Lots of interesting writeups on Java 9 this week.
本周有很多关于Java 9的有趣文章。
Here we go…
1. Spring and Java
>> Java Finalization to be Deprecated? [infoq.com]
It looks like Object.finalize() might be getting deprecated.
看起来Object.finalize() 可能要被废弃了。
>> Java’s Ternary Operator in Three Minutes [sitepoint.com]
A short but comprehensive guide to the ternary operator(condition ? … : …) in Java.
关于Java中的三元运算符(condition ? … : …)的简短而全面的指南。
>> Object Deserialisation Filters Backported from Java 9 [infoq.com]
JEP-290 (filtering incoming data in an object input stream) was backported to Java 6, 7, and 8. Very nice.
JEP-290(过滤对象输入流中的传入数据)已回传到 Java 6、7 和 8。非常好。
Also worth reading:
>> Testing an HTTPS client for the Kubernetes API server using Hoverfly Java [specto.io]
>> Production-Ready Microservices in Action [dzone.com]
>> Fundamentals of Java Enum Types [sitepoint.com]
>> The best way to map a @OneToMany relationship with JPA and Hibernate [vladmihalcea.com]
Webinars and presentations:
>> Spring Tips: Servlet Container Deployment Options [spring.io]
>> Webinar April 13th: Spring Boot Under the Hood [spring.io]
>> Spring Tips: The Spring Framework *Utils Classes [spring.io]
Time to upgrade:
>> Hibernate Validator 5.4.1.Final [in.relation.to]
>> Spring Cloud Data Flow 1.2 M3 released [spring.io]
>> Spring REST Docs 1.2.0.RC1 [spring.io]
>> Vaadin Releases Version 8 of Their Polyglot Framework [infoq.com]
>> IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1: Java 9, Kotlin 1.1, Spring, Gradle, JavaScript, Go and more [jetbrains.com]
>> Spring Testing Improvements in IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1 [jetbrains.com]
>> Reactor Kotlin Extensions 1.0.0.M1 released [spring.io]
>> JSF 2.3 released! [arjan-tijms.omnifaces.org]
2. Technical
>> Cloud offerings free tier – Amazon vs Google [frankel.ch]
A realistic comparison of what we can expect from Amazon and Google Cloud without paying a single penny.
>> Distributed Stream Processing Frameworks for Fast & Big Data [codecentric.de]
A short introduction to the basics of stream processing.
>> How I would approach creating automated user interface-driven tests [ontestautomation.com]
One of the ways you could approach building interface-driven tests.
>> Modules vs. microservice [oreilly.com]
An interesting, balanced take on modularizing the architecture of a system.
Also worth reading:
>> Using Groovy to Quickly Analyze Terracotta HealthCheck Properties [marxsoftware.blogspot.com]
>> Amazon Connect – Customer Contact Center in the Cloud [aws.amazon.com]
3. Musings
>> Improving your craftsmanship through conferences [ontestautomation.com]
Attending conferences is a great way for finding inspiration and learning from others. The next step is to start speaking which boosts your self-confidence, helps building a personal brand and forces you to master the topic.
>> How to Perform Effective Team Code Reviews [daedtech.com]
It’s important to not get lost in code reviews and not fixate(too much) on trivial stuff. You should also make sure that code reviews do not become toxic and are not a source of conflict in a team.
Also worth reading:
>> Thunderbolting Your Video Card [codinghorror.com]
>> Never reason from averages [lemire.me]
>> Generate Documentation from Your Build [daedtech.com]
>> Show the User Journeys [martinfowler.com]
>> Display Features in Journeys [martinfowler.com]
>> Sequence the Features [martinfowler.com]
4. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week: