A Guide to SimpleDateFormat – SimpleDateFormat指南

最后修改: 2018年 10月 22日


1. Introduction


In this tutorial, we’ll be taking an in-depth tour of the SimpleDateFormat class.


We’ll take a look at simple instantiation and formatting styles as well as useful methods the class exposes for handling locales and time zones.


2. Simple Instantiation


First, let’s look at how to instantiate a new SimpleDateFormat object.


There are 4 possible constructors – but in keeping with the name, let’s keep things simple. All we need to get started is a String representation of a date pattern we want.


Let’s start with a dash-separated date pattern like so:



This will correctly format a date starting with the current day of the month, current month of the year, and finally the current year. We can test our new formatter with a simple unit test. We’ll instantiate a new SimpleDateFormat object, and pass in a known date:


SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
assertEquals("24-05-1977", formatter.format(new Date(233345223232L)));

In the above code, the formatter converts milliseconds as long into a human-readable date – the 24th of May, 1977.

在上面的代码中,格式化将毫秒作为long转换为人类可读的日期 – 1977年5月24日。

2.1. Factory Methods


Although SimpleDateFormat is a handy class to quickly build a date formatter, we’re encouraged to use the factory methods on the DateFormat class getDateFormat(), getDateTimeFormat(), getTimeFormat().

尽管SimpleDateFormat是一个方便的类,可以快速构建一个日期格式化器,我们被鼓励使用DateFormat类的工厂方法 getDateFormat()getDateTimeFormat()getTimeFormat()

The above example looks a little different when using these factory methods:


DateFormat formatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT);
assertEquals("5/24/77", formatter.format(new Date(233345223232L)));

As we can tell from above, the number of formatting options is pre-determined by the fields on the DateFormat class. This largely restricts our available options for formatting which is why we’ll be sticking to SimpleDateFormat in this article.

从上面我们可以看出,格式化选项的数量是由DateFormat 类上的字段预先确定的。这在很大程度上限制了我们可用的格式化选项,这就是为什么我们将在本文中坚持使用SimpleDateFormat

2.2. Thread-Safety


The JavaDoc for SimpleDateFormat explicitly states:

SimpleDateFormat JavaDoc明确指出。

Date formats are not synchronized. It is recommended to create separate format instances for each thread. If multiple threads access a format concurrently, it must be synchronized externally.


So SimpleDateFormat instances are not thread-safe, and we should use them carefully in concurrent environments.

因此SimpleDateFormat 实例不是线程安全的,我们应该在并发环境中谨慎使用它们。

The best approach to resolve this issue is to use them in combination with a ThreadLocal. This way, each thread ends up with its own SimpleDateFormat instance, and the lack of sharing makes the program thread-safe: 

解决这个问题的最佳方法是将它们与ThreadLocal结合使用。这样一来,每个线程最终都有自己的SimpleDateFormat 实例,而缺乏共享使得程序是线程安全的:

private final ThreadLocal<SimpleDateFormat> formatter = ThreadLocal
  .withInitial(() -> new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy"));

The argument for the withInitial method is a supplier of SimpleDateFormat instances. Every time the ThreadLocal needs to create an instance, it will use this supplier.


Then we can use the formatter via the ThreadLocal instance:



The ThreadLocal.get() method initializes the SimpleDateFormat for the current thread at first and then reuses that instance.

ThreadLocal.get() 方法首先为当前线程初始化SimpleDateFormat ,然后重复使用该实例。

We call this technique thread confinement as we confine the use of each instance to one specific thread.


There are two other approaches to tackle the same problem:


  • Using synchronized blocks or ReentrantLocks
  • Creating throw away instances of SimpleDateFormat on-demand

Both of these approaches are not recommended: The former incurs a significant performance hit when the contention is high, and the latter creates a lot of objects, putting pressure on garbage collection.


It’s worthwhile to mention that, since Java 8, a new DateTimeFormatter class has been introduced. The new DateTimeFormatter class is immutable and thread-safe. If we’re working with Java 8 or later, using the new DateTimeFormatter class is recommended.

值得一提的是,从 Java 8 开始,一个新的 DateTimeFormatter 类已经被引入。新的DateTimeFormatter 类是不可变和线程安全的。如果我们正在使用Java 8或更高版本,建议使用新的DateTimeFormatter 类。

3. Parsing Dates


SimpleDateFormat and DateFormat not only allow us to format dates – but we can also reverse the operation. Using the parse method, we can input the String representation of a date and return the Date object equivalent:

SimpleDateFormatDateFormat不仅允许我们对日期进行格式化 – 而且我们还可以进行反向操作。使用parse方法,我们可以输入一个日期的String代表,并返回Date对象的等价物。

SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
Date myDate = new Date(233276400000L);
Date parsedDate = formatter.parse("24-05-1977");
assertEquals(myDate.getTime(), parsedDate.getTime());

It’s important to note here that the pattern supplied in the constructor should be in the same format as the date parsed using the parse method.


4. Date-Time Patterns


SimpleDateFormat supplies a vast array of different options when formatting dates. While the full list is available in the JavaDocs, let’s explore some of the more commonly used options:


Letter Date Component Example
M Month 12; Dec
y year 94
d day 23; Mon
H hour 03
m minute 57

The output returned by the date component also depends heavily on the number of characters used within the String. For example, let’s take the month of June. If we define the date string as:



Then our result will appear as the number code – 06. However, if we add another M to our date string:



Then our resulting formatted date appears as the word Jun.


5. Applying Locales


The SimpleDateFormat class also supports a wide range of locales which is set when the constructor is called.


Let’s put this into practice by formatting a date in French. We’ll instantiate a SimpleDateFormat object whilst supplying Locale.FRANCE to the constructor.


SimpleDateFormat franceDateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEEE dd-MMMMMMM-yyyy", Locale.FRANCE);
Date myFriday = new Date(1539341312904L);

By supplying a given date, a Wednesday afternoon, we can assert that our franceDateFormatter has correctly formatted the date. The new date correctly starts with Vendredi – French for Friday!


It’s worth noting a little gotcha in the Locale version of the constructor – whilst many locales are supported, full coverage is not guaranteed. Oracle recommends using the factory methods on DateFormat class to ensure locale coverage.

值得注意的是,在构造函数的Locale版本中出现了一个小问题虽然支持许多语言,但并不保证完全覆盖。Oracle 建议使用 DateFormat class 上的工厂方法,以确保地域覆盖。

6. Changing Time Zones


Since SimpleDateFormat extends the DateFormat class, we can also manipulate the time zone using the setTimeZone method. Let’s take a look at this in action:


Date now = new Date();

SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE dd-MMM-yy HH:mm:ssZ");



In the above example, we supply the same Date to two different time zones on the same SimpleDateFormat object. We’ve also added the ‘Z’ character to the end of the pattern String to indicate the time zone differences. The output from the format method is then logged for the user.

在上面的例子中,我们在同一个SimpleDateFormat对象上向两个不同的时区提供了相同的Date。我们还在模式String的末尾添加了‘Z’字符,以表示时区差异。然后,来自format 方法的输出将为用户记录下来。

Hitting run, we can see the current times relative to the two time zones:


INFO: Friday 12-Oct-18 12:46:14+0100
INFO: Friday 12-Oct-18 07:46:14-0400

7. Summary


In this tutorial, we’ve taken a deep dive into the intricacies of SimpleDateFormat.


We’ve looked at how to instantiate SimpleDateFormat as well as how the pattern String impacts how the date is formatted.


We played around with changing the locales of the output String before finally experimenting with using time zones.


As always the complete source code can be found over on GitHub.
