1. Overview
When working with regular expressions in Java, we typically want to search a character sequence for a given Pattern. To facilitate this, the Java Regular Expressions API provides the Matcher class, which we can use to match a given regular expression against a text.
在Java中使用正则表达式时,我们通常想要搜索一个给定Pattern的字符序列。为了方便这一点,Java Regular Expressions API提供了Matcher类,我们可以使用它来匹配给定的正则表达式和文本。
As a general rule, we’ll almost always want to use one of two popular methods of the Matcher class:
- find()
- matches()
In this quick tutorial, we’ll learn about the differences between these methods using a simple set of examples.
2. The find() Method
Put simply, the find() method tries to find the occurrence of a regex pattern within a given string. If multiple occurrences are found in the string, then the first call to find() will jump to the first occurrence. Thereafter, each subsequent call to the find() method will go to the next matching occurrence, one by one.
Let’s imagine we want to search the provided string “goodbye 2019 and welcome 2020” for four-digit numbers only.
For this we’ll be using the pattern “\\d\\d\\d\\d” :
public void whenFindFourDigitWorks_thenCorrect() {
Pattern stringPattern = Pattern.compile("\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m = stringPattern.matcher("goodbye 2019 and welcome 2020");
assertEquals(8, m.start());
assertEquals("2019", m.group());
assertEquals(12, m.end());
assertEquals(25, m.start());
assertEquals("2020", m.group());
assertEquals(29, m.end());
As we have two occurrences in this example – 2019 and 2020 – the find() method will return true twice, and once it reaches the end of the match region, it’ll return false.
由于我们在这个例子中有两个出现 – 2019和2020 – find() 方法将返回true两次,而一旦它到达匹配区域的末端,它将返回false。
Once we find any match, we can then use methods like start(), group(), and end() to get more details about the match, as shown above.
The start() method will give the start index of the match, end() will return the last index of the character after the end of the match, and group() will return the actual value of the match.
3. The find(int) Method
We also have the overloaded version of the find method — find(int). It takes the start index as a parameter and considers the start index as the starting point to look for occurrences in the string.
Let’s see how to use this method in the same example as before:
public void givenStartIndex_whenFindFourDigitWorks_thenCorrect() {
Pattern stringPattern = Pattern.compile("\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m = stringPattern.matcher("goodbye 2019 and welcome 2020");
assertEquals(25, m.start());
assertEquals("2020", m.group());
assertEquals(29, m.end());
As we have provided a start index of 20, we can see that there is now only one occurrence found — 2020, which occurs as expected after this index. And, as is the case with find(), we can use methods like start(), group(), and end() to extract more details about the match.
4. The matches() Method
On the other hand, the matches() method tries to match the whole string against the pattern.
For the same example, matches() will return false:
public void whenMatchFourDigitWorks_thenFail() {
Pattern stringPattern = Pattern.compile("\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m = stringPattern.matcher("goodbye 2019 and welcome 2020");
This is because it will try to match “\\d\\d\\d\\d” against the whole string “goodbye 2019 and welcome 2020” — unlike the find() and find(int) methods, both of which will find the occurrence of the pattern anywhere within the string.
这是因为它将尝试匹配“\\d\d\d\d”与整个字符串”goodbye 2019 and welcome 2020″ – 不像find()和find(int)方法,这两种方法将找到字符串中任何地方出现的模式。
If we change the string to the four-digit number “2019”, then matches() will return true:
public void whenMatchFourDigitWorks_thenCorrect() {
Pattern stringPattern = Pattern.compile("\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m = stringPattern.matcher("2019");
assertEquals(0, m.start());
assertEquals("2019", m.group());
assertEquals(4, m.end());
As shown above, we can also use methods like start(), group(), and end() to gather more details about the match. One interesting point to note is that calling find() multiple times may return different output after calling these methods, as we saw in our first example, but matches() will always return the same value.
5. Difference Between matcher() and Pattern.matches()
As we’ve seen in the previous section, the matcher() method returns a Matcher that will match the given input against the pattern.
On other hand, Pattern.matches() is a static method that compiles a regex and matches the entire input against it.
Let’s create test cases to highlight the difference:
public void whenUsingMatcher_thenReturnTrue() {
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(REGEX);
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(STRING_INPUT);
In short, when we use matcher(), we ask the question: Does the string contain a pattern?
And with Pattern.matches(), we’re asking: Is the string a pattern?
Let’s see it in action:
public void whenUsingMatches_thenReturnFalse() {
assertFalse(Pattern.matches(REGEX, STRING_INPUT));
Since Pattern.matches() attempts to match the entire string, it returns false.
6. Conclusion
In this article, we’ve seen how find(), find(int), and matches() differ from each other with a practical example. We’ve also seen how various methods like start(), group(), and end() can help us extract more details about a given match.
As always, the full source code of the article is available over on GitHub.