How to Convert Mono<List<T>> Into Flux<T> – 如何将单声道<列表<T>>转换为流动<T&gt

最后修改: 2021年 5月 12日


1. Overview


Sometimes in Reactive Programming, we could have a publisher of a large collection of items. In some cases, consumers of this publisher might not be able to process all items in one go. Therefore, we may need to publish each item asynchronously to match the consumer’s processing speed.


In this tutorial, we’ll be looking into some ways by which we can convert our Mono of a Collection to Flux of Collection’s items.


2. Problem Description


When working with Reactive Streams, we use a Publisher and its two implementations, Flux and Mono. Though Mono<T> is a type of Publisher<T> that can emit 0 or 1 item of type T, the Flux<T> can emit 0 to N items of type T.

在使用 Reactive Streams 时,我们使用 Publisher 及其两个实现,FluxMono.尽管Mono<T>Publisher<T>的一种类型,可以发出0或1个T类型的项目,但Flux<T>可以发出0到N类型的T>项目。

Let’s say we have a Mono publisher that is holding a Mono<List<T>> — an iterable collection of items of type T. Our requirement is to produce the collection items asynchronously using Flux<T>:


Here, we can see that we need an operator on Mono<List<T>> that can perform this transformation. First, we’ll extract collection items from stream publisher Mono and then produce items one by one asynchronously as Flux.


The Mono publisher contains a map operator, which can transform a Mono synchronously, and a flatMap operator for transforming a Mono asynchronously. Also, both of these operators produce a single item as an output.


However, for our use case to produce many items after flattening Mono<List<T>>, we can use flatMapMany or flatMapIterable.

然而, 对于我们的用例来说,在扁平化Mono<List<T>>之后产生许多项,我们可以使用flatMapMany或者flatMapIterable

Let’s explore how to use these operators.


3. flatMapMany


Let’s start with a sample List of String to create our Mono publisher:


private Mono<List<String>> monoOfList() {
    List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();

    return Mono.just(list);

The flatMapMany is a generic operator on Mono that returns a Publisher. Let’s apply flatMapManyto our solution:


private <T> Flux<T> monoTofluxUsingFlatMapMany(Mono<List<T>> monoList) {
    return monoList

In this case, the flatMapMany takes the Mono‘s List, flattens it, and creates a Flux publisher using Flux operator the fromIterable. We also used log() here to log each element produced. Therefore, this will output elements one by one like “one“, “two“, “three“, “four“, and then terminate.

在这种情况下,flatMapMany 获取MonoList,将其压扁,并使用Flux操作符Flux创建一个Flux发布器,fromIterable我们还在这里使用了log()来记录产生的每个元素。因此,这将逐一输出元素,如”one“、”two“、”three“、”four“,然后终止

4. flatMapIterable


For the same sample List of String, we’ll now explore flatMapIterable — a custom-built operator.


Here, we don’t need to create Flux explicitly from the List; we only need to provide the List. This operator implicitly creates a Flux out of its elements. Let’s use flatMapIterable for our solution:


private <T> Flux<T> monoTofluxUsingFlatMapIterable(Mono<List<T>> monoList) {
    return monoList
      .flatMapIterable(list -> list)

Here, flatMapIterable takes the Mono‘s List and converts it internally into a Flux of its elements. Hence, it’s more optimized compared with the flatMapMany operator. And this will output the same “one“, “two“, “three“, “four“, and then terminate.

在这里, flatMapIterable获取MonoList,并在内部将其转换为其元素的Flux。因此,与flatMapMany操作符相比,它更为优化。而这将输出同样的”“、”“、”“、”“,然后终止

5. Conclusion


In this article, we discussed different ways to convert a Mono<List<T>> into Flux<T> using the operators flatMapMany and flatMapIterable. Both are easy-to-use operators. Whereas flatMapMany is useful for more generic publishers, flatMapIterable is better optimized for such purposes.


As always, the code example is available over on GitHub.
