How to Reverse a String in Java – 如何在Java中反转一个字符串

最后修改: 2019年 7月 6日


1. Overview


In this quick tutorial, we’re going to see how we can reverse a String in Java.


We’ll start to do this processing using plain Java solutions. Next, we’ll have a look at the options that the third-party libraries like Apache Commons provide.

我们将开始使用普通的Java解决方案来进行这种处理。接下来,我们将看看Apache Commons等第三方库所提供的选项。

Furthermore, we’ll demonstrate how to reverse the order of words in a sentence.


2. A Traditional for Loop


We know that strings are immutable in Java. An immutable object is an object whose internal state remains constant after it has been entirely created.


Therefore, we cannot reverse a String by modifying it. We need to create another String for this reason.


First, let’s see a basic example using a for loop. We’re going to iterate over the String input from the last to the first element and concatenate every character into a new String:


public String reverse(String input) {

    if (input == null) {
        return input;

    String output = "";

    for (int i = input.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        output = output + input.charAt(i);

    return output;

As we can see, we need to be careful at the corner cases and treat them separately.


In order to better understand the example, we can build a unit test:


public void whenReverseIsCalled_ThenCorrectStringIsReturned() {
    String reversed = ReverseStringExamples.reverse("cat");
    String reversedNull = ReverseStringExamples.reverse(null);
    String reversedEmpty = ReverseStringExamples.reverse(StringUtils.EMPTY);

    assertEquals("tac", reversed);
    assertEquals(null, reversedNull);
    assertEquals(StringUtils.EMPTY, reversedEmpty);

3. A StringBuilder


Java also offers some mechanisms like StringBuilder and StringBuffer that create a mutable sequence of characters. These objects have a reverse() method that helps us achieve the desired result.


Here, we need to create a StringBuilder from the String input and then call the reverse() method:


public String reverseUsingStringBuilder(String input) {
    if (input == null) {
        return null;

    StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(input).reverse();
    return output.toString();

4. Apache Commons

4.Apache Commons

Apache Commons is a popular Java library with a lot of utility classes including string manipulation.

Apache Commons是一个流行的Java库,有很多实用类,包括字符串操作。

As usual, to get started using Apache Commons, we first need to add the Maven dependency:

像往常一样,要开始使用Apache Commons,我们首先需要添加Maven依赖项


The StringUtils class is what we need here because it provides the reverse() method similar to StringBuilder.


One advantage of using this library is that its utility methods perform null-safe operations. So, we don’t have to treat the edge cases separately.


Let’s create a method that fulfills our purpose and uses the StringUtils class:


public String reverseUsingApacheCommons(String input) {
    return StringUtils.reverse(input);

Now, looking at these three methods, we can certainly say that the third one is the simplest and the least error-prone way to reverse a String.


5. Reversing the Order of Words in a Sentence


Now, let’s assume we have a sentence with words separated by spaces and no punctuation marks. We need to reverse the order of words in this sentence.


We can solve this problem in two steps: splitting the sentence by the space delimiter and then concatenating the words in reverse order.


First, we’ll show a classic approach. We’re going to use the String.split() method in order to fulfill the first part of our problem. Next, we’ll iterate backward through the resulting array and concatenate the words using a StringBuilder. Of course, we also need to add a space between these words:

首先,我们将展示一个经典的方法。我们将使用String.split() 方法来完成我们问题的第一部分。接下来,我们将向后迭代所得到的数组,并使用StringBuilder连接这些词。当然,我们还需要在这些词之间添加一个空格。

public String reverseTheOrderOfWords(String sentence) {
    if (sentence == null) {
        return null;

    StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
    String[] words = sentence.split(" ");

    for (int i = words.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        output.append(" ");

    return output.toString().trim();

Second, we’ll consider using the Apache Commons library. Once again, it helps us achieve a more readable and less error-prone code. We only need to call the StringUtils.reverseDelimited() method with the input sentence and the delimiter as arguments:

第二,我们将考虑使用Apache Commons库。再一次,它帮助我们实现了更可读、更少错误的代码。我们只需要调用StringUtils.reverseDelimited()方法,并将输入句子和分隔符作为参数。

public String reverseTheOrderOfWordsUsingApacheCommons(String sentence) {
    return StringUtils.reverseDelimited(sentence, ' ');

6. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we’ve first looked at different ways of reversing a String in Java. We went through some examples using core Java, as well as using a popular third-party library like Apache Commons.

在本教程中,我们首先探讨了在Java中反转String的不同方法。我们经历了一些使用核心Java的例子,以及使用流行的第三方库,如Apache Commons。

Next, we’ve seen how to reverse the order of words in a sentence in two steps. These steps can also be helpful in achieving other permutations of a sentence.


As usual, all the code samples shown in this tutorial are available over on GitHub.
