1. Spring and Java
>> Understanding JIT Optimizations by Decompilation [infoq.com]
>> 通过反编译了解JIT优化 [infoq.com]
A demonstration of developing a pseudo-code decompiler for optimized Java code and how it helps you understand JIT internals.
>> What the Heck Is Project Loom for Java? [foojay.io]
>> What the Heck Is Project Loom for Java? [foojay.io]
A bit of history on concurrency in Java and how project Loom will change how we develop high-throughput concurrent applications.
>> The Second Best Way to Fetch a Spring Data JPA DTO Projection [blog.jooq.org]
>> 获取Spring Data JPA DTO投影的第二种最佳方法 [blog.jooq.org]
And how to use the multiset value constructor and aggregate functions to map the database entities to DTOs in jOOQ. Good stuff.
Also worth reading:
- >> Introducing the new Redis API – How to cache with Redis? [quarkus.io]
- >> Skaffold for Local Java App Development [java-allandsundry.com]
- >> Microsoft is committed to the success of Java developers [spring.io]
Webinars and presentations:
- >> String Templates, JavaFX 19, Deserialization, and more at JavaOne – Inside Java Newscast #32 [inside.java]
- >> #206 Java 19: Millions of Threads in No Time [airhacks.fm]
- >> A Bootiful Podcast: Dr. Kris De Volder on Spring Tools, VS Code, and so much more [spring.io]
Time to upgrade:
- >> Hibernate ORM 5.6.11.Final released [in.relation.to]
- >> Micronaut Framework 3.6.2 Released! [micronaut.io]
- >> Quarkus 2.12.0.Final released [quarkus.io]
- >> Pi4J V2.2.0 Released [foojay.io]
- >> Netflix Conductor v3.11.1 [github.com/Netflix]
- >> Apache Camel 3.18.2 [github.com/apache]
- >> Elasticsearch version 8.4.1 [elastic.co]
- >> JHipster release v7.9.3 [jhipster.tech]
2. Technical & Musings
2.技术& 思考
>> Request Batch [martinfowler.com]
>> Request Batch [martinfowler.com]
Combining multiple requests to optimally utilize the network capacity to handle them, to increase throughput.
>> Introducing COSI: Object Storage Management using Kubernetes APIs [kubernetes.io]
>> 介绍COSI:使用Kubernetes API的对象存储管理 [kubernetes.io]
Meet Container Object Storage Interface: a standard for provisioning and consuming object storage in Kubernetes 1.25.
满足容器对象存储接口:Kubernetes 1.25中供应和消费对象存储的标准。
Also worth reading:
- >> A quick glance at the Kubernetes Gateway API [blog.frankel.ch]
- >> Why Reactive Streams are the SECRET to CUTTING your monthly cloud bill! [springbootlearning.medium.com]
- >> Kubernetes’s IPTables Chains Are Not API [kubernetes.io]
- >> Migrating Monoliths to Microservices in Practice [foojay.io]
- >> A Distributed System is Knowable: an Impossible Thing for Developers [infoq.com]
- >> Tips for Remote Work [blog.code-cop.org]
3. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week:
>> Doing The Impossible [dilbert.com]
>> 做不可能的事 [dilbert.com]
>> Dogbert Consulting Renames [dilbert.com]
>> Dogbert咨询公司更名 [dilbert.com]
>> Absurd Absolute Guy [dilbert.com]
>> 荒谬的绝对家伙 [dilbert.com]
4. Pick of the Week
vFunction has finally released the cloud-hosted version of their technical debt platform:
>> The Assessment Hub Express。
You can register here directly, download the tool, set it up with your project, and quickly get to the point with what your technical debt looks like.