Remove Whitespace From a String in Java – 在Java中删除字符串中的空格

最后修改: 2022年 7月 22日


1. Overview


When we manipulate Strings in Java, we often need to remove whitespace from a String.


In this tutorial, we’ll explore common scenarios of removing whitespace from a String in Java.


2. Introduction to the Problem


To understand the problem easier, let’s first see a string example:


String myString = "   I    am a    wonderful String     !   ";

The example above shows that the myString variable contains multiple leading, trailing spaces, and whitespace characters in the middle.


Usually, when we need to deal with a string like myString in Java, we often face these two requirements:


  • removing all whitespace characters from the given string -> “IamawonderfulString!”
  • replacing consecutive whitespace characters with a single space and removing all leading and trailing whitespace characters -> “I am a wonderful String !”

Next, we’ll address two approaches for each case: using the handy replaceAll() method from the String class and the StringUtils class from the widely used Apache Commons Lang3 library.

接下来,我们将针对每种情况讨论两种方法:使用方便的replaceAll()方法从String类和StringUtils类从广泛使用的Apache Commons Lang3>图书馆。

To make it simple, in this tutorial, we don’t cover whitespace characters in the Unicode character set when we talk about whitespace. Further, we’ll use test assertions to verify each solution.


Now, let’s see them in action.


3. Removing All Whitespace From a String


3.1. Using String.replaceAll()


First, let’s remove all whitespace from a string using the replaceAll() method.


replaceAll() works with regular expressions (regex). We can use the regex character class ‘\s‘ to match a whitespace character. We can replace each whitespace character in the input string with an empty string to solve the problem: inputString.replaceAll(“\\s”, “”).

replaceAll()regular expressions(regex)一起工作。我们可以使用regex字符类’s‘来匹配一个空白字符。我们可以用一个空字符串替换输入字符串中的每个空白字符来解决这个问题:inputString.replaceAll(“”\s”, “”)

Next, let’s create a test to see if this idea works with our example string:


String result = myString.replaceAll("\\s", "");

If we run the test, it passes. So, the replaceAll() method solves the problem. Next, let’s solve the problem using Apache Commons Lang3.

如果我们运行测试,它通过了。所以,replaceAll() 方法解决了这个问题。接下来,让我们用Apache Commons Lang3来解决这个问题。

3.2. Using the Apache Commons Lang3 Library

3.2.使用Apache Commons Lang3库

The Apache Commons Lang3 library ships with a StringUtils utility, which allows us to manipulate strings conveniently.

Apache Commons Lang3库带有一个StringUtils工具,它允许我们方便地操作字符串。

To get started using Apache Commons Lang 3, let’s add the Maven dependency:

要开始使用Apache Commons Lang 3,让我们添加Maven依赖项


If we check the methods in the StringUtils class, there’s one method called deleteWhitespace(). The name implies that it’s the method that we’re looking for.


Next, let’s remove all whitespace from a string using StringUtils.deleteWhitespace():


String result = StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(myString);

The test passes if we execute it. So, the deleteWhitespace() does the job.


4. Replacing Consecutive Whitespace Characters With One Single Space


4.1. Using String.replaceAll()


Now, let’s look at the other scenario. We can solve this problem in two steps:


  • replacing consecutive whitespace with one single space
  • trimming the result of the first step

It’s worth mentioning that we can also first trim the input string and then replace consecutive whitespace. So, it doesn’t matter which step we take first.


For the first step, we can still use replaceAll() with a regex to match consecutive whitespace characters and set one space as the replacement.


The regex ‘\s+’ matches one or more whitespace characters. Therefore, we can call the replaceAll(“\\s+”, ” “) method to finish the first step. Then, we can invoke the String.trim() method to apply the trim operation.

regex ‘\s+’ 匹配一个或多个空白字符。因此,我们可以调用replaceAll(“\\s+”, ” “)方法来完成第一步的工作。然后,我们可以调用String.trim()方法来应用修剪操作。

Next, let’s create a test to check if our idea can solve the problem. To make it clear, we write two assertions for the two steps:


String result = myString.replaceAll("\\s+", " ");
assertThat(result).isEqualTo(" I am a wonderful String ! ");
assertThat(result.trim()).isEqualTo("I am a wonderful String !");

If we give it a run, the test passes. So, the approach works as expected.


Next, let’s solve the problem using the Apache Commons Lang 3 library.

接下来,让我们用Apache Commons Lang 3库来解决这个问题。

4.2. Using the Apache Commons Lang3 Library

4.2.使用Apache Commons Lang3库

The StringUtils.normalizeSpace() method trims the input string and then replaces sequences of whitespace characters with a single space. Therefore, we can directly call this method to solve the problem:


String result = StringUtils.normalizeSpace(myString);
assertThat(result).isEqualTo("I am a wonderful String !");

The test passes if we execute it. As we can see, StringUtils.normalizeSpace() is pretty straightforward to use.


5. Conclusion


In this article, we’ve learned how to remove whitespace characters from a string in Java.


As always, the complete source code is available over on GitHub.
