1. Overview
Reflection is the ability for computer software to inspect its structure at runtime. In Java, we achieve this by using the Java Reflection API. It allows us to inspect the elements of a class such as fields, methods or even inner classes, all at runtime.
反思是计算机软件在运行时检查其结构的能力。在Java中,我们通过使用Java Reflection API来实现这一目标。它允许我们在运行时检查类的元素,如字段、方法甚至是内部类。
This tutorial will focus on how to retrieve the fields of a Java class, including private and inherited fields.
2. Retrieving Fields from a Class
Let’s first have a look at how to retrieve the fields of a class, regardless of their visibility. Later on, we’ll see how to get inherited fields as well.
Let’s start with an example of a Person class with two String fields: lastName and firstName. The former is protected (that’ll be useful later) while the latter is private:
public class Person {
protected String lastName;
private String firstName;
We want to get both lastName and firstName fields using reflection. We’ll achieve this by using the Class::getDeclaredFields method. As its name suggests, this returns all the declared fields of a class, in the form of a Field array:
public class PersonAndEmployeeReflectionUnitTest {
/* ... constants ... */
public void givenPersonClass_whenGetDeclaredFields_thenTwoFields() {
Field[] allFields = Person.class.getDeclaredFields();
assertEquals(2, allFields.length);
assertTrue(Arrays.stream(allFields).anyMatch(field ->
&& field.getType().equals(String.class))
assertTrue(Arrays.stream(allFields).anyMatch(field ->
&& field.getType().equals(String.class))
As we can see, we get the two fields of the Person class. We check their names and types which matches the fields definitions in the Person class.
3. Retrieving Inherited Fields
Let’s now see how to get the inherited fields of a Java class.
To illustrate this, let’s create a second class named Employee extending Person, with a field of its own:
public class Employee extends Person {
public int employeeId;
3.1. Retrieving Inherited Fields on a Simple Class Hierarchy
Using Employee.class.getDeclaredFields() would only return the employeeId field, as this method doesn’t return the fields declared in superclasses. To also get inherited fields we must also get the fields of the Person superclass.
Of course, we could use the getDeclaredFields() method on both Person and Employee classes and merge their results into a single array. But what if we don’t want to explicitly specify the superclass?
当然,我们可以在Person 和Employee 类上使用getDeclaredFields()方法,并将其结果合并为一个数组。但是如果我们不想明确地指定超类呢?
In this case, we can make use of another method of the Java Reflection API: Class::getSuperclass. This gives us the superclass of another class, without us needing to know what that superclass is.
在这种情况下,我们可以利用Java Reflection API的另一个方法。Class::getSuperclass。这就给了我们另一个类的超类,而我们不需要知道这个超类是什么。
Let’s gather the results of getDeclaredFields() on Employee.class and Employee.class.getSuperclass() and merge them into a single array:
public void givenEmployeeClass_whenGetDeclaredFieldsOnBothClasses_thenThreeFields() {
Field[] personFields = Employee.class.getSuperclass().getDeclaredFields();
Field[] employeeFields = Employee.class.getDeclaredFields();
Field[] allFields = new Field[employeeFields.length + personFields.length];
Arrays.setAll(allFields, i ->
(i < personFields.length ? personFields[i] : employeeFields[i - personFields.length]));
assertEquals(3, allFields.length);
Field lastNameField = allFields[0];
assertEquals(LAST_NAME_FIELD, lastNameField.getName());
assertEquals(String.class, lastNameField.getType());
Field firstNameField = allFields[1];
assertEquals(FIRST_NAME_FIELD, firstNameField.getName());
assertEquals(String.class, firstNameField.getType());
Field employeeIdField = allFields[2];
assertEquals(EMPLOYEE_ID_FIELD, employeeIdField.getName());
assertEquals(int.class, employeeIdField.getType());
We can see here that we’ve gathered the two fields of Person as well as the single field of Employee.
But, is the private field of Person really an inherited field? Not so much. That would be the same for a package-private field. Only public and protected fields are considered inherited.
3.2. Filtering public and protected Fields
Unfortunately, no method in the Java API allows us to gather public and protected fields from a class and its superclasses. The Class::getFields method approaches our goal as it returns all public fields of a class and its superclasses, but not the protected ones.
不幸的是,Java API中没有任何方法允许我们从一个类及其超类中收集公共和受保护字段。Class::getFields方法接近我们的目标,因为它返回一个类及其超类的所有public字段,但不返回protected字段。
The only way we have to get only inherited fields is to use the getDeclaredFields() method, as we just did, and filter its results using the Field::getModifiers method. This one returns an int representing the modifiers of the current field. Each possible modifier is assigned a power of two between 2^0 and 2^7.
For example, public is 2^0 and static is 2^3. Therefore calling the getModifiers() method on a public and static field would return 9.
Then, it’s possible to perform a bitwise and between this value and the value of a specific modifier to see if that field has that modifier. If the operation returns something else than 0 then the modifier is applied, otherwise not.
然后,可以在这个值和特定的修改器的值之间进行bitwise and,以查看该字段是否有该修改器。如果该操作的返回值不是0,那么该修改器就被应用,否则就没有。
We’re lucky as Java provides us with a utility class to check if modifiers are present in the value returned by getModifiers(). Let’s use the isPublic() and isProtected() methods to gather only inherited fields in our example:
List<Field> personFields = Arrays.stream(Employee.class.getSuperclass().getDeclaredFields())
.filter(f -> Modifier.isPublic(f.getModifiers()) || Modifier.isProtected(f.getModifiers()))
assertEquals(1, personFields.size());
assertTrue(personFields.stream().anyMatch(field ->
&& field.getType().equals(String.class))
As we can see, the result doesn’t carry the private field anymore.
3.3. Retrieving Inherited Fields on a Deep Class Hierarchy
In the above example, we worked on a single class hierarchy. What do we do now if we have a deeper class hierarchy and want to gather all the inherited fields?
Let’s assume we have a subclass of Employee or a superclass of Person – then obtaining the fields of the whole hierarchy will require to check all the superclasses.
假设我们有一个Employee的子类或者一个Person –的超类,那么获得整个层次结构的字段就需要检查所有的超类。
We can achieve that by creating a utility method that runs through the hierarchy, building the complete result for us:
List<Field> getAllFields(Class clazz) {
if (clazz == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
List<Field> result = new ArrayList<>(getAllFields(clazz.getSuperclass()));
List<Field> filteredFields = Arrays.stream(clazz.getDeclaredFields())
.filter(f -> Modifier.isPublic(f.getModifiers()) || Modifier.isProtected(f.getModifiers()))
return result;
This recursive method will search public and protected fields through the class hierarchy and returns all that have been found in a List.
Let’s illustrate it with a little test on a new MonthEmployee class, extending the Employee one:
public class MonthEmployee extends Employee {
protected double reward;
This class defines a new field – reward. Given all the hierarchy class, our method should give us the following fields definitions: Person::lastName, Employee::employeeId and MonthEmployee::reward.
这个类定义了一个新的字段–reward。考虑到所有的层次结构类,我们的方法应该给我们提供以下字段的定义。Person::lastName, Employee::employeeId 和 MonthEmployee::reward。
Let’s call the getAllFields() method on MonthEmployee:
public void givenMonthEmployeeClass_whenGetAllFields_thenThreeFields() {
List<Field> allFields = getAllFields(MonthEmployee.class);
assertEquals(3, allFields.size());
assertTrue(allFields.stream().anyMatch(field ->
&& field.getType().equals(String.class))
assertTrue(allFields.stream().anyMatch(field ->
&& field.getType().equals(int.class))
assertTrue(allFields.stream().anyMatch(field ->
&& field.getType().equals(double.class))
As expected, we gather all the public and protected fields.
4. Conclusion
In this article, we saw how to retrieve the fields of a Java class using the Java Reflection API.
在这篇文章中,我们看到了如何使用Java Reflection API来检索一个Java类的字段。
We first learned how to retrieve the declared fields of a class. After that, we saw how to retrieve its superclass fields as well. Then, we learned to filter out non-public and non-protected fields.
Finally, we saw how to apply all of this to gather the inherited fields of a multiple class hierarchy.
As usual, the full code for this article is available over on our GitHub.