Check If a String Contains All The Letters of The Alphabet with Java – 用Java检查一个字符串是否包含所有的英文字母

最后修改: 2018年 9月 4日


1. Overview


In this tutorial,  we’ll see how to check if a String contains all the letters of the alphabet or not.


Here’s a quick example: “Farmer jack realized that big yellow quilts were expensive.” – which does actually contain all the letters of the alphabet.

这里有一个简单的例子。”农夫杰克意识到黄色大棉被很贵。” –这实际上包含了字母表的所有字母。

We’ll discuss three approaches.


First, we’ll model the algorithm using an imperative approach. Then will use regular expressions. And finally, we’ll take advantage of a more declarative approach using Java 8.

首先,我们将使用命令式方法对算法进行建模。然后将使用正则表达式。最后,我们将利用Java 8的更多声明性方法。

Additionally, we’ll discuss the Big-O-complexity of the approaches taken.


2. Imperative Algorithm


Let’s implement an imperative algorithm. For this, first, we’ll create a boolean array visited. Then, we’ll walk through input string character by character and mark the character as visited.


Please note that Uppercase and Lowercase are considered the same. So index 0 represents both A and a, likewise, index 25 represents both Z and z.


Finally, we’ll check if all the characters in the visited array are set to true:


public class EnglishAlphabetLetters {

    public static boolean checkStringForAllTheLetters(String input) {
        int index = 0;
        boolean[] visited = new boolean[26];

        for (int id = 0; id < input.length(); id++) {
            if ('a' <= input.charAt(id) && input.charAt(id) <= 'z') {
                index = input.charAt(id) - 'a';
            } else if ('A' <= input.charAt(id) && input.charAt(id) <= 'Z') {
                index = input.charAt(id) - 'A';
            visited[index] = true;

        for (int id = 0; id < 26; id++) {
            if (!visited[id]) {
                return false;
        return true;

Big-O-complexity of this program is O(n) where n is the length of the string.


Note that there are many ways to optimize the algorithm, such as removing letters from a set and breaking as soon as the Set is empty. For the purpose of the exercise though, this algorithm is good enough.


3. Using Regular Expression


Using Regular expression, we can easily get the same results with a few lines of code:


public static boolean checkStringForAllLetterUsingRegex(String input) {
    return input.toLowerCase()
      .replaceAll("[^a-z]", "")
      .replaceAll("(.)(?=.*\\1)", "")
      .length() == 26;

Here, we are first eliminating all the characters except alphabet letters from the input. Then we are removing duplicate characters. Finally, we are counting letters and making sure we have all of them, 26.


Although less performant, Big-O-Complexity of this approach also tends to O(n).


4. Java 8 Stream

4.Java 8的流

Using Java 8 features, we can easily achieve the same result in a more compact and declarative way using Stream’s filter and distinct methods:

利用Java 8的特性,我们可以使用Stream的filterdistinct方法,以更紧凑和声明性的方式轻松实现同样的结果。

public static boolean checkStringForAllLetterUsingStream(String input) {
    long c = input.toLowerCase().chars()
      .filter(ch -> ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z')
    return c == 26;

Big-O-complexity of this approach will also be O(n).


4. Testing

Let’s test a happy path for our algorithm:


public void givenString_whenContainsAllCharacter_thenTrue() {
    String sentence = "Farmer jack realized that big yellow quilts were expensive";

Here, sentence contains all the letters of the alphabet, hence, we’re expecting true as a result.


5. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we’ve covered how to check if a String contains all the letters of the alphabet.


We saw a couple of ways to implement this first using traditional imperative programming, regular expressions, and Java 8 streams.

我们看到有几种方法可以首先使用传统的命令式编程、正则表达式和Java 8流来实现这一点。

The complete source code is available over on GitHub.
