Java Weekly, Issue 191 – Java周刊,第191期

最后修改: 2017年 8月 24日


Lots of interesting writeups on Java 9 this week.

本周有很多关于Java 9的有趣文章。

Here we go…


1. Spring and Java


>> Oracle Looking to Move Java EE to Open Source Foundation []

The Java EE team is considering going to an open-source, third-party foundation.

Java EE团队正在考虑转到一个开源的第三方基金会。

I think that’s going to be a great step forward – I hope it really works out this way 🙂

我认为这将是一个伟大的进步–我希望它真的能这样发展 🙂。

>> How Java 9 Incubator Modules Will Change the Future of Java []

Incubator modules will be an interesting feature of the JPMS – they will allow a safe introduction of unfinished or experimental APIs.


>> Introducing Actuator Endpoints in Spring Boot 2.0 []

Spring Boot 2.0 brings many important (and cool) changes to Actuators, along with the support for Spring MVC, Spring WebFlux, and Jersey.

Spring Boot 2.0 为 Actuators 带来了许多重要的(也是很酷的)变化,同时也支持 Spring MVC、Spring WebFlux 和 Jersey。

>> Vavr, Collections, and Java Stream API Collectors []

It turns out that the Stream API Collectors can be used easily with Vavr (formerly Javaslang) Collections and even with tools like Option or Try.


>> Fast Forward >> Vavr 1.0 []

The rebranded Javaslang is approaching the first full release under the new name – which will include numerous changes like splitting the main artifact into smaller ones, and Java interoperability improvements.


>> Rise and fall of JVM languages []

I always find it interesting to look at the high-level state of our ecosystem.


My one note here is that I would have liked to also see Clojure in there as well.


Also worth reading:

Webinars and presentations:


Time to upgrade:


2. Technical


>> Leveraging the Power of a Database ‘Unbundled’ []

“Unbundling” a database makes it possible to share it between multiple services without causing an unnecessary coupling.

为数据库 “松绑 “使其有可能在多个服务之间共享,而不会造成不必要的耦合。

>> Code Smells: Deeply Nested Code []

A cool case-study of refactoring code containing multiple nested for and if statements.


Also worth reading:


3. Musings


>> Perspective on Architectural Fitness of Microservices []

Microservices are not a recipe for a universally applicable architecture.


Like anything else – they need to be applied when there are specific problems to be solved.


>> How You’re Probably Misunderstanding TDD []

There are many misconceptions about the TDD out there – here are just some of the most interesting ones.

外面有许多关于TDD的误解 – 这里只是一些最有趣的误解。

Also worth reading:


4. Comics


And my favorite Dilberts of the week:


>> The urge to disagree []

>> Attention span []

>> Ethics []

5. Pick of the Week

5 本周精选

This week I’ve finally announced the new stuff that’s coming down the pike in my REST With Spring course – all related to Spring 5 (along with the upcoming price change):

本周我终于宣布了我的REST With Spring课程中即将推出的新内容–都是与Spring 5有关的(还有即将到来的价格变化)。

>> The upcoming new modules in REST With Spring