Java Weekly, Issue 189 – Java周刊》第189期

最后修改: 2017年 8月 9日


Here we go…


1. Spring and Java


>> Function-Oriented Programming with Spring Cloud Function Framework []

Spring Cloud Function is a new project that embraces working with functions – single units of computations. The interesting new addition here is the ability to decouple those from a particular vendor by introducing deployment-platform dependencies.

Spring Cloud Function是一个新项目,它包含了使用函数的工作–单一计算单元。这里有趣的新内容是,通过引入部署-平台依赖关系,能够将这些功能与特定的供应商脱钩。

>> Parsing of LocalDate query parameters in Spring Boot []

Using LocalDates as query parameters is not always as easy to use as it could be in Spring – but we can always implement our own formatters.

使用LocalDates作为查询参数并不总是像在Spring中那样容易使用 – 但我们总是可以实现我们自己的格式化。

>> Best Practices for Many-To-One and One-To-Many Association Mappings []

A super useful list of distilled of practices to remember when working with Many-To-One and One-To-Many mappings in Hibernate.

在Hibernate中处理 “多对一 “和 “一对多 “映射时,需要记住做法的超级有用的列表。

>> flatMap() vs. concatMap() vs. concatMapEager() – RxJava FAQ []

>> flatMap() and the order of events – RxJava FAQ []

RxJava’s flatMap() is raising a lot of questions – some of them are answered here.


>> Code Smells: Null []

The concept of Null is a commonly acknowledged problem, but there are certain practices that can help us to not deal with it directly.


>> How to store schema-less EAV (Entity-Attribute-Value) data using JSON and Hibernate []

A quick and practical example of storing EAV data using JSON and Hibernate.


>> Bean Validation 2.0 is a spec! []

Cool – the new Bean Validation 2.0 specification is ready – you can check it out on the JSR’s page.

酷 – 新的Bean Validation 2.0规范已经准备好了 – 你可以在JSR的页面上查看它

Also worth reading:

Webinars and presentations:


Time to upgrade:


2. Technical


>> Messaging as the Single Source of Truth []

A comprehensive guide to using Kafka as the Event Store in a system utilizing the Event Sourcing approach. Very nice.


Also worth reading:


3. Musings


>> In defence of pedantic tools []

Pedantry is often annoying but at the end of the day saves us from a lot of trouble 🙂

迂腐往往令人讨厌,但最后却能使我们免于很多麻烦 🙂。

>> Application Network Functions With ESBs, API Management, and Now.. Service Mesh? []

An in-depth guide to different Microservice patterns.


>> Pulling Your Team Through a Project Crunch []

Crunch time is hard for everyone, but surely there are ways to make it less painful than it actually is.


Also worth reading:


4. Comics


And my favorite Dilberts of the week:


>> Valuable Career Advice []

>> Death-Eater Grey []

>> Changing back to cubicles []

5. Pick of the Week

5 本周精选

>> Solving Your Logging Problems with Logback []