Java Warning “Unchecked Cast” – Java 警告 “未检查的 Cast&#8221

最后修改: 2021年 2月 21日


1. Overview


Sometimes, when we compile our Java source files, we see “unchecked cast” warning messages printed by the Java compiler.

有时,当我们编译我们的Java源文件时,我们看到Java编译器打印的”unchecked cast“警告信息。

In this tutorial, we’re going to take a closer look at the warning message. We’ll discuss what this warning means, why we’re warned, and how to solve the problem.


Some Java compilers suppress unchecked warnings by default.


Let’s make sure we’ve enabled the compiler’s option to print “unchecked” warnings before we look into this “unchecked cast” warning.

让我们确定我们已经启用了编译器打印 “unchecked “警告的选项,然后我们再研究这个”unchecked cast“警告。

2. What Does the “unchecked cast” Warning Mean?


The “unchecked cast” is a compile-time warning. Simply put, we’ll see this warning when casting a raw type to a parameterized type without type checking.

unchecked cast“是一个编译时警告。简单地说,当把一个原始类型投递到一个参数化类型而不进行类型检查时,我们会看到这个警告

An example can explain it straightforwardly. Let’s say we have a simple method to return a raw type Map:


public class UncheckedCast {
    public static Map getRawMap() {
        Map rawMap = new HashMap();
        rawMap.put("date 1", LocalDate.of(2021, Month.FEBRUARY, 10));
        rawMap.put("date 2", LocalDate.of(1992, Month.AUGUST, 8));
        rawMap.put("date 3", LocalDate.of(1976, Month.NOVEMBER, 18));
        return rawMap;

Now, let’s create a test method to call the method above method and cast the result to Map<String, LocalDate>:

现在,让我们创建一个测试方法来调用上面的方法,并将结果投给Map<String, LocalDate>

public void givenRawMap_whenCastToTypedMap_shouldHaveCompilerWarning() {
    Map<String, LocalDate> castFromRawMap = (Map<String, LocalDate>) UncheckedCast.getRawMap();
    Assert.assertEquals(3, castFromRawMap.size());
    Assert.assertEquals(castFromRawMap.get("date 2"), LocalDate.of(1992, Month.AUGUST, 8));

The compiler has to allow this cast to preserve backward compatibility with older Java versions that do not support generics.


But if we compile our Java sources, the compiler will print the warning message. Next, let’s compile and run our unit tests using Maven:


$ mvn clean test
[WARNING] .../src/test/java/com/baeldung/uncheckedcast/[14,97] unchecked cast
  required: java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.time.LocalDate>
  found:    java.util.Map
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Results:
[INFO] Tests run: 16, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

As the Maven output shows, we’ve reproduced the warning successfully.


On the other hand, our test works without any problem even though we see the “unchecked cast” compiler warning.

另一方面,我们的测试工作没有任何问题,即使我们看到”unchecked cast“编译器警告。

We know the compiler won’t warn us without reason. There must be some potential problem when we see this warning.


Let’s figure it out.


3. Why Does the Java Compiler Warn Us?


Our test method works fine in the previous section, although we see the “unchecked cast” warning. That’s because when we were casting the raw type Map to Map<String, LocalDate>, the raw Map contains only <String, LocalDate> entries. That is to say, the typecasting is safe.

我们的测试方法在上一节中工作正常,尽管我们看到了”unchecked cast“警告。这是因为当我们将原始类型Map转换为Map<String, LocalDate>时,原始Map只包含<String, LocalDate>条目。这就是说,类型转换是安全的。

To analyze the potential problem, let’s change the getRawMap() method a little bit by adding one more entry into the raw type Map:


public static Map getRawMapWithMixedTypes() {
    Map rawMap = new HashMap();
    rawMap.put("date 1", LocalDate.of(2021, Month.FEBRUARY, 10));
    rawMap.put("date 2", LocalDate.of(1992, Month.AUGUST, 8));
    rawMap.put("date 3", LocalDate.of(1976, Month.NOVEMBER, 18));
    rawMap.put("date 4", new Date());
    return rawMap;

This time, we added a new entry to the Map with type <String, Date> in the method above.

这一次,我们在上面的方法中给Map添加了一个新条目,类型为<String, Date>

Now, let’s write a new test method to call the getRawMapWithMixedTypes() method:


@Test(expected = ClassCastException.class)
public void givenMixTypedRawMap_whenCastToTypedMap_shouldThrowClassCastException() {
    Map<String, LocalDate> castFromRawMap = (Map<String, LocalDate>) UncheckedCast.getRawMapWithMixedTypes();
    Assert.assertEquals(4, castFromRawMap.size());
    Assert.assertTrue(castFromRawMap.get("date 4").isAfter(castFromRawMap.get("date 3")));

If we compile and run the test, the “unchecked cast” warning message is printed again. Also, our test will pass.

如果我们编译并运行测试,”unchecked cast“警告信息又被打印出来。同时,我们的测试将通过。

However, since our test has the expected = ClassCastException.class argument, it means the test method has thrown a ClassCastException.

然而,由于我们的测试有expected = ClassCastException.class参数,这意味着测试方法抛出了ClassCastException

If we take a closer look at it, the ClassCastException isn’t thrown on the line of casting the raw type Map to Map<String, LocalDate> although the warning message points to this line. Instead, the exception occurs when we get data with the wrong type by the key: castFromRawMap.get(“date 4”). 

如果我们仔细看看,ClassCastException并不是在将原始类型Map投递到Map<String, LocalDate> 这一行抛出的,尽管警告信息指向这一行。相反,当我们通过键获得错误类型的数据时,异常发生了castFromRawMap.get(”date 4″)。

If we cast a raw type collection containing data with the wrong types to a parameterized type collection, the ClassCastException won’t be thrown until we load the data with the wrong type.


Sometimes, we may get the exception too late.


For instance, we get a raw type Map with many entries by calling our method, and then we cast it to a Map with parameterized type:


(Map<String, LocalDate>) UncheckedCast.getRawMapWithMixedTypes()

For each entry in the Map, we need to send the LocalDate object to a remote API. Until the time we encounter the ClassCastException, it’s very likely that a lot of API calls have already been made. Depending on the requirement, some extra restore or data cleanup processes may be involved.


It’ll be good if we can get the exception earlier so that we can decide how to handle the circumstance of entries with the wrong types.


As we understand the potential problem behind the “unchecked cast” warning, let’s have a look at what we can do to solve the problem.

当我们理解了”unchecked cast“警告背后的潜在问题后,让我们看看我们能做些什么来解决这个问题。

4. What Should We Do With the Warning?


4.1. Avoid Using Raw Types


Generics have been introduced since Java 5. If our Java environment supports generics, we should avoid using raw types. This is because using raw types will make us lose all the safety and expressiveness benefits of generics.

从Java 5开始,泛型就被引入了。如果我们的Java环境支持泛型,我们应该避免使用原始类型。这是因为使用原始类型将使我们失去泛型的所有安全和表达能力的好处。

Moreover, we should search the legacy code and refactor those raw type usages to generics.


However, sometimes we have to work with some old libraries. Methods from those old external libraries may return raw type collections.


Calling those methods and casting to parameterized types will produce the “unchecked cast” compiler warning. But we don’t have control over an external library.


Next, let’s have a look at how to handle this case.


4.2. Suppress the “unchecked” Warning


If we can’t eliminate the “unchecked cast” warning and we’re sure that the code provoking the warning is typesafe, we can suppress the warning using the SuppressWarnings(“unchecked”) annotation.

如果我们不能消除”unchecked cast“警告,并且我们确定引起该警告的代码是类型安全的,我们可以使用SuppressWarnings(“unchecked”)注解来抑制该警告

When we use the @SuppressWarning(“unchecked”) annotation, we should always put it on the smallest scope possible.


Let’s have a look at the remove() method from the ArrayList class as an example:


public E remove(int index) {
    Objects.checkIndex(index, size);
    final Object[] es = elementData;
    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") E oldValue = (E) es[index];
    fastRemove(es, index);
    return oldValue;

4.3. Doing Typesafe Check Before Using the Raw Type Collection


As we’ve learned, the @SuppressWarning(“unchecked”) annotation merely suppresses the warning message without actually checking if the cast is typesafe.


If we’re not sure if casting a raw type is typesafe, we should check the types before we really use the data so that we can get the ClassCastException earlier.


5. Conclusion


In this article, we’ve learned what an “unchecked cast” compiler warning means.

在这篇文章中,我们已经了解了”unchecked cast“编译器警告意味着什么。

Further, we’ve addressed the cause of this warning and how to solve the potential problem.


As always, the code in this write-up is all available over on GitHub.
