1. Spring and Java
>> Latest Java 9 Schedule Appears to Be at Risk from the Outset [infoq.com]
A quick but interesting analysis of the new Java 9 release schedule.
对新的Java 9发布时间表的快速但有趣的分析。
>> Getting Started with Dropwizard – CRUD Operations [sitepoint.com]
CRUD is always a good place to start learning a framework.
>> Hibernate Envers – Query data from your audit log [thoughts-on-java.org]
Digging a bit further into Envers and into some of the more advanced querying capabilities here.
>> The performance penalty of Class.forName when parsing JPQL and Criteria queries [vladmihalcea.com]
This is how Hibernate gets fixed 🙂
这就是Hibernate的固定方式 🙂
Also worth reading:
>> Compare Exactly in Java Equals Methods [marxsoftware.com]
>> Hibernate Tips: How to map an association to an Optional [thoughts-on-java.org]
>> Starting Logstash plugin development for Java developers [frankel.ch]
>> SQL, Streams, For Comprehension… It’s All the Same [jooq.org]
>> Publishing Snapshots With Gradle’s maven-publish Plugin [codefx.org]
>> GlassFish on Steroids, Micro, Full, Clouds and Commercial Support–An Interview With Dominika Tasarz [adambien.blog]
Webinars and presentations:
>> 40 Tips & Tricks for Spring in IntelliJ IDEA [infoq.com]
>> JDK 8: Lessons Learnt with Lambdas and Streams [infoq.com]
>> 10 Ways to Get Super Productive with Spring Boot [infoq.com]
>> Writing Your Own Spring Boot Starter [infoq.com]
>> OpenID Connect & OAuth – Demystifying Cloud Identity [infoq.com]
>> Developers are Writing the Script for the Future [joelonsoftware.com]
>> Spring Tips: Demystifying Bootiful Magic [spring.io]
Time to upgrade:
>> Hibernate Validator 5.4.0.Beta1 and 5.3.4.Final are out [in.relation.to]
>> Spring Roo 2.0.0.M3 released [spring.io]
>> IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3.1 is Out [jetbrains.com]
2. Technical
>> IDE Features Trainer: a New Way to Learn Your IDE [jetbrains.com]
This looks like a good way to learn and start using IntelliJ.
Also worth reading:
>> Now Open AWS Canada (Central) Region [aws.amazon.com] and >> Expanding the AWS Cloud: Introducing the AWS Canada (Central) Region [allthingsdistributed.com]
>> Now Open – AWS London Region [aws.amazon.com] and >> Expanding the AWS Cloud Introducing the AWS Europe (London) Region [allthingsdistributed.com]
3. Musings
>> Developers’ side projects [joelonsoftware.com]
This is quite an important read this week – which is why it’s first here.
Definitely read this one carefully, as it’s something that you can’t ignore if you’re working on anything personal, off hours.
Also – here’s a good followup on this discussion.
>> Planning Event-Driven Simulation [abdullin.com]
An solid writeup coming out of production experience with a medium-scale Event driven architecture.
Large enough to be worth interesting but small enough to still be relevant.
>> Preemptively Identifying Dead Seas [daedtech.com]
Some companies end up being breeding grounds for isolated developers that end up stagnating for a long time.
Here’s an interesting look at how to see the warning signs of such a place from the outside, in order to avoid working there.
This post can be a fun read, but it can also save you a couple of wasted years in your career.
>> Bring in the Goddamn Adults Already [zachholman.com]
The startup ecosystem is a different beast altogether, especially compared to doing Java in the enterprise.
But, at the end of the day, growing and managing a team well is still hard, no matter what tech we’re using.
Also worth reading:
>> Linux on the Mac. Why? How? WHAT?! [codecentric.de]
>> (Not so) useful metrics in test automation [ontestautomation.com]
>> Journeyman Idealists Inside of Companies [daedtech.com]
4. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week: