Lots of interesting writeups on Java 9 this week.
本周有很多关于Java 9的有趣文章。
Here we go…
1. Spring and Java
>> From Microservices to Distributed Systems – Survival guide for Java Developers [eisele.net]
Another solid way of doing a microservice implementation 🙂
>> What’s the Top Java Logging Method on GitHub? String Concatenation vs Parameterized Logging [takipi.com]
Should we parameterize or concatenate? As usual, the answer is “it depends”.
我们应该设置参数还是串联?像往常一样,答案是 “这取决于”。
>> Deterministic Execution on the JVM [infoq.com]
A very interesting article exploring JVM determinism on the case study of the deterministic classloader – Corda.
>> The Future of Java in the Enterprise – InfoQ’s Opinion [infoq.com]
InfoQ are going over the JVM landscape and checking which technologies have already crossed the chasm 🙂
InfoQ正在检查JVM的情况,并检查哪些技术已经跨越了鸿沟 🙂。
>> Should I Implement the Arcane Iterator.remove() Method? Yes You (Probably) Should [jooq.org]
Just in case, it’s better to not ignore the Iterator.remove() method.
>> Java Web Frameworks Index by RebelLabs [zeroturnaround.com]
The RebelLabs guys created a ranking of Java web frameworks by researching Stackoverflow, LinkedIn, Github, etc. Quite interesting data here.
>> The Dangers of Race Conditions in Five Minutes [sitepoint.com]
>> 五分钟内的种族条件危险[/span>sitepoint.com]
Revising basics and consequences of race conditions.
>> Lazy Computations in Java with a Lazy Type [sitepoint.com]
If you miss some tools in Java, you can always build it yourself. The article goes through a case study of the design and implementation of a Lazy type in Java.
>> Java 9 Will Adjust Memory Limits if Running with Docker [infoq.com]
The JVM is not aware of the fact that it is running in a container and it can cause multiple problems. Java 9 brings a solution for this problem.
JVM并不知道它是在一个容器中运行的,这可能会导致多种问题。Java 9为这个问题带来了一个解决方案。
Also worth reading:
>> How to implement complex full-text search with Hibernate Search [thoughts-on-java.org]
>> Tutorial: Get Started with Angular, Spring Boot, and Stormpath [stormpath.com]
>> How to map the latest child of a parent entity using Hibernate @JoinFormula [vladmihalcea.com]
>> Spring Boot token authentication using JWT [aboullaite.me]
>> Hazelcast, JCache and Spring Boot [pappanyn.me]
>> Spring Boot Mvc + Apache Tiles Example [devglan.com]
>> Hibernate ORM, connections and cloud friendliness [in.relation.to]
>> Going off-heap to improve latency and reduce AWS bill [plumbr.eu]
Webinars and presentations:
>> Jonas Bonér on the Actor Model, Akka, Reactive Programming, Microservices and Distributed Systems [infoq.com]
>> Spring Tips: Apache MyBatis [spring.io]
Time to upgrade:
>> Hibernate Search 5.7.0.Final release is out! [in.relation.to]
>> Eighth bug-fix release for ORM 5.2 [in.relation.to]
>> Initial Bean Validation 2.0 support: Hibernate Validator 6.0.0.Alpha1 is out [in.relation.to]
>> Hibernate OGM 5.1 CR 1 is out [in.relation.to]
>> First Alpha of Bean Validation 2.0 Reference Implementation Available [beanvalidation.org]
>> Spring IO Platform Brussels-RELEASE [spring.io]
>> Reactor Aluminium-SR1 has landed [spring.io]
>> Spring Cloud Data Flow for Cloud Foundry 1.1.1 Maintenance release available [spring.io]
2. Technical
>> CockroachDB beta-20160829 [jepsen.io]
A deep dive into the CockrockroachDB persistence guarantees.
This one, as many of the Jepsen articles – is an insightful read even if you’re not using CockroachDB (which you probably aren’t).
>> ElasticSearch API cheatsheet [frankel.ch]
The most important ElasticSearch API operations in one place.
最重要的ElasticSearch API操作在一个地方。
>> CQRS and Event Sourcing with Lagom [codecentric.de]
And yet another approach to CQRS and Event Sourcing – this time with Lagom from Lightbend – the company behind Scala and Akka.
>> MariaDB Dialects [in.relation.to]
A super short overview of MariaDB Dialects.
>> The MySQL Dialect refactoring [in.relation.to]
And some very nice simplifications of dialects in Hibernate – and a good example of still evolving a mature framework.
Also worth reading:
>> Building a ChatOps Bot with Slack and Loggly (Part 1) [loggly.com]
>> Designing robust and predictable APIs with idempotency [stripe.com]
>> Service virtualization with Parasoft Virtualize Community Edition [ontestautomation.com]
3. Musings
Also worth reading:
>> Developer Hegemony: It’s a Wrap (And Check out the Covers)! [daedtech.com]
>> A Case For Native Smart Card Support in Browsers [techblog.bozho.net]
>> How to Get Coding Standards Right (and Wrong) [daedtech.com]
>> Slow Exits Are Fucking Up the Valley [zachholman.com]
4. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week: