1. Overview
In this tutorial, we’ll look at different methods to get a List from a Stream. We’ll also discuss the differences among them and when to use which method.
2. Collecting Stream Elements into a List
Getting a List from a Stream is the most used terminal operation of the Stream pipeline. Before Java 16, we used to invoke the Stream.collect() method and pass it to a Collector as an argument to gather the elements into. The Collector itself was created by calling the Collectors.toList() method.
从Stream中获取List是Stream管道中最常用的终端操作。在Java 16之前,我们习惯于调用Stream.collect()方法,并将其作为参数传递给Collector来收集元素。Collector本身是通过调用Collectors.toList()方法创建的。
However, there have been change requests for a method to get a List directly from a Stream instance. After the Java 16 release, we can now invoke toList(), a new method directly on the Stream, to get the List. Libraries like StreamEx also provide a convenient way to get a List directly from a Stream.
然而,有人提出更改请求,要求提供一种方法,以便直接从Stream实例中获得List。在Java 16发布后,我们现在可以调用toList(),一个直接在Stream上的新方法,以获得List。像StreamEx这样的库也提供了一种方便的方法来直接从Stream中获得List。
We can accumulate Stream elements into a List by using:
- Stream.collect(Collectors.toList()): Since Java 8
- Stream.collect(Collectors.toUnmodifiableList()): Since Java 10
- Stream.toList(): Since Java 16
We’ll work with the methods in the chronological order of their release.
3. Analyzing the Lists
Let’s first create the lists from the methods described in the previous section. After that, let’s analyze their properties.
We’ll use the following Stream of country codes for all the examples:
3.1. Creating Lists
Now, we’ll create a List from the given Stream of country codes using the different methods:
First, let’s create a List using Collectors:toList():
List<String> result = Stream.of(Locale.getISOCountries()).collect(Collectors.toList());
After that, let’s collect it using Collectors.toUnmodifiableList():
之后,让我们用 Collectors.toUnmodifiableList()来收集它。
List<String> result = Stream.of(Locale.getISOCountries()).collect(Collectors.toUnmodifiableList());
Here, in these methods, we accumulate the Stream into a List through the Collector interface. This results in extra allocation and copying as we don’t work directly with the Stream.
Then, let’s repeat the collection with Stream.toList():
然后,让我们用 Stream.toList()重复收集。
List<String> result = Stream.of(Locale.getISOCountries()).toList();
Here, we get the List directly from the Stream, thus preventing extra allocation and copying.
So, using toList() directly on the Stream is more concise, neat, convenient, and optimum when compared to the other two invocations.
3.2. Examining the Accumulated Lists
Let’s begin with examining the type of List we created.
Collectors.toList(), collects the Stream elements into an ArrayList:
Collectors.toUnmodifiableList(), collects the Stream elements into an unmodifiable List.
Stream.toList(), collects the elements into an unmodifiable List.
Though the current implementation of the Collectors.toList() creates a mutable List, the method’s specification itself makes no guarantee on the type, mutability, serializability, or thread-safety of the List.
On the other hand, both Collectors.toUnmodifiableList() and Stream.toList(), produce unmodifiable lists.
This implies that we can do operations like add and sort on the elements of Collectors.toList(), but not on the elements of Collectors.toUnmodifiableList() and Stream.toList().
3.3. Allowing Null Elements in the Lists
Although Stream.toList() produces an unmodifiable List, it is still not the same as Collectors.toUnmodifiableList(). This is because Stream.toList() allows the null elements and Collectors.toUnmodifiableList() doesn’t allow the null elements. However, Collectors.toList() allows the null elements.
Collectors.toList() doesn’t throw an Exception when a Stream containing null elements is collected:
Collectors.toList() 在收集到含有null元素的Stream时,不会抛出Exception。
Assertions.assertDoesNotThrow(() -> {
Collectors.toUnmodifiableList() throws a NulPointerException when we collect a Stream containing null elements:
Assertions.assertThrows(NullPointerException.class, () -> {
Stream.toList() doesn’t throw a NulPointerException when we try to collect a Stream containing null elements:
Stream.toList() 当我们试图收集一个包含null元素的Stream时,不会抛出一个NulPointerException。
Assertions.assertDoesNotThrow(() -> {
Therefore, this is something to watch out for when migrating our code from Java 8 to Java 10 or Java 16. We can’t blindly use Stream.toList() in place of Collectors.toList() or Collectors.toUnmodifiableList().
因此,当我们将代码从Java 8迁移到Java 10或Java 16时,这是需要注意的问题。我们不能盲目地使用Stream.toList()来代替Collectors.toList() 或Collectors.toUnmodifiableList()。
3.4. Summary of Analysis
The following table summarizes the differences and similarities of the lists from our analysis:
4. When to Use Different toList() Methods
The main objective of adding Stream.toList() is to reduce the verboseness of the Collector API.
添加Stream.toList()的主要目的是为了减少Collector API的动词。
As shown previously, using the Collectors methods for getting Lists is very verbose. On the other hand, using the Stream.toList() method makes code neat and concise.
Nevertheless, as seen in earlier sections, Stream.toList() can’t be used as a shortcut to Collectors.toList() or Collectors.toUnmodifiableList().
尽管如此,正如在前面的章节中所看到的,Stream.toList() 不能作为Collectors.toList() 或Collectors.toUnmodifiableList()的捷径。
Secondly, the Stream.toList() uses less memory because its implementation is independent of the Collector interface. It accumulates the Stream elements directly into the List. So, in case we know the size of the stream in advance, it will be optimum to use Stream.toList().
Thirdly, we know that the Stream API provides the implementation only for the toList() method. It doesn’t contain similar methods for getting a map or a set. So, in case we want a uniform approach to get any converters like list, map, or set, we’ll continue to use the Collector API. This will also maintain consistency and avoid confusion.
第三,我们知道Stream API只提供了toList()方法的实现。它不包含用于获取map或set的类似方法。因此,如果我们想用统一的方法来获取任何转换器,如list、map或set,我们将继续使用Collector API。这也将保持一致性,避免混淆。
Lastly, if we’re using versions lower than Java 16, we have to continue to use Collectors methods.
最后,如果我们使用低于Java 16的版本,我们必须继续使用Collectors方法。
The following table summarizes the optimum usage of the given methods:
5. Conclusion
In this article, we analyzed the three most popular ways of getting a List from a Stream. Then, we looked at the main differences and similarities. And, we also discussed how and when to use these methods.
As always, the source code for the examples used in this article is available over on GitHub.