Java Web Weekly, Issue 164 – Java网络周刊》第164期

最后修改: 2017年 2月 13日


Lots of interesting writeups on Java 9 this week.

本周有很多关于Java 9的有趣文章。

Here we go…


1. Spring and Java


>> Signing and verifying a standalone JAR []

Signing a JAR file created by Spring Boot can be quite tricky.

签署由Spring Boot创建的JAR文件可能相当棘手。

>> Repackaging Exceptions In Streams []

Handling checked exception within lambdas can be painful. And there are no solutions for this – only workarounds.


>> RXJava2 by Example []

A deep dive into the basic principles of reactive programming with RxJava and loads of examples.


>> Building Multi-Release JARs with Maven []

Exploring a new Java 9 feature – multi-release JAR files.

探索Java 9的新特性–多版本JAR文件。

>> Integration testing strategies for Spring Boot microservices []

Spring Boot and microservices solve some problems but create different challenges – testing is certainly one of them.

Spring Boot和微服务解决了一些问题,但也带来了不同的挑战–测试无疑是其中之一。

>> Beyond POJOs – Ten More Ways to Reduce Boilerplate with Lombok []

Most people use Lombok for POJOs or data classes but you can find other very useful uses in therenwi.


>> Creating stubs using the Hoverfly Java DSL []

A short tutorial on stubbing APIs using Hoverfly.


>> Setting up your logging with SLF4J – How to automate the prevention of mistakes and disappearing log statements []

Properly setting up logging can actually be difficult to do well. There are a few things in here you might not have considered before.


Also worth reading:


Webinars and presentations:


2. Technical


>> FunctionAsObject []

The base of functional programming – leveraging functions as first-class citizens. A quick and worthwhile little writeup.


>> 4 Challenges to Building Multi-factor Authentication []

Multi-factor authentication solutions do significantly increase the security of a system but have their own set of challenges.


>> How does a relational database work []

Refreshing the basics 🙂

刷新基础知识 🙂

Also worth reading:


3. Musings


>> Computer Science Concepts That Non-Technical People Should Know []

Sometimes we don’t speak the same language and we might not be aware of it. There are few concepts that would make communication between technical and non-technical people much easier.


>> Logging for Fun: Things You’d Never Thought to Log []

Logging and monitoring of everyday things can give us ideas for future improvements 🙂

对日常事物的记录和监测可以为我们提供未来改进的思路 🙂

>> Extracting Value as an Employee []

Some really pragmatic, potentially uncomfortable advice.


>> Habits that Pay Off for Programmers []

The Law of Diminishing Returns applies to technical skills as well. Developing critical complementary skills – outside of pure coding – pays off in the long run.


Also worth reading:

4. Comics


And my favorite Dilberts of the week:


>> The agile programmers can jump out of the way []

>> I’ll be the judge of that []

>> My part is mostly talk []

5. Pick of the Week

5 本周精选

>> The Builder’s High []