NoSuchMethodError in Java – Java中的NoSuchMethodError

最后修改: 2020年 8月 19日


1. Overview


In this tutorial, we’ll look at the java.lang.NoSuchMethodError and some ways to handle it.


2. NoSuchMethodError


As the name suggests, the NoSuchMethodError occurs when a particular method is not found. This method can either be an instance method or a static method.


In most cases, we’re able to catch this error at compile-time. Hence, it’s not a big issue. However, sometimes it could be thrown at runtime, then finding it becomes a bit difficult. According to the Oracle documentation, this error may occur at runtime if a class has been incompatibly changed.


Hence, we may encounter this error in the following cases. Firstly, if we do just a partial recompilation of our code. Secondly, if there is version incompatibility with the dependencies in our application, such as the external jars.


Note that the NoSuchMethodError inheritance tree includes IncompatibleClassChangeError and LinkageError. These errors are associated with an incompatible class change after compilation.


3. Example of NoSuchMethodError


Let’s see this error in action with an example. For this, we’ll create two classes. First is SpecialToday which will list the specials for the day in a restaurant: 


public class SpecialToday {
    private static String desert = "Chocolate Cake";

    public static String getDesert() {
        return desert;

The second class MainMenu calls methods from SpecialsToday:


public class MainMenu {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Today's Specials: " + getSpecials());

    public static String getSpecials() {
        return SpecialToday.getDesert();

Here the output will be:


Today's Specials: Chocolate Cake

Next, we’ll delete the method getDesert() in SpecialToday and recompile only this updated class. This time when we run our MainMenu, we notice the following runtime error:


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: SpecialToday.getDesert()Ljava/lang/String;

4. How to Handle NoSuchMethodError


Now let’s see how we can handle this. For the above code, let’s do a full clean-compile, including both the classes. We’ll notice that the error will be caught while we’re compiling. If we use an IDE like Eclipse, it will be detected even earlier, as soon as we update SpecialsToday.


Hence if we run into this error with our applications, as a first step, we’ll do a full clean compile. With maven, we’ll run the mvn clean install command.

因此,如果我们的应用程序遇到这种错误,作为第一步,我们将进行全面的清洁编译。使用maven,我们将运行mvn clean install命令。

Sometimes the issue is with the external dependencies of our application. In this case, we’ll first check the order of the jars in the build path pulled by the classpath loader. And we’ll trace and update the inconsistent jar.

有时,问题出在我们应用程序的外部依赖性上。在这种情况下,我们首先要检查由classpath loader拉出的构建路径中的jar顺序。然后我们会追踪并更新不一致的jar。

However, if we still encounter this error at runtime, we’ll have to dig deeper. We’ll have to ensure that the Compile-time and the Runtime classes and jars have the same versions. For this, we can run the application with -verbose: class option to check the loaded classes. We can run the command as follows:

然而,如果我们在运行时仍然遇到这个错误,我们就必须深入挖掘。我们必须确保编译时和运行时的类和罐子有相同的版本。为此,我们可以用-verbose: class选项运行应用程序来检查加载的类。我们可以按以下方式运行该命令。

$ java -verbose:class com.baeldung.exceptions.nosuchmethoderror.MainMenu
[0.014s][info][class,load] opened: /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/lib/modules
[0.015s][info][class,load] opened: /usr/share/java/java-atk-wrapper.jar
[0.028s][info][class,load] java.lang.Object source: shared objects file
[0.028s][info][class,load] source: shared objects file

Using this information about all the classes being loaded in the individual jars, during runtime, we can trace the incompatible dependency.


We should also make sure that there are no duplicate classes in two or more jars. In most cases, maven will help control conflicting dependencies directly. Furthermore, we can run the mvn dependency: tree command to get the dependency tree of our project as follows:

我们还应该确保两个或多个罐子中没有重复的类在大多数情况下,maven会直接帮助控制冲突的依赖关系。此外,我们可以运行mvn dependency: tree命令来获得我们项目的依赖树,如下所示。

$ mvn dependency:tree
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] -------------< com.baeldung.exceptions:nosuchmethoderror >--------------
[INFO] Building nosuchmethoderror 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-dependency-plugin:2.8:tree (default-cli) @ nosuchmethoderror ---
[INFO] com.baeldung.exceptions:nosuchmethoderror:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] \- org.junit:junit-bom:pom:5.7.0-M1:compile

We can check the libraries and their versions in the list generated by this command. Moreover, we can also manage dependencies using maven tags. Using the <exclusions> tag, we can exclude the problematic dependency. Using the <optional> tag, we can prevent unwanted dependencies from being bundled in the jar or war.


5. Conclusion


In this article, we addressed NoSuchMethodError. We discussed the cause of this error and also ways to handle it. For more details on how to handle errors properly, please refer to our article on catching Java errors.


As always, the code presented in this article is available over on GitHub.
