Sealed Classes and Interfaces in Java – Java中密封的类和接口

最后修改: 2020年 11月 11日


1. Overview


The release of Java SE 17 introduces sealed classes (JEP 409).

Java SE 17的发布引入了密封类(JEP 409)。

This feature is about enabling more fine-grained inheritance control in Java. Sealing allows classes and interfaces to define their permitted subtypes.


In other words, a class or an interface can now define which classes can implement or extend it. It is a useful feature for domain modeling and increasing the security of libraries.


2. Motivation


A class hierarchy enables us to reuse code via inheritance. However, the class hierarchy can also have other purposes. Code reuse is great but is not always our primary goal.


2.1. Modeling Possibilities


An alternative purpose of a class hierarchy can be to model various possibilities that exist in a domain.


As an example, imagine a business domain that only works with cars and trucks, not motorcycles. When creating the Vehicle abstract class in Java, we should be able to allow only Car and Truck classes to extend it. In that way, we want to ensure that there will be no misuse of the Vehicle abstract class within our domain.


In this example, we are more interested in the clarity of code handling known subclasses than defending against all unknown subclasses.


Before version 15 (in which sealed classes were introduced as a preview), Java assumed that code reuse is always a goal. Every class was extendable by any number of subclasses.


2.2. The Package-Private Approach


In earlier versions, Java provided limited options in the area of inheritance control.


A final class can have no subclasses. A package-private class can only have subclasses in the same package.


Using the package-private approach, users cannot access the abstract class without also allowing them to extend it:


public class Vehicles {

    abstract static class Vehicle {

        private final String registrationNumber;

        public Vehicle(String registrationNumber) {
            this.registrationNumber = registrationNumber;

        public String getRegistrationNumber() {
            return registrationNumber;


    public static final class Car extends Vehicle {

        private final int numberOfSeats;

        public Car(int numberOfSeats, String registrationNumber) {
            this.numberOfSeats = numberOfSeats;

        public int getNumberOfSeats() {
            return numberOfSeats;


    public static final class Truck extends Vehicle {

        private final int loadCapacity;

        public Truck(int loadCapacity, String registrationNumber) {
            this.loadCapacity = loadCapacity;

        public int getLoadCapacity() {
            return loadCapacity;



2.3. Superclass Accessible, Not Extensible


A superclass that is developed with a set of its subclasses should be able to document its intended usage, not constrain its subclasses. Also, having restricted subclasses should not limit the accessibility of its superclass.


Thus, the main motivation behind sealed classes is to have the possibility for a superclass to be widely accessible but not widely extensible.


3. Creation


The sealed feature introduces a couple of new modifiers and clauses in Java: sealed, non-sealed, and permits.


3.1. Sealed Interfaces


To seal an interface, we can apply the sealed modifier to its declaration. The permits clause then specifies the classes that are permitted to implement the sealed interface:


public sealed interface Service permits Car, Truck {

    int getMaxServiceIntervalInMonths();

    default int getMaxDistanceBetweenServicesInKilometers() {
        return 100000;


3.2. Sealed Classes


Similar to interfaces, we can seal classes by applying the same sealed modifier. The permits clause should be defined after any extends or implements clauses:


public abstract sealed class Vehicle permits Car, Truck {

    protected final String registrationNumber;

    public Vehicle(String registrationNumber) {
        this.registrationNumber = registrationNumber;

    public String getRegistrationNumber() {
        return registrationNumber;


A permitted subclass must define a modifier. It may be declared final to prevent any further extensions:

一个允许的子类必须定义一个修改器。它可以被宣布为final 以防止任何进一步的扩展。

public final class Truck extends Vehicle implements Service {

    private final int loadCapacity;

    public Truck(int loadCapacity, String registrationNumber) {
        this.loadCapacity = loadCapacity;

    public int getLoadCapacity() {
        return loadCapacity;

    public int getMaxServiceIntervalInMonths() {
        return 18;


A permitted subclass may also be declared sealed. However, if we declare it non-sealed, then it is open for extension:


public non-sealed class Car extends Vehicle implements Service {

    private final int numberOfSeats;

    public Car(int numberOfSeats, String registrationNumber) {
        this.numberOfSeats = numberOfSeats;

    public int getNumberOfSeats() {
        return numberOfSeats;

    public int getMaxServiceIntervalInMonths() {
        return 12;


3.4. Constraints


A sealed class imposes three important constraints on its permitted subclasses:


  1. All permitted subclasses must belong to the same module as the sealed class.
  2. Every permitted subclass must explicitly extend the sealed class.
  3. Every permitted subclass must define a modifier: final, sealed, or non-sealed.

4. Usage


4.1. The Traditional Way


When sealing a class, we enable the client code to reason clearly about all permitted subclasses.


The traditional way to reason about subclass is using a set of if-else statements and instanceof checks:


if (vehicle instanceof Car) {
    return ((Car) vehicle).getNumberOfSeats();
} else if (vehicle instanceof Truck) {
    return ((Truck) vehicle).getLoadCapacity();
} else {
    throw new RuntimeException("Unknown instance of Vehicle");

4.2. Pattern Matching


By applying pattern matching, we can avoid the additional class cast, but we still need a set of if-else statements:


if (vehicle instanceof Car car) {
    return car.getNumberOfSeats();
} else if (vehicle instanceof Truck truck) {
    return truck.getLoadCapacity();
} else {
    throw new RuntimeException("Unknown instance of Vehicle");

Using if-else makes it difficult for the compiler to determine that we covered all permitted subclasses. For that reason, we are throwing a RuntimeException.


In future versions of Java, the client code will be able to use a switch statement instead of if-else (JEP 375).

在未来的Java版本中,客户端代码将能够使用switch 语句而不是if-elseJEP 375)。

By using type test patterns, the compiler will be able to check that every permitted subclass is covered. Thus, there will be no more need for a default clause/case.


4. Compatibility


Let’s now take a look at the compatibility of sealed classes with other Java language features like records and the reflection API.


4.1. Records


Sealed classes work very well with records. Since records are implicitly final, the sealed hierarchy is even more concise. Let’s try to rewrite our class example using records:


public sealed interface Vehicle permits Car, Truck {

    String getRegistrationNumber();


public record Car(int numberOfSeats, String registrationNumber) implements Vehicle {

    public String getRegistrationNumber() {
        return registrationNumber;

    public int getNumberOfSeats() {
        return numberOfSeats;


public record Truck(int loadCapacity, String registrationNumber) implements Vehicle {

    public String getRegistrationNumber() {
        return registrationNumber;

    public int getLoadCapacity() {
        return loadCapacity;


4.2. Reflection


Sealed classes are also supported by the reflection API, where two public methods have been added to the java.lang.Class:

reflection API也支持密封类,在java.lang.Class:中添加了两个公共方法。

  • The isSealed method returns true if the given class or interface is sealed.
  • Method getPermittedSubclasses returns an array of objects representing all the permitted subclasses.

We can make use of these methods to create assertions that are based on our example:



5. Conclusion


In this article, we explored sealed classes and interfaces, a new feature in Java SE 17. We covered the creation and usage of sealed classes and interfaces, as well as their constraints and compatibility with other language features.

在这篇文章中,我们探讨了密封类和接口,这是Java SE 17的一个新特性。我们介绍了密封类和接口的创建和使用,以及它们的约束和与其他语言特性的兼容性。

In the examples, we covered the creation of a sealed interface and a sealed class, the usage of the sealed class (with and without pattern matching), and sealed classes compatibility with records and the reflection API.

在例子中,我们涵盖了一个密封接口和一个密封类的创建,密封类的使用(有和没有模式匹配),以及密封类与记录和反射 API 的兼容性。

As always, the complete source code is available over on GitHub.
