Concatenating Strings In Java – 在Java中串联字符串

最后修改: 2018年 12月 29日


1. Introduction


Java provides a substantial number of methods and classes dedicated to concatenating Strings.


In this tutorial, we’ll dive into several of them as well as outline some common pitfalls and bad practices.


2. StringBuilder


First up is the humble StringBuilder. This class provides an array of String-building utilities that makes easy work of String manipulation.

首先是简陋的StringBuilder。提供了一个String-building utilities数组,使String操作变得简单。

Let’s build a quick example of String concatenation using the StringBuilder class:

让我们使用StringBuilder 类建立一个快速的String concatenation的例子。

StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(100);

stringBuilder.append(" is");
stringBuilder.append(" awesome");

assertEquals("Baeldung is awesome", stringBuilder.toString());

Internally, StringBuilder maintains a mutable array of characters. In our code sample, we’ve declared this to have an initial size of 100 through the StringBuilder constructor. Because of this size declaration, the StringBuilder can be a very efficient way to concatenate Strings.


It’s also worth noting that the StringBuffer class is the synchronized version of StringBuilder


Although synchronization is often synonymous with thread safety, it’s not recommended for use in multithreaded applications due to StringBuffer’s builder pattern. While individual calls to a synchronized method are thread safe, multiple calls are not.


3. Addition Operator


Next up is the addition operator (+). This is the same operator that results in the addition of numbers and is overloaded to concatenate when applied to Strings.


Let’s take a quick look at how this works:


String myString = "The " + "quick " + "brown " + "fox...";

assertEquals("The quick brown fox...", myString);

At first glance, this may seem much more concise than the StringBuilder option. However, when the source code compiles, the + symbol translates to chains of StringBuilder.append() calls. Due to this, mixing the StringBuilder and + method of concatenation is considered bad practice.


Additionally, String concatenation using the + operator within a loop should be avoided. Since the String object is immutable, each call for concatenation will result in a new String object being created.

此外,应避免在循环中使用+运算符进行String 连接。因为String 对象是不可改变的,每次调用连接将导致一个新的String 对象被创建。

4. String Methods


The String class itself provides a whole host of methods for concatenating Strings.


4.1. String.concat


Unsurprisingly, the String.concat method is our first port of call when attempting to concatenate String objects. This method returns a String object, so chaining together the method is a useful feature.


String myString = "Both".concat(" fickle")
  .concat(" dwarves")
  .concat(" jinx")
  .concat(" my")
  .concat(" pig")
  .concat(" quiz");

assertEquals("Both fickle dwarves jinx my pig quiz", myString);

In this example, our chain is started with a String literal, the concat method then allows us to chain the calls to append further Strings.


4.2. String.format


Next up is the String.format method, which allows us to inject a variety of Java Objects into a String template.


The String.format method signature takes a single String denoting our template. This template contains ‘%’ characters to represent where the various Objects should be placed within it.

String.format 方法的签名需要一个单个String 表示我们的模板。这个模板包含’%’字符,代表各种Objects应该放在哪里

Once our template is declared, it then takes a varargs Object array which is injected into the template.

一旦我们的模板被声明,它就会接受一个varargs Object array,它被注入到模板中

Let’s see how this works with a quick example:


String myString = String.format("%s %s %.2f %s %s, %s...", "I",

assertEquals("I ate 2.51 blueberry pies, oops...", myString);

As we can see above, the method has injected our Strings into the correct format.


4.3. String.join (Java 8+)

4.3.String.join (Java 8以上)

If our application is running on Java 8 or above, we can take advantage of the String.join method. With this, we can join an array of Strings with a common delimiter, ensuring no spaces are missed.

如果我们的应用程序运行在Java 8 或以上,我们可以利用String.join方法。通过这个方法,我们可以用一个共同的分隔符连接一个字符串数组,确保不遗漏任何空格。

String[] strings = {"I'm", "running", "out", "of", "pangrams!"};

String myString = String.join(" ", strings);

assertEquals("I'm running out of pangrams!", myString);

A huge advantage of this method is not having to worry about the delimiter between our strings.


5. StringJoiner (Java 8+)

5.StringJoiner(Java 8以上)

StringJoiner abstracts all of the String.join functionality into a simple to use class. The constructor takes a delimiter, with an optional prefix and suffix. We can append Strings using the well-named add method.


StringJoiner fruitJoiner = new StringJoiner(", ");


assertEquals("Apples, Oranges, Bananas", fruitJoiner.toString());

By using this class, instead of the String.join method, we can append Strings as the program runs; There’s no need to create the array first!


Head over to our article on StringJoiner for more information and examples.


6. Arrays.toString


On the topic of arrays, the Array class also contains a handy toString method which nicely formats an array of objects. The Arrays.toString method also calls the toString method of any enclosed object – so we need to ensure we have one defined.

关于数组的话题,Array class也包含一个方便的toString 方法,可以很好地格式化对象的数组。 Arrays.toString 方法也调用任何封闭对象的toString 方法 – 所以我们需要确保我们有一个定义。

String[] myFavouriteLanguages = {"Java", "JavaScript", "Python"};

String toString = Arrays.toString(myFavouriteLanguages);

assertEquals("[Java, JavaScript, Python]", toString);

Unfortunately, the Arrays.toString method is not customizable and only outputs a String encased in square brackets.


7. Collectors.joining (Java 8+)

7.Collectors.join(Java 8以上)

Finally, let’s take a look at the Collectors.joining method which allows us to funnel the output of a Stream into a single String.


List<String> awesomeAnimals = Arrays.asList("Shark", "Panda", "Armadillo");

String animalString =", "));

assertEquals("Shark, Panda, Armadillo", animalString);

Using streams unlocks all of the functionality associated with the Java 8 Stream API, such as filtering, mapping, iterating and more.

使用流可以解锁与Java 8 Stream API相关的所有功能,例如过滤、映射、迭代等。

8. Wrap Up

8 总结

In this article, we’ve taken a deep dive into the multitude of classes and methods used to concatenate Strings in the Java language.


As always, the source code is available over on GitHub.
