Check if Two Strings Are Rotations of Each Other – 检查两个字符串是否互为旋转

最后修改: 2024年 2月 24日


1. Overview


In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to check if a string is a rotation of another string.

在本教程中,我们将学习如何检查 string 是否是另一个字符串的旋转。

We’ll briefly discuss what string rotation is. Then, we’ll look at some algorithms to solve the problem with code insight and complexity analysis.


2. Introduction to String Rotation


Before digging into some solutions, let’s discuss string rotation and what we should test for the algorithm.


2.1. String and String Rotation


A string is a sequence of primitive characters, and in Java, it’s wrapped in a String class. Although two strings might be different objects, we can compare their internal characters and check, for example, whether they’re equal or contain common patterns.

字符串是原始字符的序列,在 Java 中,它被封装在 String 类中。虽然两个字符串可能是不同的对象,但我们可以比较它们的内部字符,例如,检查它们是否相等或包含共同的模式。

A rotation of a string is a string that contains the same characters but in a different order. Specifically, one or more characters are shifted from the original position. For example, the string “cdab” is a rotation of “abcd”. This can be seen in two steps:

字符串旋转是指字符串包含相同的字符,但顺序不同。具体来说,一个或多个字符从原来的位置移动。例如,字符串 “cdab”“abcd” 的旋转。这可以分两步来看:

  • abcd -> dabc shifts the last d to the first position
  • dabc -> cdab shifts the last c to the first position

This is done by shifting from the right, but it could be done also from the left.


Notably, we can say that if two strings aren’t the same length, they can’t be one rotation of the other.


2.2. Variable Names

2.2 变量名称

To demonstrate, we’ll always refer to the rotation as the potential string candidate to check whether it’s an actual rotation of an origin.

为了演示,我们将始终把 rotation 作为潜在的候选字符串,以检查它是否是 origin 的实际旋转。

2.3. Unit Testing


We have only two cases to test whether a string is a rotation. Notably, a string is a rotation of itself. Therefore, we might also want to test that corner case.


3. Rotation Contained in Doubled String


We can naively think that if we double our origin string, at some point, it will contain a rotation. We can picture this intuitively:


3.1. Algorithm


The algorithm is straightforward:


boolean doubledOriginContainsRotation(String origin, String rotation) {
    if (origin.length() == rotation.length()) {
        return origin.concat(origin)

    return false;

3.2. Code Insight


We concatenate the origin with itself, and we check if it contains the potential rotation:


return origin.concat(origin).contains(rotation);

Let’s look at the algorithm complexity:


  • Time Complexity: O(n*m) where n is the length of the concatenation and m is the length of the rotation
  • Space Complexity: O(n) proportional to the length of the strings

3.3. Unit Tests


Let’s test the rotation contained in the doubled origin string when the rotation is ok. We’ll also test when the origin is the exact string as the rotation:


void givenDoubledOrigin_whenCheckIfOriginContainsRotation_thenIsRotation() {
    assertTrue(doubledOriginContainsRotation("abcd", "cdab"));
    assertTrue(doubledOriginContainsRotation("abcd", "abcd"));

Let’s test when the rotation isn’t contained. We’ll also test when the rotation is a longer string than the origin:


void givenDoubledOrigin_whenCheckIfOriginContainsRotation_thenNoRotation() {
    assertFalse(doubledOriginContainsRotation("abcd", "bbbb"));
    assertFalse(doubledOriginContainsRotation("abcd", "abcde"));

4. Rotation From Common Start With Origin


We can use the previous approach and build a more detailed algorithm.


First, let’s collect all the indexes in the rotation of the starting character of the origin. Finally, we loop over the origin and compare the strings at shifted positions. Let’s picture these steps in more detail:


4.1. Algorithm


Once we know the common characters, we can check whether the strings continue to be equal:


boolean isRotationUsingCommonStartWithOrigin(String origin, String rotation) {
    if (origin.length() == rotation.length()) {
        List<Integer> indexes = IntStream.range(0, origin.length())
          .filter(i -> rotation.charAt(i) == origin.charAt(0))

        for (int startingAt : indexes) {
            if (isRotation(startingAt, rotation, origin)) {
                return true;

    return false;

boolean isRotation(int startingAt, String rotation, String origin) {
    for (int i = 0; i < origin.length(); i++) {
        if (rotation.charAt((startingAt + i) % origin.length()) != origin.charAt(i)) {
            return false;

    return true;

4.2. Code Insight


There are two main points to focus on. The first is where we collect the indexes:


List<Integer> indexes = IntStream.range(0, origin.length())
  .filter(i -> rotation.charAt(i) == origin.charAt(0))

These are the positions in the rotation where we can find the starting character of the origin.


Then, we loop over the strings and check at shifted positions:


for (int i = 0; i < origin.length(); i++) {
    if (rotation.charAt((startingAt + i) % origin.length()) != origin.charAt(i)) {
        return false;

Notably, we use the modulo (%) to return from the first index when we exceed the rotation length.

值得注意的是,当超过旋转长度时,我们会使用 modulo (%) 从第一个索引返回。

Let’s look at the algorithm complexity:


  • Time Complexity: O(n*m) where n is the length of the origin and m is the number of indexes found
  • Space Complexity: O(n)

4.3. Unit Tests


Let’s test when the rotation has common starting characters with the origin and the remaining part of the strings are equal:


void givenOriginAndRotationInput_whenCheckingCommonStartWithOrigin_thenIsRotation() {
    assertTrue(isRotationUsingCommonStartWithOrigin("abcd", "cdab"));
    assertTrue(isRotationUsingCommonStartWithOrigin("abcd", "abcd"));

Let’s test when the rotation has common starting characters, but it’s either too long, or the remaining part doesn’t match:


void givenOriginAndRotationInput_whenCheckingCommonStartWithOrigin_thenNoRotation() {
    assertFalse(isRotationUsingCommonStartWithOrigin("abcd", "bbbb"));
    assertFalse(isRotationUsingCommonStartWithOrigin("abcd", "abcde"));

5. Rotation Comparing Prefix and Suffix


If we find a common starting character of origin and rotation, we can also say that our strings will be equal before and after that matching point. For example, our origin string “abcd” has the common c at position 2 with “cdab”. However, prefixes and suffixes will need to be equal accordingly for the remaining portion of the strings:

如果我们找到了原点和旋转的共同起始字符,那么我们也可以说,我们的字符串在该匹配点前后是相等的。例如,我们的起始字符串”abcd”“cdab”在第 2 位有共同的 c。但是,在字符串的其余部分,前缀和后缀需要相应地相等:

5.1. Algorithm


Whenever we find a common character, we can then compare the prefix and suffix for those segments of characters remaining, inverting the origin and the rotation:


boolean isRotationUsingSuffixAndPrefix(String origin, String rotation) {
    if (origin.length() == rotation.length()) {
        return checkPrefixAndSuffix(origin, rotation);

    return false;

boolean checkPrefixAndSuffix(String origin, String rotation) {
    if (origin.length() == rotation.length()) {
        for (int i = 0; i < origin.length(); i++) {
            if (origin.charAt(i) == rotation.charAt(0)) {
                if (checkRotationPrefixWithOriginSuffix(origin, rotation, i)) {
                    if (checkOriginPrefixWithRotationSuffix(origin, rotation, i)) {
                        return true;

    return false;

boolean checkRotationPrefixWithOriginSuffix(String origin, String rotation, int i) {
    return origin.substring(i)
      .equals(rotation.substring(0, origin.length() - i));

boolean checkOriginPrefixWithRotationSuffix(String origin, String rotation, int i) {
    return origin.substring(0, i)
      .equals(rotation.substring(origin.length() - i));

5.2. Code Insight


We have two checks to make. First, we compare the rotation prefix with the origin suffix:


return origin.substring(i)
  .equals(rotation.substring(0, origin.length() - i));

Then, we compare the rotation suffix with the origin prefix:


return origin.substring(0, i)
  .equals(rotation.substring(origin.length() - i));

Notably, these checks can be done in any order.


Let’s look at the algorithm complexity:


  • Time Complexity: O(n*n) comparing two strings of length n
  • Space Complexity: O(n)

5.3. Unit Tests


Let’s test when the rotation has equal suffix and prefix with the origin given a common character:


void givenOriginAndRotationInput_whenCheckingUsingSuffixAndPrefix_thenIsRotation() {
    assertTrue(isRotationUsingSuffixAndPrefix("abcd", "cdab"));
    assertTrue(isRotationUsingSuffixAndPrefix("abcd", "abcd"));

Let’s test when the rotation doesn’t have an equal suffix and prefix with the origin:


void givenOriginAndRotationInput_whenCheckingUsingSuffixAndPrefix_thenNoRotation() {
    assertFalse(isRotationUsingSuffixAndPrefix("abcd", "bbbb"));
    assertFalse(isRotationUsingSuffixAndPrefix("abcd", "abcde"));

6. Rotation Comparing Queue of Characters


Another view of the problem is imagining the two strings as queues. Then, we shift the top character of the rotation into the tail and compare the new queue with the origin. Let’s see a simple picture of the queues:


6.1. Algorithm


We create the two queues. Then, we shift from the top character to the bottom of the rotation while checking if it’s equal to the origin at every step.


boolean isRotationUsingQueue(String origin, String rotation) {
    if (origin.length() == rotation.length()) {
        return checkWithQueue(origin, rotation);

    return false;

boolean checkWithQueue(String origin, String rotation) {
    if (origin.length() == rotation.length()) {
        Queue<Character> originQueue = getCharactersQueue(origin);

        Queue<Character> rotationQueue = getCharactersQueue(rotation);

        int k = rotation.length();
        while (k > 0 && null != rotationQueue.peek()) {
            char ch = rotationQueue.peek();
            if (rotationQueue.equals(originQueue)) {
                return true;

    return false;

Queue<Character> getCharactersQueue(String origin) {
    return origin.chars()
      .mapToObj(c -> (char) c)

6.2. Code Insight


After creating the queue, what is relevant is how we can assert that our strings are equal:


int k = rotation.length();
while (k > 0 && null != rotationQueue.peek()) {
    char ch = rotationQueue.peek();
    if (rotationQueue.equals(originQueue)) {
        return true;

Moving the top element of the queue to the bottom in constant time gives us a new shifted object to compare with the origin.


Let’s look at the algorithm complexity:


  • Time Complexity: O(n*n) worst-case where we loop over the whole queue while comparing with the origin
  • Space Complexity: O(n)

6.3. Unit Tests


Let’s test that using queues when shifting the rotation from the top to the tail will match the origin:


void givenOriginAndRotationInput_whenCheckingUsingQueues_thenIsRotation() {
    assertTrue(isRotationUsingQueue("abcd", "cdab"));
    assertTrue(isRotationUsingQueue("abcd", "abcd"));

Let’s test using queues when they won’t be equal:


void givenOriginAndRotationInput_whenCheckingUsingQueues_thenNoRotation() {
    assertFalse(isRotationUsingQueue("abcd", "bbbb"));
    assertFalse(isRotationUsingQueue("abcd", "abcde"));

7. Conclusion


In this article, we saw some algorithms to check whether a string is a rotation of another string. We saw how to search for common characters and assert equality using a doubled-origin string and the contains() string method. Similarly, we can use algorithms to check whether the remaining parts of the string match at shifted positions or using suffixes and prefixes. Finally, we also saw an example using queues and moving the peek to the tail of the rotation until it’s equal to the origin.

在本文中,我们了解了一些检查字符串是否是另一个字符串的轮换的算法。我们看到了如何使用双源字符串和 contains() 字符串方法搜索共同字符并断言相等。同样,我们可以使用算法来检查字符串的其余部分是否在移位位置或使用后缀和前缀时匹配。最后,我们还看到了一个使用队列和将窥视移动到旋转尾部直到与原点相等的示例。

As always, the code presented in this article is available over on GitHub.