1. Overview
In this quick article, we’ll describe the different popular servers for Java development.
2. Web vs. Application Server
We’re going to see what are the differences between a web and application servers and which Java EE specifications they support.
我们将看到网络服务器和应用服务器之间有哪些区别,以及它们支持哪些Java EE规范。
Simply put, the core difference is that application servers have full support for the Java EE spec, whereas web servers support a small subset of that functionality:
简单地说,核心区别是应用服务器完全支持Java EE规范,而网络服务器只支持该功能的一小部分。
3. Apache Tomcat
3.Apache Tomcat[/strong
One of the more popular web servers in the Java ecosystem is Apache Tomcat.
Java生态系统中比较流行的Web服务器之一是Apache Tomcat。
You can check the latest version of Apache Tomcat and the support Java version(s) on the project’s website.
你可以在项目的网站上查看最新的Apache Tomcat版本和支持的Java版本()。
Here’s a nice table with the exact specs Tomcat supports in each version.
You can also contribute to the project here.
4. Jetty
The Jetty web server is developed under the Eclipse Foundation.
Jetty网络服务器是在Eclipse Foundation.下开发的。
Because it’s so lightweight, it can be easily embedded in devices, frameworks, and application servers. Some of the products that use Jetty are Apache ActiveMQ, Eclipse, Google App Engine, Apache Hadoop and Atlassian Jira.
由于它非常轻量级,因此可以轻松地嵌入到设备、框架和应用服务器中。使用Jetty的一些产品有:Apache ActiveMQ、Eclipse、Google App Engine、Apache Hadoop和Atlassian Jira。
Naturally, the project is open-source and you can contribute to it here.
Let’s now move on from web servers to application servers.
5. Apache TomEE
5.Apache TomEE
The Apache TomEE is a full application server built on top of the standard Apache Tomcat, and primarily supported by Tomitribe. You can check the website here for the latest version.
Apache TomEE是一个建立在标准Apache Tomcat之上的完整应用服务器,主要由Tomitribe支持。你可以查看网站这里,了解最新的版本。
TomEE enables us to use some of the features of Java EE that aren’t supported by Tomcat.
TomEE使我们能够使用Tomcat不支持的Java EE的一些功能。
This application server is, as the name suggests, under the umbrella of the Apache Foundation.
You can contribute to the project here.
6. Oracle WebLogic
6.Oracle WebLogic
WebLogic 12 is also worth mentioning, as it’s the primary application server offering from Oracle.
The latest release and supported Java versions can be found here.
7. WebSphere
IBM has also developed its own application server, called WebSphere. The latest release and supported Java versions can be found here.
IBM也开发了自己的应用服务器,名为WebSphere。最新的版本和支持的 Java 版本可以在这里找到。
WebSphere is not an open-source project, but it has given the WebSphere Liberty application to Eclipse – which makes some essential code of WebSphere open for developers to use and contribute to.
WebSphere不是一个开源项目,但它将WebSphere Liberty应用程序交给了Eclipse–这使得WebSphere的一些基本代码开放给开发者使用和贡献。
You can contribute to that project here.
8. WildFly
Wildfly is an open-source Java application server, developed by Red Hat.
Wildfly是一个开源的Java应用服务器,由Red Hat开发。
Wildfly is gaining popularity for Java EE applications, with the latest release version to be found here.
Wildfly在Java EE应用程序中越来越受欢迎,最新的发布版本可在这里找到。
You can also contribute to the project here.
9. Apache Geronimo
Apache Geronimo is developed by the Apache Software Foundation under the Apache license, which makes it an open-source project so we can also contribute, the same as in the previous application servers.
Apache Geronimo是由Apache软件基金会根据Apache许可证开发的,这使得它成为一个开源项目,因此我们也可以做出贡献,与以前的应用服务器相同。
The latest release available can be found here.
You can contribute to the project here.
10. GlassFish
Glassfish is an open-source application server, also sponsored by Oracle. The latest release available can be found here.
You can contribute to the project here.
11. Conclusion
In this quick, list-style article, we had a very high-level look at the web and application server landscape in the Java ecosystem.