Why Do Local Variables Used in Lambdas Have to Be Final or Effectively Final? – 为什么Lambdas中使用的局部变量必须是最终变量或有效的最终变量?

最后修改: 2019年 4月 13日


1. Introduction


Java 8 gives us lambdas, and by association, the notion of effectively final variables. Ever wondered why local variables captured in lambdas have to be final or effectively final?

Java 8为我们提供了lambdas,并通过关联,提供了effectively final变量的概念。有没有想过,为什么在lambdas中捕获的局部变量必须是final或effective final的?

Well, the JLS gives us a bit of a hint when it says “The restriction to effectively final variables prohibits access to dynamically-changing local variables, whose capture would likely introduce concurrency problems.” But, what does it mean?


In the next sections, we’ll dig deeper into this restriction and see why Java introduced it. We’ll show examples to demonstrate how it affects single-threaded and concurrent applications, and we’ll also debunk a common anti-pattern for working around this restriction.


2. Capturing Lambdas


Lambda expressions can use variables defined in an outer scope. We refer to these lambdas as capturing lambdas. They can capture static variables, instance variables, and local variables, but only local variables must be final or effectively final.


In earlier Java versions, we ran into this when an anonymous inner class captured a variable local to the method that surrounded it – we needed to add the final keyword before the local variable for the compiler to be happy.

在早期的Java版本中,当一个匿名的内层类捕获了一个包围它的方法的局部变量时,我们就会遇到这种情况–我们需要在局部变量前添加final 关键字,这样编译器才会满意。

As a bit of syntactic sugar, now the compiler can recognize situations where, while the final keyword isn’t present, the reference isn’t changing at all, meaning it’s effectively final. We could say that a variable is effectively final if the compiler wouldn’t complain were we to declare it final.

作为语法糖,现在编译器可以识别这样的情况:虽然final 关键字不存在,但引用根本没有变化,这意味着它是effectively final。我们可以说一个变量实际上是最终的,如果我们声明它是最终的,编译器就不会抱怨。

3. Local Variables in Capturing Lambdas


Simply put, this won’t compile:


Supplier<Integer> incrementer(int start) {
  return () -> start++;

start is a local variable, and we are trying to modify it inside of a lambda expression.

start 是一个局部变量,我们试图在一个lambda表达式中修改它。

The basic reason this won’t compile is that the lambda is capturing the value of start, meaning making a copy of it. Forcing the variable to be final avoids giving the impression that incrementing start inside the lambda could actually modify the start method parameter.


But, why does it make a copy? Well, notice that we are returning the lambda from our method. Thus, the lambda won’t get run until after the start method parameter gets garbage collected. Java has to make a copy of start in order for this lambda to live outside of this method.


3.1. Concurrency Issues


For fun, let’s imagine for a moment that Java did allow local variables to somehow remain connected to their captured values.


What should we do here:


public void localVariableMultithreading() {
    boolean run = true;
    executor.execute(() -> {
        while (run) {
            // do operation
    run = false;

While this looks innocent, it has the insidious problem of “visibility”. Recall that each thread gets its own stack, and so how do we ensure that our while loop sees the change to the run variable in the other stack? The answer in other contexts could be using synchronized blocks or the volatile keyword.

虽然这看起来很无辜,但它有一个阴险的问题,那就是 “可见性”。回顾一下,每个线程都有自己的堆栈,那么我们如何确保我们的while循环看到run变量在其他堆栈中的变化?在其他情况下,答案可能是使用同步块或volatile关键字。

However, because Java imposes the effectively final restriction, we don’t have to worry about complexities like this.


4. Static or Instance Variables in Capturing Lambdas


The examples before can raise some questions if we compare them with the use of static or instance variables in a lambda expression.


We can make our first example compile just by converting our start variable into an instance variable:


private int start = 0;

Supplier<Integer> incrementer() {
    return () -> start++;

But, why can we change the value of start here?


Simply put, it’s about where member variables are stored. Local variables are on the stack, but member variables are on the heap. Because we’re dealing with heap memory, the compiler can guarantee that the lambda will have access to the latest value of start.


We can fix our second example by doing the same:


private volatile boolean run = true;

public void instanceVariableMultithreading() {
    executor.execute(() -> {
        while (run) {
            // do operation

    run = false;

The run variable is now visible to the lambda even when it’s executed in another thread since we added the volatile keyword.


Generally speaking, when capturing an instance variable, we could think of it as capturing the final variable this. Anyway, the fact that the compiler doesn’t complain doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t take precautions, especially in multithreading environments.


5. Avoid Workarounds


In order to get around the restriction on local variables, someone may think of using variable holders to modify the value of a local variable.


Let’s see an example that uses an array to store a variable in a single-threaded application:


public int workaroundSingleThread() {
    int[] holder = new int[] { 2 };
    IntStream sums = IntStream
      .of(1, 2, 3)
      .map(val -> val + holder[0]);

    holder[0] = 0;

    return sums.sum();

We could think that the stream is summing 2 to each value, but it’s actually summing 0 since this is the latest value available when the lambda is executed.


Let’s go one step further and execute the sum in another thread:


public void workaroundMultithreading() {
    int[] holder = new int[] { 2 };
    Runnable runnable = () -> System.out.println(IntStream
      .of(1, 2, 3)
      .map(val -> val + holder[0])

    new Thread(runnable).start();

    // simulating some processing
    try {
        Thread.sleep(new Random().nextInt(3) * 1000L);
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

    holder[0] = 0;

What value are we summing here? It depends on how long our simulated processing takes. If it’s short enough to let the execution of the method terminate before the other thread is executed it’ll print 6, otherwise, it’ll print 12.


In general, these kinds of workarounds are error-prone and can produce unpredictable results, so we should always avoid them.


6. Conclusion


In this article, we’ve explained why lambda expressions can only use final or effectively final local variables. As we’ve seen, this restriction comes from the different nature of these variables and how Java stores them in memory. We’ve also shown the dangers of using a common workaround.


As always, the full source code for the examples is available over on GitHub.
