1. Spring and Java
>> Heap Regions X-Large [tschatzl.github.io]
>> Heap Regions X-Large [tschatzl.github.io]
The story of humongous objects and G1 GC – how Java 18 improves the way it handles large objects. A solid read.
巨大的对象和G1 GC的故事 – Java 18如何改进处理大型对象的方式。一本可靠的读物。
>> A new build and a new structured concurrency API [openjdk.java.net]
>> A new build and a new structured concurrency API【openjdk.java.net】
Let’s try a new build for the project loom: the introduction of StructuredExecutor for structured concurrency and virtual threads as cleaners.
>> Native-image with Spring Boot [blog.frankel.ch]
>> Native-image with Spring Boot [blog.frankel.ch]
And a practical guide on how to generate a native image for Spring Boot projects – even more, cloud-native Spring!
还有一份关于如何为Spring Boot项目生成原生图像的实用指南–甚至更多,云原生的Spring!
Also worth reading:
- >> Mixing Inheritance Mapping Strategies with Hibernate [thorben-janssen.com]
- >> Custom Request Parameter Conversion For Spring Cloud Feign Clients [arnoldgalovics.com]
- >> JEP proposed to target JDK 18: 420: Pattern Matching for switch (Second Preview)[openjdk.java.net]
- >> JEP proposed to target JDK 18: 419: Foreign Function & Memory API (Second Incubator) [openjdk.java.net]
- >> How to use Java classes in Python [blog.codecentric.de]
- >> Testing Spring Cloud Feign Clients With Eureka [arnoldgalovics.com]
- >> Kubernetes and Docker Updates in IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3 [blog.jetbrains.com]
- >> Fun with PostGIS: Mandelbrot Set, Game of Life, and More [blog.jooq.org]
Webinars and presentations:
- >> What Happens to Finalization in JDK 18? – Inside Java Newscast #15 [youtube.com]
- >> A Bootiful Podcast: JMS and Messaging legend, HornetQ and Artemis cofounder, Clebert Suconic [spring.io]
- >> Spring Tips: My Reactive Summit 2021 Day 2 Keynote with James Ward [spring.io]
- >> Spring Tips: @Controllers: WebSockets [spring.io]
- >> Java Experts Spill the Beans [youtube.com]
- >> To Java 17 and Beyond! – Billy Korando [youtube.com]
Time to upgrade:
- >> Kotlin 1.6.0 Released [blog.jetbrains.com]
- >> Spring Data 2021.1.0 goes GA [spring.io]
- >> Spring Cloud Netflix version 2.2.10.RELEASE is now available [spring.io]
- >> Spring Data 2021.0.7 and 2020.0.15 released [spring.io]
- >> Spring Framework 5.3.13 available now [spring.io]
- >> Quarkus 2.4.2.Final released – Maintenance release [quarkus.io]
- >> Elasticsearch 7.15.2 [elastic.co]
- >> Micronaut 3.1.4 [github.com]
- >> Apache Camel 3.13.0 [camel.apache.org]
- >> Piranha Core Version 10.0 Release [github.com]
2. Technical
>> Amazon MemoryDB for Redis – Where speed meets consistency [allthingsdistributed.com]
>> Amazon MemoryDB for Redis – Where speed meets consistency [allthingsdistributed.com]
Another customer-driven innovation from AWS: a strongly consistent, fast, and highly available Redis-compatible service in AWS.
Also worth reading:
- >> The strong and weak forces of architecture [martinfowler.com]
- >> Dockershim removal is coming. Are you ready? [kubernetes.io]
- >> How to maintain database consistency in DynamoDB [advancedweb.hu]
3. Musings
>> How to create a tech startup [vladmihalcea.com]
>> 如何创建一家科技创业公司 [vladmihalcea.com]
An interesting, step-by-step story of building a startup: seizing the opportunity, coming up with a business plan, branding, MVP, and marketing
Also worth reading:
- >> Building confidence in a decision [netflixtechblog.com]
- >> The Tote Bag Economy [avdi.codes]
- >> On Piracy [avdi.codes]
4. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week:
>> Employee Of The Year [dilbert.com]
>> 年度最佳员工 [dilbert.com]
>> Show Initiative [dilbert.com]
>> 显示倡议 [dilbert.com]
>> Alice’s College Emails [dilbert.com]
>> Alice的大学邮件 [dilbert.com]
5. Pick of the Week
5 本周精选
This week, I’ll pick our new Linux area, on the site:
>> Linux on Baeldung
It’s not really new – we’ve been working on it for the last three years, but I don’t think I’ve ever picked it here 🙂
这其实并不新鲜–过去三年我们一直在研究它,但我想我从来没有在这里挑选过它 🙂