Let’s jump right in…
1. Spring and Java
>> Monitor your Java application with Datadog Sponsored
Optimize performance with end-to-end tracing and out-of-the-box support for popular Java frameworks, application servers, and databases. Try it free:
>> Using Spring Security 5 to integrate with OAuth 2-secured services such as Facebook and GitHub [spring.io]
One of the key features of Spring Security 5 is the significantly improved and streamlined OAuth2 support. This is quite a useful exploration of that functionality.
Spring Security 5的主要功能之一是显著改进和简化的OAuth2支持。这是对该功能相当有用的探索。
>> Event sourcing using Kafka [blog.softwaremill.com]
It’s clear that Kafka can be used as a solid base for implementing event-sourced systems, without a lot of effort.
>> Representing the Impractical and Impossible with JDK 10 “var” [benjiweber.co.uk]
Java 10’s “var” will make it possible to declare variables with types that were cumbersome and very impractical to represent before. Good stuff coming.
Java 10的 “var “将使声明变量的类型成为可能,这些类型在以前是很麻烦的,而且表示起来非常不实际。好东西就要来了。
Also worth reading:
>> A First Look at Java 10 Release Candidate 1 [infoq.com]
>> Java 10: Inferred Local Variables [javaspecialists.eu]
>> Dynamic casting in Java [blog.frankel.ch]
>> Java EE Becomes Jakarta EE [infoq.com]
>> Dependency Injection Boundaries [advancedweb.hu]
>> HA and Zone Affinity with Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka [blog.marcosbarbero.com]
>> Kotlin TOTD: externally immutable, internally mutable collections [blog.sourced-bvba.be]
>> Spring Security SAML Roadmap [spring.io]
>> Introduction to Java heap tuning – Some easy steps to improve response times [vanwilgenburg.wordpress.com]
Webinars and presentations:
>> From Zero to Hero with Spring Boot [infoq.com]
>> Zero to 12 Million [infoq.com]
>> Programmatic Bean Registration with Spring Framework 5.0 [infoq.com]
>> Kafka Streams – From the Ground Up to the Cloud [infoq.com]
Time to upgrade:
>> Spring Security SAML and this week’s SAML Vulnerability [spring.io]
>> Security issue in Spring Data REST (CVE-2017-8046) [spring.io]
>> Reactor BISMUTH-SR7 is out! [spring.io]
>> Spring Security OAuth Boot 2 Auto-config 2.0.0 Released [spring.io]
>> Spring Session Apple SR1 Released [spring.io]
>> Spring Security 5.0.3 Released [spring.io]
>> Spring Boot 2.0 Goes GA; Project Lead Phil Webb Speaks to InfoQ about the New Release [infoq.com]
2. Technical and Musings
>> Continuous Delivery Sounds Great, but Will It Work Here? [queue.acm.org]
A good, practical-minded intro to CD, along with a realistic look at adoption and challenges.
>> The Mercenary’s Guide to Should I Stay or Should I Go? [daedtech.com]
When the enthusiasms level go down and you stop caring about where and on what you are working on, it’s probably time to move on :). Also, don’t expect your current company to become what you’d want it to be like – that rarely happens.
当热情水平下降,你不再关心你在哪里工作,在做什么,可能是时候继续前进了 :)。另外,不要指望你现在的公司会变成你希望的样子–这很少发生。
Also worth reading:
>> Why TDD [builttoadapt.io]
>> ETL with Kafka [blog.codecentric.de]
>> 5 Shocking Stats That Prove Logs Are Inadequate [blog.takipi.com]
>> USING JWT FOR SESSIONS [techblog.bozho.net]
>> The Agile Fluency Model [martinfowler.com]
>> Learn from My Mistakes: Applied Positioning and Specialty Lessons [daedtech.com]
3. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week:
>> Elbonian Slave Labor [dilbert.com]
>> No Economic Value [dilbert.com]
>> Boss Loves Criticism [dilbert.com]
4. Pick of the Week
A very cool GitHub feature introduced a few months back and already useful:
>> Introducing security alerts on GitHub [blog.github.com]