s most significant feature: platform independence, which allows for portability.


Being platform-independent means a program compiled on one machine can be executed on any other machine, regardless of the OS, as long as there is a JVM installed.


The portability feature refers to the ability to run a program on different machines. In fact, the same code will run identically on different platforms, regardless of hardware compatibility or operating systems, with no changes such as recompilation or tweaks to the source code.


4.3. Object-Oriented


Java strongly supports Object-Oriented Programming concepts such as encapsulation, abstraction, and inheritance.


All the instructions and data in a Java program have to be added inside a class or object.


4.4. Robust and Secure


Java includes several useful features that help us write robust and secure applications.


One of the most important ones is the memory management system, along with automatic garbage collection. Compared to languages like C/C++, Java avoids the concept of explicit pointers, and doesn’t require programmers to manually manage the allocated memory.


Instead, the GC will take care of deleting unused objects to free up memory.


In addition, Java is a strongly-typed language, which is a feature that can help lower the number of bugs in an application, and provides error handling mechanisms.


4.5. Distributed


This feature is helpful when we develop large projects. We can split a program into many parts and store these parts on different computers. As a result, we can easily create distributed and scalable applications that run on multiple nodes.


We can achieve this using the concept of RMI (Remote Method Invocation) and EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans).

我们可以使用RMI(远程方法调用)EJB(企业级Java Bean)的概念来实现。

4.6. Simple and Familiar


First, Java is simple thanks to its coding style, which is very clean and easy to understand. Also, it doesn’t use complex and difficult features of other languages, such as the concept of explicit pointers.


Finally, Java is familiar since it’s based on existing languages like C++ and incorporates many features from these languages.


4.7. Multi-Threaded and Interactive


Also known as Thread-based Multitasking, multithreading is a feature that allows executing multiple threads simultaneously.


In short, we can write Java programs that deal with many tasks at once by defining multiple threads. The advantage of multithreading is that it doesn’t occupy memory for each thread – all threads share a common memory area.


4.8. High Performance


Bytecodes that the compiler generates are highly optimized, so the Virtual Machine can execute them much faster. This is why Java is faster than other traditional interpreted programming languages.


4.9. Dynamic and Extensible


This feature gives the facility of dynamically linking new class libraries, methods, and objects. Java is highly dynamic as it can adapt to its evolving environment.


5. Usefulness of Java Runtime Environment


To be able to run a software application, it must have an environment that allows it to function – typically, an operating system such as Linux, Unix, Microsoft Windows, or macOS. In the absence of other supporting environments, programs are limited by the capabilities of the operating system and its resources.


The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) acts as a translator and facilitator between the program and the operating system. It runs on top of the operating system to provide additional Java-specific resources.


6. Conclusion


Through all its specificities, the Java language synthesizes a large part of other existing languages’ possibilities while erasing some of their main faults.


It is, therefore, a language commonly recognized as being relatively modern, and whose potential is well established.
