Unnamed Patterns and Variables in Java 21 – Java 中的未命名模式和变量 21

最后修改: 2023年 10月 5日


1. Overview


The release of Java 21 SE introduces an exciting preview feature: unnamed patterns and variables (JEP 443). This new addition allows us to reduce boilerplate code when side effects are our only concern.

Java 21 SE 的发布引入了一个令人兴奋的预览功能:未命名模式和变量 (JEP 443)。当我们只关心副作用时,这一新功能允许我们减少模板代码

Unnamed patterns are an improvement over Record Patterns In Java 19 and Pattern Matching for Switch. We should also be familiar with the Record functionality introduced as a preview in Java 14.

未命名模式是 Record Patterns In Java 19Pattern Matching for Switch 的改进。我们还应该熟悉在 Java 14 中作为预览版引入的 Record 功能。

In this tutorial, we’ll delve into how we can use these new features to improve our code quality and readability.


2. Purpose


Usually, when working with complex objects, we don’t need all the data they hold at all times. Ideally, we receive from an object only what we need, but that’s rarely the case. Most of the time, we end up using one small part of what we’ve been given.


Examples of this can be found all over OOP, evidentiated by the Single Responsibility Principle. The unnamed patterns and variable feature is Java’s latest attempt at tackling that on a lower scale.

这种例子在 OOP 中随处可见,单一责任原则就是明证。未命名模式和变量功能是 Java 在较小范围内解决这一问题的最新尝试。

Since this is a preview feature, we must ensure we enable it. In Maven, this is done by modifying the compiler plugin configuration to include the following compiler argument:

由于这是一项预览功能,我们必须确保启用它。在 Maven 中,这可以通过修改编译器插件配置来实现,其中包括以下编译器参数:


3. Unnamed Variables


While new to Java, this feature is well-loved in other languages such as Python and Go. Since Go isn’t precisely object-oriented, Java takes the lead in introducing this feature in the world of OOP.

虽然这项功能是 Java 的新功能,但在 Python 和 Go 等其他语言中却广受欢迎。由于 Go 并非完全面向对象,因此 Java 率先在 OOP 世界中引入了这一功能。

Unnamed variables are used when we care only about an operation’s side effects. They can be defined as many times as needed, but they cannot be referenced from a later point.


3.1. Enhanced For Loop

3.1.增强型 For 循环

For starters, let’s say we have a simple Car record:

首先,假设我们有一个简单的 Car 记录:

public record Car(String name) {}

We then need to iterate through a collection of cars to count all cars and do some other business logic:


for (var car : cars) {
    if (total > limit) {
        // side effect

While we need to go through every element in the car collection, we don’t need to use it. Naming the variable makes the code harder to read, so let’s try the new feature:


for (var _ : cars) {
    if (total > limit) {
        // side effect

This makes it clear to the maintainer that the car isn’t used. Of course, this can also be used with a basic for loop:

这样,维护者就可以清楚地知道这辆车没有被使用。当然,这也可以用于基本的 for 循环:

for (int i = 0, _ = sendOneTimeNotification(); i < cars.size(); i++) {
    // Notify car

Note, however, that the sendOneTimeNotification() gets called only once. The method must also return the same type as the first initialization (in our case, i).

请注意,sendOneTimeNotification() 只被调用一次。该方法还必须返回与第一次初始化相同的类型(在我们的例子中为 i)。

3.2. Assignment Statements


We can also use unnamed variables with assignment statements. This is most useful when we need both a function’s side effects and some return values (but not all).


Let’s say we need a method that removes the first three elements in a queue and returns the first one:


static Car removeThreeCarsAndReturnFirstRemoved(Queue<Car> cars) {
    var car = cars.poll();
    var _ = cars.poll();
    var _ = cars.poll();
    return car;

As we can see in the example above, we can use multiple assignments in the same block. We can also ignore the result of the poll() calls, but this way, it’s more readable.


3.3. Try-Catch Block

3.3.Try-Catch 块

Possibly, the most helpful functionality of unnamed variables comes in the form of unnamed catch blocks. Many times, we want to handle exceptions without actually needing to know what the exception contains.


With unnamed variables, we no longer have to worry about that:


try {
} catch (IllegalStateException _) {
    System.out.println("Got an illegal state exception for: " + car.name());
} catch (RuntimeException _) {
    System.out.println("Got a runtime exception!");

They also work for multiple exception types in the same catch:


catch (IllegalStateException | NumberFormatException _) { }

3.4. Try-With Resources


While encountered less than try-catch, the try-with syntax also benefits from this. For example, when working with databases, we don’t usually need the transaction object.

虽然遇到的情况比 try-catch 少,但 try-with 语法也从中受益。例如,在使用数据库时,我们通常不需要事务对象。

To take a better look at this, let’s first create a mock transaction:


class Transaction implements AutoCloseable {

    public void close() {

Let’s see how this works:


static void obtainTransactionAndUpdateCar(Car car) {
    try (var _ = new Transaction()) {

And, of course, with multiple assignments:


try (var _ = new Transaction(); var _ = new FileInputStream("/some/file"))

3.5. Lambda Parameters

3.5.Lambda 参数

Lambda functions offer, by nature, a great way of reutilizing code. It is only natural that, by offering this flexibility, we end up having to address cases that don’t interest us.

从本质上讲,Lambda 函数提供了重新利用代码的绝佳方式。通过提供这种灵活性,我们最终不得不处理我们不感兴趣的情况,这也是很自然的。

A great example of this is the computeIfAbsent() method from the Map interface. It checks if a value exists in the map or computes a new one based on a function.

Map 接口中的 computeIfAbsent() 方法就是一个很好的例子。该方法会检查地图中是否存在某个值,或根据某个函数计算出一个新值。

While useful, we usually don’t need the lambda’s parameter. It’s the same as the key passed to the initial method:

虽然很有用,但我们通常并不需要 lambda 的参数。它与传递给初始方法的 key 相同:

static Map<String, List<Car>> getCarsByFirstLetter(List<Car> cars) {
    Map<String, List<Car>> carMap = new HashMap<>();
    cars.forEach(car ->
        carMap.computeIfAbsent(car.name().substring(0, 1), _ -> new ArrayList<>()).add(car)
    return carMap;

This works with multiple lambdas and multiple lambda parameters:

这适用于多个 lambdas 和多个 lambda 参数:

map.forEach((_, _) -> System.out.println("Works!"));

4. Unnamed Patterns

4. 未命名模式

Unnamed patterns have been introduced as an enhancement to Record Pattern Matching. They address an issue quite apparent: we usually don’t need every field in records we deconstruct.


To explore this topic, let’s first add a class called Engine:

为了探讨这一主题,让我们首先添加一个名为 Engine 的类:

abstract class Engine { }

The engine can be gas-based, electric, or hybrid:


class GasEngine extends Engine { }
class ElectricEngine extends Engine { }
class HybridEngine extends Engine { }

Finally, let’s extend the Car to support parameterized types so we can reuse it depending on the engine type. We’ll also add a new field called color:

最后,让我们扩展 Car 以支持 参数化类型,这样我们就可以根据引擎类型重用它。我们还将添加一个名为 color 的新字段:

public record Car<T extends Engine>(String name, String color, T engine) { }

4.1. instanceof

4.1. 实例

When deconstructing records with patterns, unnamed patterns enable us to ignore fields we don’t need.


Let’s say we get an object, and if it’s a car, we want to get its color:


static String getObjectsColor(Object object) {
    if (object instanceof Car(String name, String color, Engine engine)) {
        return color;
    return "No color!";

While this works, it’s hard to read, and we’re defining variables we don’t need. Let’s see how this looks with unnamed patterns:


static String getObjectsColorWithUnnamedPattern(Object object) {
    if (object instanceof Car(_, String color, _)) {
        return color;
    return "No color!";

Now it’s clear we just need a car’s color.


This also works for simple instanceof definitions, but it’s not quite as useful:

这也适用于简单的 instanceof 定义,但作用不大:

if (car instanceof Car<?> _) { }

4.2. Switch Patterns


Deconstructing with switch patterns also allows us to ignore fields:


static String getObjectsColorWithSwitchAndUnnamedPattern(Object object) {
    return switch (object) {
        case Car(_, String color, _) -> color;
        default -> "No color!";

Additionally to this, we can also handle parameterized cases. For example, we can handle different engine types in different switch cases:


return switch (car) {
    case Car(_, _, GasEngine _) -> "gas";
    case Car(_, _, ElectricEngine _) -> "electric";
    case Car(_, _, HybridEngine _) -> "hybrid";
    default -> "none";

We can also pair cases together more easily and also with guards:


return switch (car) {
    case Car(_, _, GasEngine _), Car(_, _, ElectricEngine _) when someVariable == someValue -> "not hybrid";
    case Car(_, _, HybridEngine _) -> "hybrid";
    default -> "none";

5. Conclusions


Unnamed patterns and variables are a great addition that addresses the Single Responsibility Principle. It’s a breaking change for versions before Java 8, but later versions aren’t affected since naming variables _ is not permitted.

未命名模式和变量是解决 “单一责任原则”(Single Responsibility Principle)的一大新增功能。对于 Java 8 之前的版本来说,这是一个突破性的变更,但由于不允许命名变量 _,因此以后的版本不会受到影响。

The feature kicks it out of the park by reducing boilerplate code and improving readability while making everything seem simpler.


As always, the code can be found over on GitHub.

一如既往,您可以在 GitHub 上找到代码。