Java Web Weekly, Issue 158 – Java网络周刊》第158期

最后修改: 2017年 1月 5日


1. Spring and Java


>> Introducing Kotlin support in Spring Framework 5.0 []

Very cool news – Kotlin is coming to Spring 5.

非常酷的消息 – Kotlin将进入Spring 5。

>> Your Brilliant Java Career []

A short write-up on the importance of health in your programming career 🙂

关于健康的重要性在你的编程生涯中的短文 🙂

>> If You’ve Written Java Code in 2016 – Here Are the Trends You Couldn’t Have Missed []

A summary of trends and buzzwords that ruled 2016.


>> Running Spring Boot Apps on Windows with Ansible []

A quick tutorial explaining how to run Spring Boot applications on Windows with Ansible.

一个快速教程,解释了如何用Ansible在Windows上运行Spring Boot应用程序。

>> 10 Java Blogs to Follow in 2017 []

Pretty self-explanatory 🙂

不言自明 🙂

>> 5 tips to write efficient queries with JPA and Hibernate []

Five “rules of thumb” for JPA and Hibernate users

JPA和Hibernate用户的五个 “经验法则”

Also worth reading:

Webinars and presentations:


Time to upgrade:


2. Technical


>> Exploratory Infrastructure projects []

Some thoughts about applying Agile methodologies to Ops reality


Also worth reading:

3. Musings


>> 10 ways for a conference to upset their speakers []

A list of annoying things that conference speakers need to deal with.


Or, from a different perspective, things that conference organizers can improve to put on a great event.


>> Topic Modeling of the codecentric Blog Articles []

A very interesting case study of topic modeling of technical articles.


>> Why I don’t call myself a tester, or: defining what I do []

Putting labels on things might be misleading sometimes, especially when it comes to what we do, which is inherently very complex.


>> Betting against techno-unemployment []

A more critical view about the danger of techno-unemployment.


>> Resolutions Like You Mean It []

That’s how engineers should approach New Year’s resolutions 🙂

这就是工程师应该如何对待新年决议 🙂

>> Working remotely, coworking spaces, and mental health []

Working remotely might be not that enjoyable in the long term 🙂

从长远来看,远程工作可能并不那么令人愉快 🙂

Also worth reading:


4. Comics


And my favorite Dilberts of the week:


>> You just earned “lazy” on your next review []

>> How many nuts are in there? []

>> You have been offending your co-workers []

5. Pick of the Week

5 本周精选

>> How to take Fridays “off” (and still be insanely productive) []