Java Web Weekly, Issue 135 – Java网络周刊》第135期

最后修改: 2016年 7月 29日


At the very beginning of last year, I decided to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on Baeldung. Haven’t missed a review since.


Here we go…


1. Spring and Java


>> Reactive Programming with Spring 5.0 M1 []

Reactive support has finally been merged and is included into this cut of the 5.x version of the framework.


If you’ve been holding off from exploring it before, now’s a good time to get your feet wet.


>> Java on Steroids: 5 Super Useful JIT Optimization Techniques []

Interesting notes about what JVM compiler does to optimize the performance of our production code.


>> Java 8 Top Tips []

A good read with or without the IntelliJ tips. Of course if you’re using IntelliJ, it’s even better.


>> Oh No, I Forgot Stream::iterate! []

Quick and to the point – some nice APIs are coming along with Java 9.

快速而有意义的是–一些不错的API将随着Java 9的到来而出现。

>> The best way to map a @OneToOne relationship with JPA and Hibernate []

Hehe, the good ol’ one-to-one relationship.


>> Oracle Paves the Way to Standardise Command Line Options in the JDK []

A quick positive news item slotted for Java 10, among all the negative news about Java EE lately.

在最近关于Java EE的所有负面新闻中,有一条快速的正面新闻是针对Java 10的。

Also worth reading:


Webinars and presentations:


Time to upgrade:


2. Technical and Musings


>> DDD Decoded – Don’t Fear Eventual Consistency []

“The only people worried about Eventual Consistency are CRUD programmers”. Priceless.


I could keep quoting, but do yourself a favor and read this one, not only for the technical aspects, but also for the laughs.


>> I wanna go fast: HTTPS’ massive speed advantage []

Quite some interesting data here, looking at the speed advantage of HTTP/2.


>> The Business-Personal Value Continuum []

The writeup explores a tough topic to pin down – the way we approach our work and the balance between our natural need towards craftsmanship and actually putting out work into the world.


I personally strive to keep a healthy tension between the two and, as Sean says – ship when it’s 90% perfect.


>> Logs for SEO []

A fun read for anyone running any kind of site and dabbling in SEO.


>> 12 great months for Thoughts on Java and some big changes ahead []

I always enjoy this kind of post. I think there’s a lot here to unpack and reading through the thought process some else has about a tough life choice is quite helpful. Especially when it deals with such important decisions as – should I quit my job?


Also worth reading:


3. Comics


And my favorite Dilberts of the week:


>> Mordac, the preventer of information services []

>> What do you do for a living? []

>> This design would be inefficient []

4. Pick of the Week


My talk from Spring I/O 2016 came out – if you’re working on REST API and Hypermedia with Spring, let me know what you think:

我在Spring I/O 2016的演讲出来了–如果你正在用Spring研究REST API和超媒体,请告诉我你的想法。

>> Get HATEOAS and Hypermedia right with Spring []