Static and Default Methods in Interfaces in Java – Java中接口的静态和默认方法

最后修改: 2017年 12月 27日


1. Overview


Java 8 brought a few brand new features to the table, including lambda expressions, functional interfaces, method references, streams, Optional, and static and default methods in interfaces.

Java 8带来了一些全新的功能,包括lambda表达式功能接口方法引用streamsOptional、以及接口中的staticdefault方法。

We’ve already covered a few of these features in another article. Nonetheless, static and default methods in interfaces deserve a deeper look on their own.


In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to use static and default methods in interfaces, and discuss some situations where they can be useful.


2. Why Interfaces Need Default Methods


Like regular interface methods, default methods are implicitly public; there’s no need to specify the public modifier.


Unlike regular interface methods, we declare them with the default keyword at the beginning of the method signature, and they provide an implementation.

与普通的接口方法不同,我们在方法签名的开头用default 关键字来声明它们,并且它们提供了一个实现

Let’s look at a simple example:


public interface MyInterface {
    // regular interface methods
    default void defaultMethod() {
        // default method implementation

The reason why the Java 8 release included default methods is pretty obvious.

Java 8版本包含default方法的原因非常明显。

In a typical design based on abstractions, where an interface has one or multiple implementations, if one or more methods are added to the interface, all the implementations will be forced to implement them too. Otherwise, the design will just break down.


Default interface methods are an efficient way to deal with this issue. They allow us to add new methods to an interface that are automatically available in the implementations. Therefore, we don’t need to modify the implementing classes.


In this way, backward compatibility is neatly preserved without having to refactor the implementers.


3. Default Interface Methods in Action


To better understand the functionality of default interface methods, let’s create a simple example.


Suppose we have a naive Vehicle interface and just one implementation. There could be more, but let’s keep it that simple:


public interface Vehicle {
    String getBrand();
    String speedUp();
    String slowDown();
    default String turnAlarmOn() {
        return "Turning the vehicle alarm on.";
    default String turnAlarmOff() {
        return "Turning the vehicle alarm off.";

Now let’s write the implementing class:


public class Car implements Vehicle {

    private String brand;
    // constructors/getters
    public String getBrand() {
        return brand;
    public String speedUp() {
        return "The car is speeding up.";
    public String slowDown() {
        return "The car is slowing down.";

Finally, let’s define a typical main class, which creates an instance of Car and calls its methods:


public static void main(String[] args) { 
    Vehicle car = new Car("BMW");

Please notice how the default methods, turnAlarmOn() and turnAlarmOff(), from our Vehicle interface are automatically available in the Car class.


Furthermore, if at some point we decide to add more default methods to the Vehicle interface, the application will still continue working, and we won’t have to force the class to provide implementations for the new methods.


The most common use of interface default methods is to incrementally provide additional functionality to a given type without breaking down the implementing classes.


In addition, we can use them to provide additional functionality around an existing abstract method:


public interface Vehicle {
    // additional interface methods 
    double getSpeed();
    default double getSpeedInKMH(double speed) {
       // conversion      

4. Multiple Interface Inheritance Rules


Default interface methods are a pretty nice feature, but there are some caveats worth mentioning. Since Java allows classes to implement multiple interfaces, it’s important to know what happens when a class implements several interfaces that define the same default methods.


To better understand this scenario, let’s define a new Alarm interface and refactor the Car class:

为了更好地理解这种情况,让我们定义一个新的 Alarm接口并重构Car类。

public interface Alarm {

    default String turnAlarmOn() {
        return "Turning the alarm on.";
    default String turnAlarmOff() {
        return "Turning the alarm off.";

With this new interface defining its own set of default methods, the Car class would implement both Vehicle and Alarm:


public class Car implements Vehicle, Alarm {
    // ...

In this case, the code simply won’t compile, as there’s a conflict caused by multiple interface inheritance (a.k.a the Diamond Problem). The Car class would inherit both sets of default methods. So which ones should we call?


To solve this ambiguity, we must explicitly provide an implementation for the methods:


public String turnAlarmOn() {
    // custom implementation
public String turnAlarmOff() {
    // custom implementation

We can also have our class use the default methods of one of the interfaces.


Let’s see an example that uses the default methods from the Vehicle interface:


public String turnAlarmOn() {
    return Vehicle.super.turnAlarmOn();

public String turnAlarmOff() {
    return Vehicle.super.turnAlarmOff();

Similarly, we can have the class use the default methods defined within the Alarm interface:


public String turnAlarmOn() {
    return Alarm.super.turnAlarmOn();

public String turnAlarmOff() {
    return Alarm.super.turnAlarmOff();

It’s even possible to make the Car class use both sets of default methods:


public String turnAlarmOn() {
    return Vehicle.super.turnAlarmOn() + " " + Alarm.super.turnAlarmOn();
public String turnAlarmOff() {
    return Vehicle.super.turnAlarmOff() + " " + Alarm.super.turnAlarmOff();

5. Static Interface Methods


In addition to declaring default methods in interfaces, Java 8 also allows us to define and implement static methods in interfaces.

除了在接口中声明默认方法之外,Java 8还允许我们在接口中定义和实现静态方法

Since static methods don’t belong to a particular object, they’re not part of the API of the classes implementing the interface; therefore, they have to be called by using the interface name preceding the method name.


To understand how static methods work in interfaces, let’s refactor the Vehicle interface and add a static utility method to it:


public interface Vehicle {
    // regular / default interface methods
    static int getHorsePower(int rpm, int torque) {
        return (rpm * torque) / 5252;

Defining a static method within an interface is identical to defining one in a class. Moreover, a static method can be invoked within other static and default methods.


Let’s suppose that we want to calculate the horsepower of a given vehicle’s engine. We just call the getHorsePower() method:


Vehicle.getHorsePower(2500, 480));

The idea behind static interface methods is to provide a simple mechanism that allows us to increase the degree of cohesion of a design by putting together related methods in one single place without having to create an object.


The same can pretty much be done with abstract classes. The main difference is that abstract classes can have constructors, state, and behavior.


Furthermore, static methods in interfaces make it possible to group related utility methods, without having to create artificial utility classes that are simply placeholders for static methods.


6. Conclusion


In this article, we explored in depth the use of static and default interface methods in Java 8. At first glance, this feature may look a little bit sloppy, particularly from an object-oriented purist perspective. Ideally, interfaces shouldn’t encapsulate behavior, and we should only use them for defining the public API of a certain type.

在这篇文章中,我们深入探讨了Java 8中staticdefault接口方法的使用。乍一看,这个功能可能有点草率,特别是从面向对象的纯粹主义者的角度来看。理想情况下,接口不应该封装行为,我们应该只用它们来定义某种类型的公共API。

When it comes to maintaining backward compatibility with existing code, however, static and default methods are a good trade-off.


As usual, all the code samples shown in this article are available over on GitHub.
