String Concatenation in Java – Java中的字符串连接

最后修改: 2022年 9月 21日


1. Overview


String concatenation in Java is one of the most common operations. In this tutorial, we’ll walk through some approaches to string concatenation. But, we’ll focus on describing how to use concat() and the “+” operator approaches. Finally, we’ll discuss how to select the correct one depending on what we need to do.


2. Approaches to Concatenation


In general, there are different approaches to concatenating two or more strings in Java. Furthermore, we’ll look at some examples with a description of each one.


2.1. Using the “+” Operator


One of the most common concatenation approaches in Java is using the “+” operator.


The “+” operator provides more flexibility for string concatenation over other approaches. First, it doesn’t throw any exceptions for null values. Second, it converts null into its string representation. Besides, we can use it for concatenating more than two strings.


Let’s see a code example:


void whenUsingPlusOperatorANull_thenAssertEquals() {
    String stringOne = "Hello ";
    String stringTwo = null;
    assertEquals("Hello null", stringOne + stringTwo);

The compiler internally transforms the”+” operator to a StringBuilder(or StringBuffer) class and its append() method.


Since the +” operator silently converts the argument to a String (using the toString() method for objects), we avoid the NullPointerException. However, we need to consider if our final string result works for us with the “null” in the string body.

由于+“操作符默默地将参数转换为String(对对象使用toString()方法),我们避免了NullPointerException。然而,我们需要考虑我们最终的字符串结果在字符串主体中的 “null “是否对我们有效。

2.2. Using the concat() Method


The concat() method in the String class appends a specified string at the end of the current string and returns the new combined string. Given that the String class is immutable, the original String isn’t changed.


Let’s test this behavior:


void whenUsingConcat_thenAssertEquals() {
    String stringOne = "Hello";
    String stringTwo = " World";
    assertEquals("Hello World", stringOne.concat(stringTwo));

In the previous example, stringOne variable is the base string. With the concat() method, stringTwo is appended at the end of stringOne. The concat() operation is immutable, so we need an explicit assignment. The next example illustrates this case:


void whenUsingConcatWithOutAssignment_thenAssertNotEquals() {
    String stringOne = "Hello";
    String stringTwo = " World";
    assertNotEquals("Hello World", stringOne); // we get only Hello

Additionally, to get our final concatenated string in this case, we need to assign the concat() result to a variable:


stringOne = stringOne.concat(stringTwo);
assertEquals("Hello World", stringOne);

Another useful feature of concat() is when we need to concatenate multiple String objects. This method allows it. Moreover, we can also append space and special characters:


void whenUsingConcatToMultipleStringConcatenation_thenAssertEquals() {
    String stringOne = "Hello";
    String stringTwo = "World";
    String stringThree = ", in Jav";
    stringOne = stringOne.concat(" ").concat(stringTwo).concat(stringThree).concat("@");
    assertEquals("Hello World, in Jav@", stringOne);

What about nulls? Neither the current string nor the string to be appended can be null values. Otherwise, the concat() method throws a NullPointerException:


void whenUsingConcatAppendANull_thenAssertEquals() {
    String stringOne = "Hello";
    String stringTwo = null;
    assertThrows(NullPointerException.class, () -> stringOne.concat(stringTwo));

2.3. StringBuilder Class


Firstly, we have the StringBuilder class. This class provides the append() method to perform concatenation operations. The next example shows us how it works:


void whenUsingStringBuilder_thenAssertEquals() {
    StringBuilder builderOne = new StringBuilder("Hello");
    StringBuilder builderTwo = new StringBuilder(" World");
    StringBuilder builder = builderOne.append(builderTwo);
    assertEquals("Hello World", builder.toString());

On the other hand, a similar concatenation approach is the StringBuffer class. Contrary to the StringBuilder, which is non-synchronized(i.e., not thread-safe), StringBuffer is synchronized(i.e., thread-safe). But it has worse performance than StringBuilder. It has an append() method just like StringBuilder does.


2.4. String format() Method

2.4.字符串format() 方法

Another way to perform string concatenation is using the format() method in the String class. Using format specifiers like %s, we can concatenate multiple strings by their string value or object:


void whenUsingStringFormat_thenAssertEquals() {
    String stringOne = "Hello";
    String stringTwo = " World";
    assertEquals("Hello World", String.format("%s%s", stringOne, stringTwo));

2.5. Approaches to Concatenation in Java 8 and Above

2.5.Java 8及以上版本中连接的方法

The method join() in the String class, for Java 8 and above, can perform string concatenation. In this case, this method takes as the first argument a delimiter used between the strings that’ll be concatenated:

Java 8及以上版本的String 类中的join()方法,可以执行字符串连接。在这种情况下,该方法的第一个参数是用于连接的字符串之间的分隔符。

void whenUsingStringJoin_thenAssertEquals() {
    String stringOne = "Hello";
    String stringTwo = " World";
    assertEquals("Hello World", String.join("", stringOne, stringTwo));

Since Java 8, StringJoiner class was added. This class joins Strings using delimiter, prefix, and suffix. The following code snippet is an example of its use:

从Java 8开始,StringJoiner类被添加。这个类使用分隔符、前缀和后缀来连接Strings。下面的代码片段是其使用的一个例子。

void whenUsingStringJoiner_thenAssertEquals() {
    StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner(", ");
    assertEquals("Hello, World", joiner.toString());

Additionally, in Java 8, with the addition of the Stream API, we can find Collectors. The Collectors class has the joining() method. This method works similarly to the join() method in the String class. It’s used for collections. The following example code snippet shows us how it works:

此外,在Java 8中,随着Stream API的增加,我们可以找到CollectorsCollectors类有joining()方法。这个方法的工作原理类似于String类中的join()方法。它被用于集合。下面的示例代码片断向我们展示了它是如何工作的。

void whenUsingCollectors_thenAssertEquals() {
    List<String> words = Arrays.asList("Hello", "World");
    String collect =", "));
    assertEquals("Hello, World", collect);

3. Choosing an Approach


Finally, if we need to choose between the concat() method and the “+” operator, we need to consider some aspects.

最后,如果我们需要在 concat()方法和”+“操作符之间做出选择,我们需要考虑一些方面。

First, the concat() method only accepts strings. Meanwhile, the “+” operator takes any type and converts it to a string. On the other hand, the concat() method raises a NullPointerExeption on null values, which is not so with the “+” operator.


Moreover, there’s a performance difference between both. The concat() method performs better than the “+” operator. The latter always creates a new string irrespective of the length of the string. Additionally, we need to take into account that the concat() method only creates a new string when the string to be appended has a length greater than 0. Otherwise, it returns the same object.

此外,两者之间存在性能差异。concat()方法比”+“操作符表现得更好。后者总是创建一个新的字符串,而不考虑字符串的长度。此外,我们需要考虑到,concat()方法只在要追加的字符串的长度大于0时创建一个新的字符串。 否则,它返回相同的对象。

4. Conclusion


In this article, we did a quick overview of string concatenation in Java. Additionally, we discussed in detail the use of concat() and the “+” operator to perform string concatenations. Finally, we performed a comparative analysis between the concat() method and the “+” operator and how we can choose one of them in different contexts.


As always, all snippets used in this article are available over on GitHub.
