Check if an Enum Value Exists in Java – 在Java中检查一个枚举值是否存在

最后修改: 2021年 12月 15日


1. Overview


We see enumerations in almost every application. These include order status codes, like DRAFT and PROCESSING, and web error codes, like 400, 404, 500, 501, etc. Whenever we see enumerated data in the domain, we’ll see Enum for it in our application. We can use the data in an incoming request and find that enum. For example, we can map web error 400 to BAD_REQUEST.


As such, we need logic to search the enum by criteria. This could be its name or its value. Alternatively, it could even be an arbitrary integer code.


In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to search an enum by criteria. In addition, we’ll also explore different ways to return the enum found.


2. Searching an Enum by Name


To begin with, we know that an enum type is a special data type. It enables a variable to be a set of predefined constants. Let’s define an enum for direction:


public enum Direction {

The name of the enum value is constant. So for instance, the name of Direction.EAST is EAST. Now we can search the direction by its name. It’s a good idea to implement a case-insensitive search. As a result, East, east, and EAST would all map to Direction.EAST. Let’s add the following method to Direction enum:


public static Direction findByName(String name) {
    Direction result = null;
    for (Direction direction : values()) {
        if ( {
            result = direction;
    return result;

In this implementation, we’re returning null if we don’t find the enum for the given name. It’s up to us how we treat the not-found scenario. One option is that we can return a default enum value. Conversely, we can throw an exception. We’ll see more examples of searching the enum shortly. Now let’s test our search logic. First, the positive scenario:


public void givenWeekdays_whenValidDirectionNameProvided_directionIsFound() {
    Direction result = Direction.findByName("EAST");

At the end of this article, we’ll provide the link to the complete code implementation, but right now, we’re going to focus on the code snippets. Here we searched the direction for the name “EAST” and we expect to get Direction.EAST. As mentioned earlier, we know that the search is not case sensitive, so we should get the same result for the name “east” or “East”. Let’s validate our expectations:

在本文的最后,我们将提供完整代码实现的链接,但现在,我们要关注的是代码片段。在这里,我们搜索了名称为 “EAST “的方向,我们期望得到Direction.EAST。如前所述,我们知道搜索是不分大小写的,所以对于 “东 “或 “东 “这个名字我们应该得到同样的结果。让我们来验证一下我们的期望。

public void givenWeekdays_whenValidDirectionNameLowerCaseProvided_directionIsFound() {
    Direction result = Direction.findByName("east");

We could also add one more test to validate if the search method returns the same result for the name “East”. The following test would illustrate that we get the same result for the name “East”.

我们还可以增加一个测试来验证搜索方法是否对 “East “这个名字返回相同的结果。下面的测试将说明我们对 “东 “这个名字得到了相同的结果。

@Test public void givenWeekdays_whenValidDirectionNameLowerCaseProvided_directionIsFound() { 
    Direction result = Direction.findByName("East"); 

3. Searching an Enum by Value


Now let’s define an enum for the days in a week. This time, let’s provide a value along with the name. In fact, we can define any data member(s) inside the enum, and then use it for our application logic. Here’s the code for the Weekday enum:


public Weekday {
    // ...
    private final String value;

    Weekday(String value) {
        this.value = value;

Next, let’s implement the search by the value. So for “Monday” we should get Weekday.MONDAY. Let’s add the following method to the enum:

接下来,让我们实现按值搜索。所以对于 “星期一”,我们应该得到Weekday.MONDAY。让我们在枚举中添加以下方法。

public static Weekday findByValue(String value) {
    Weekday result = null;
    for (Weekday day : values()) {
        if (day.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(value)) {
            result = day;
    return result;

Here we’re iterating over the constants of the enum and then comparing the value input to the value member of the enum. As mentioned earlier, we’re ignoring the case of the value. Now we can test it:


public void givenWeekdays_whenValidWeekdayValueProvided_weekdayIsFound() {
    Weekday result = Weekday.findByValue("Monday");

If we don’t provide a valid value, we’ll get null in return. Let’s validate this:


public void givenWeekdays_whenInvalidWeekdayValueProvided_nullIsReturned() {
    Weekday result = Weekday.findByValue("mon");

The search doesn’t always need to be by string values. That would be quite inconvenient, as we would have to convert the input into a string first and then pass it to the search method. Now let’s see how to search by non-string values, such as an integer value.


4. Searching an Enum by Integer Value


Let’s define a new enum called Month. Here’s the code for the Month enum:


public enum Month {
    JANUARY("January", 1),
    FEBRUARY("February", 2),
    // ...
    DECEMBER("December", 12),

    private final String value;
    private final int code;

    Month(String value, int code) {
        this.value = value;
        this.code = code;

We can see that the month enum has two members, the value and the code, with the code being an integer value. Let’s implement the logic to search the months by their code:


public static Optional<Month> findByCode(int code) {
    return -> month.getCode() == code).findFirst();

This search looks a little different from the previous searches because we’ve used Java 8 features to demonstrate another way to implement the search. Here, instead of returning the enum itself, we’ll return an Optional value of the enum. Similarly, instead of null, we’ll return an empty Optional. So if we search a month for code 1, we should get Month.JANUARY. Let’s validate this with a test:

这个搜索看起来与之前的搜索有些不同,因为我们使用了Java 8的特性来演示另一种实现搜索的方式。在这里,我们不是返回枚举本身,而是返回该枚举的Optional值。同样地,我们不返回null,而是返回一个空的Optional。因此,如果我们搜索代码为1的月份,我们应该得到Month.JanuARY。让我们用一个测试来验证这一点。

public void givenMonths_whenValidMonthCodeProvided_optionalMonthIsReturned() {
    Optional<Month> result = Month.findByCode(1);

For invalid code values, we should get an empty Optional. Let’s validate this with a test as well:


public void givenMonths_whenInvalidMonthCodeProvided_optionalEmptyIsReturned() {
    Optional<Month> result = Month.findByCode(0);

There may be cases where we want to implement a stricter search. As such, we wouldn’t tolerate invalid inputs and we’d throw exceptions to demonstrate this.


5. Exceptions Thrown from Search Methods


Instead of returning null or empty Optional value, we may want to throw an exception. Which exception to throw totally depends on the needs of the system. We’ll choose to throw an IllegalArgumentException if we don’t find the enum. Here’s the code for the search method:


public static Month findByValue(String value) {
    return -> month.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(value)).findFirst().orElseThrow(IllegalArgumentException::new);

We can see again that we’re using the Java 8 style while throwing the exception. Let’s validate it with a test:

我们可以再次看到,我们在抛出异常时使用了Java 8的风格。让我们用一个测试来验证它。

public void givenMonths_whenInvalidMonthValueProvided_illegalArgExIsThrown() {
    assertThatIllegalArgumentException().isThrownBy(() -> Month.findByValue("Jan"));

The search methods demonstrated in this article aren’t the only way to do it, but they represent the most common options. We can also tweak these implementations to suit our system’s needs.


6. Conclusion


In this article, we learned various ways to search enums. We also discussed the different ways to return the results. Finally, we backed those implementations with solid unit tests.


As always, the code relating to this article is available over on GitHub.
