Here we go…
1. Spring and Java
>> Reactive Transactions with Spring []
A couple of milestone releases that let you play with Spring Reactive’s transactional support, using either RDBC2 or MongoDB.
几个里程碑式的版本,让你可以使用RDBC2或MongoDB玩转Spring Reactive的事务性支持。
>> Why do we need the volatile keyword? []
And a reminder that there’s still a use case for volatile, even with the cache available in modern processors.
Also worth reading:
>> Run your Eclipse IDE with Shenandoah GC []
>> J2CL: A Java-to-JavaScript Transpiler []
>> Multiple Condition Queues For Better Concurrency []
>> #HowTo: Remote Debug Spring Boot Applications (InteliJ IDEA + Eclipse) []
>> Separation of Concerns in Spring Applications []
>> Welcome My Fascicle on JPA []
>> How to detect HHH000104 issues with hibernate.query.fail_on_pagination_over_collection_fetch []
Webinars and presentations:
>> Spring Tips: Reactive Transactions []
>> Java and JavaFX Game Development []
>> Java, Today and Tomorrow by Mark Reinhold []
Time to upgrade:
- >> Open Liberty Released with Support for Reactive Streams Operators 1.0 and JDK 12 []
>> Spring Cloud Data Flow 2.1 GA Released []
>> Reactor Californium-SR8 is out []
2. Technical and Musings
>> TechnicalDebt []
A good write-up about dealing with “cruft” — the deficiencies in internal quality that make software systems harder to modify and extend.
一篇关于处理 “残渣 “的好文章–内部质量的缺陷使软件系统更难修改和扩展。
>> 737 Max 8 []
And a stern note that we programmers have a responsibility to foresee and prevent injury, loss, or death that might occur due to errors in our code.
Also worth reading:
>> Why I Am a Tester []
>> Natural Language Processing in Cloud []
>> Configuring Kubernetes login with Keycloak []
>>Exercises in Programming Style, stacking things up []
>> Debug mode in Docker for Tomcat and TomEE []
>> Ten cognitive biases to look out for as a developer []
>> Test-Driven Development: Really, It’s a Design Technique []
3. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week:
>> Wally Has Best Excuse []
>> Worthless Suggestions []
>> Blinking Tell []
4. Pick of the Week
I recently discovered Codota – a really cool (and free) coding assistant with surprisingly strong suggestions – and explored it in a new video here:
>> A First Experience Working with Codota – an AI Assistant that Actually Works []