L-Trim and R-Trim Alternatives in Java – Java中的L-Trim和R-Trim替代品

最后修改: 2020年 3月 17日


1. Overview


The method String.trim() removes trailing and leading whitespace. But, there’s no support for just doing an L-Trim or R-Trim.


In this tutorial, we’ll see a few ways that we can implement this; in the end, we’ll compare their performance.


2. while Loop

2.while 循环

The simplest solution is to go through the string using a couple of while loops.

最简单的解决方案是使用几个while loop来浏览字符串。

For L-Trim, we’ll read the string from left to right until we run into a non-whitespace character:


int i = 0;
while (i < s.length() && Character.isWhitespace(s.charAt(i))) {
String ltrim = s.substring(i);

ltrim is then a substring starting at the first non-whitespace character.


Or for R-Trim, we’ll read our string from right to left until we run into a non-whitespace character:


int i = s.length()-1;
while (i >= 0 && Character.isWhitespace(s.charAt(i))) {
String rtrim = s.substring(0,i+1);

rtrim is then a substring starting at the beginning and ending at the first non-whitespace character.


3. String.replaceAll Using Regular Expressions

3.String.replaceAll 使用正则表达式

Another option is to use String.replaceAll() and a regular expression:


String ltrim = src.replaceAll("^\\s+", "");
String rtrim = src.replaceAll("\\s+$", "");

(\\s+) is the regex that matches one or many whitespace characters. The caret (^) and the ($) at the beginning and at the end of the regular expression match the beginning and the end of a line.

(\\s+) 是匹配一个或多个空白字符的正则表达式。正则表达式开头和结尾处的省略号(^)和($)匹配一行的开头和结尾。

4. Pattern.compile() and .matcher()

4.Pattern.compile() .matcher()

We can reuse regular expressions with java.util.regex.Pattern, too:


private static Pattern LTRIM = Pattern.compile("^\\s+");
private static Pattern RTRIM = Pattern.compile("\\s+$");

String ltrim = LTRIM.matcher(s).replaceAll("");
String rtim = RTRIM.matcher(s).replaceAll("");

5. Apache Commons


Additionally, we can take advantage of the Apache Commons StringUtils#stripStart and #stripEnd methods to remove whitespace.

此外,我们可以利用Apache Commons StringUtils#stripStart#stripEnd 方法来删除空白。

For that, let’s first add the commons-lang3 dependency:



Following the documentation, we use null in order to strip the whitespace:


String ltrim = StringUtils.stripStart(src, null);
String rtrim = StringUtils.stripEnd(src, null);

6. Guava


Finally, we’ll take advantage of Guava CharMatcher#trimLeadingFrom and #trimTrailingFrom methods to obtain the same result.

最后,我们将利用Guava CharMatcher#trimLeadingFrom #trimTrailingFrom 方法来获得同样的结果。

Again, let’s add the appropriate Maven dependency, this time its guava:



And in Guava, it’s quite similar to how it’s done in Apache Commons, just with more targeted methods:

而在Guava中,它与Apache Commons中的做法非常相似,只是采用了更有针对性的方法。

String ltrim = CharMatcher.whitespace().trimLeadingFrom(s); 
String rtrim = CharMatcher.whitespace().trimTrailingFrom(s);

7. Performance Comparison


Let’s see the performance of the methods. As usual, we will make use of the open-source framework Java Microbenchmark Harness (JMH) to compare the different alternatives in nanoseconds.

让我们来看看这些方法的性能。像往常一样,我们将利用开源框架Java Microbenchmark Harness(JMH),以纳秒为单位比较不同的选择。

7.1. Benchmark Setup

7.1 基准设置

For the initial configuration of the benchmark, we’ve used five forks and average time calculation times in nanoseconds:



In the setup method, we’re initializing the original message field and the resulting string to compare with:


public void setup() {
    src = "       White spaces left and right          ";
    ltrimResult = "White spaces left and right          ";
    rtrimResult = "       White spaces left and right";

All the benchmarks first remove the left whitespace, then remove the right whitespace, and finally compare that the results to their expected strings.


7.2. while Loop

7.2.while 循环

For our first benchmark, let’s use the while loop approach:


public boolean whileCharacters() {
    String ltrim = whileLtrim(src);
    String rtrim = whileRtrim(src);
    return checkStrings(ltrim, rtrim);

7.3. String.replaceAll() with Regular Expression

7.3.String.replaceAll() 使用正则表达式

Then, let’s try String.replaceAll():


public boolean replaceAllRegularExpression() {
    String ltrim = src.replaceAll("^\\s+", "");
    String rtrim = src.replaceAll("\\s+$", "");
    return checkStrings(ltrim, rtrim);

7.4. Pattern.compile().matches()


After that comes Pattern.compile().matches():


public boolean patternMatchesLTtrimRTrim() {
    String ltrim = patternLtrim(src);
    String rtrim = patternRtrim(src);
    return checkStrings(ltrim, rtrim);

7.5. Apache Commons

7.5.Apache Commons

Fourth, Apache Commons:

第四,Apache Commons。

public boolean apacheCommonsStringUtils() {
    String ltrim = StringUtils.stripStart(src, " ");
    String rtrim = StringUtils.stripEnd(src, " ");
    return checkStrings(ltrim, rtrim);

7.6. Guava

7.6 番石榴

And finally, let’s use Guava:


public boolean guavaCharMatcher() {
    String ltrim = CharMatcher.whitespace().trimLeadingFrom(src);
    String rtrim = CharMatcher.whitespace().trimTrailingFrom(src);
    return checkStrings(ltrim, rtrim);

7.7. Analysis of the Results


And we should get some results similar to the following:


# Run complete. Total time: 00:16:57

Benchmark                               Mode  Cnt     Score    Error  Units
LTrimRTrim.apacheCommonsStringUtils     avgt  100   108,718 ±  4,503  ns/op
LTrimRTrim.guavaCharMatcher             avgt  100   113,601 ±  5,563  ns/op
LTrimRTrim.patternMatchesLTtrimRTrim    avgt  100   850,085 ± 17,578  ns/op
LTrimRTrim.replaceAllRegularExpression  avgt  100  1046,660 ±  7,151  ns/op
LTrimRTrim.whileCharacters              avgt  100   110,379 ±  1,032  ns/op

And it looks like our winners are the while loop, Apache Commons, and Guava!

看起来我们的赢家是while loop、Apache Commons和Guava!

8. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we looked at a few different ways to remove whitespace characters at the beginning and at the end of a String.


We used while loop, String.replaceAll(), Pattern.matcher().replaceAll(), Apache Commons and Guava to obtain this result.

我们使用while 循环,String.replaceAll(), Pattern.matcher().replaceAll(), Apache Commons和Guava来获得这个结果。

As always, the code is available over on GitHub.
