Decode a JWT Token in Java – 在Java中对JWT令牌进行解码

最后修改: 2021年 3月 14日


1. Overview


A JSON Web Token (JWT) is often used in REST API security. Even though the token can be parsed by frameworks such as Spring Security OAuth, we may want to process the token in our own code.

JSON Web Token(JWT)经常用于REST API安全。即使该令牌可以被诸如Spring Security OAuth等框架解析,我们也可能希望在自己的代码中处理该令牌。

In this tutorial, we’ll decode and verify the integrity of a JWT.


2. Structure of a JWT


First, let’s understand the structure of a JWT:


  • header
  • payload (often referred to as body)
  • signature

The signature is optional. A valid JWT can consist of just the header and payload sections. However, we use the signature section to verify the contents of the header and payload for security authorization.


Sections are represented as base64url-encoded strings separated by a period (‘.’) delimiter. By design, anyone can decode a JWT and read the contents of the header and payload sections. But we need access to the secret key used to create the signature to verify a token’s integrity.


Most commonly, the JWT contains a user’s “claims.” These represent data about the user, which the API can use to grant permissions or trace the user providing the token. Decoding the token allows the application to use the data, and validation allows the application to trust that the JWT was generated by a trusted source.

最常见的是,JWT包含一个用户的 “索赔”。这些代表了关于用户的数据,API可以用它来授予权限或追踪提供令牌的用户。解码令牌允许应用程序使用这些数据,而验证则允许应用程序相信JWT是由一个受信任的来源产生的。

Let’s look at how we can decode and validate a token in Java.


3. Decoding a JWT


We can decode a token using built-in Java functions.


First, let’s split up the token into its sections:


String[] chunks = token.split("\\.");

We should note that the regular expression passed to String.split uses an escaped ‘.’ character to avoid ‘.’ meaning “any character.”

我们应该注意,传递给String.split的正则表达式使用了一个转义的‘.’字符,以避免’.’意味着 “任何字符”。

Our chunks array should now have two or three elements corresponding to the sections of the JWT.


Next, let’s decode the header and payload parts using a base64url decoder:


Base64.Decoder decoder = Base64.getUrlDecoder();

String header = new String(decoder.decode(chunks[0]));
String payload = new String(decoder.decode(chunks[1]));

Let’s run this code with a JWT (we can decode online to compare results):



The output will give us the decoded header any payload:


{"alg":"HS256","typ":"JWT"}{"sub":"1234567890","name":"Baeldung User","iat":1516239022}

If only the header and payload sections are defined in a JWT, we are finished and have the information decoded successfully.


4. Verifying JWT


Next, we can verify the integrity of the header and payload to ensure that they have not been altered by using the signature section.


4.1. Dependencies

4.1. 依赖性

For the verification, we can add jjwt to our pom.xml:



We should note that we need a version of this library from version 0.7.0 onwards.


4.2. Configuring Signature Algorithm and Key Specification


To begin verifying the payload and header, we need both the signature algorithm that was used originally to sign the token and the secret key:


SignatureAlgorithm sa = HS256;
SecretKeySpec secretKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(secretKey.getBytes(), sa.getJcaName());

In this example, we’ve hard-coded our signature algorithm to HS256. However, we could decode the JSON of the header and read the alg field to get this value.


We should also note that the variable secretKey is a String representation of the secret key. We might provide this to our application via its configuration or via a REST API exposed by the service that issues the JWT.

我们还应该注意,变量secretKey是秘密密钥的字符串表示。我们可以通过配置或通过发布JWT的服务所暴露的REST API将其提供给我们的应用程序。

4.3. Performing the Verification


Now that we have the signature algorithm and secret key, we can begin to perform the verification.


Let’s recombine the header and payload into an unsigned JWT, joining them with the ‘.’ delimiter:


String tokenWithoutSignature = chunks[0] + "." + chunks[1];
String signature = chunks[2];

Now we have the unsigned token and the provided signature. We can use the library to validate it:


DefaultJwtSignatureValidator validator = new DefaultJwtSignatureValidator(sa, secretKeySpec);

if (!validator.isValid(tokenWithoutSignature, signature)) {
    throw new Exception("Could not verify JWT token integrity!");

Let’s break this down.


First, we create a validator with the chosen algorithm and secret. Then we provide it the unsigned token data and the provided signature.


Then the validator generates a fresh signature and compares it against the provided signature. If they are equal, we have verified the integrity of the header and payload.


5. Conclusion


In this article, we looked at the structure of a JWT and how to decode it into JSON.


Then we used a library to verify the integrity of a token using its signature, algorithm and secret key.


As always, the code examples from this article can be found over on GitHub.
