Java Weekly, Issue 518 – Java Weekly》第 518 期

最后修改: 2023年 12月 1日


1. Spring and Java

1. Spring 和 Java

>> JEP targeted to JDK 22: JEP 456: Unnamed Variables & Patterns []

>> 面向 JDK 22 的 JEP:JEP 456:未命名变量 & 模式 [] </p

The second preview of unnamed variables and patterns in Java 22: useful when we don’t need some variables, or patterns.

第二期预览 Java 22 中的未命名变量和模式:当我们不需要某些变量或模式时,它们很有用。

>> Spring Tips: Spring Boot 3.2 []

>> Spring Tips:Spring Boot 3.2 [] </p

Diving into the cool new features of Spring Boot 3.2 and Java 21: virtual threads, faster startup, Java 21 features, and quite a bit more.

深入了解 Spring Boot 3.2 和 Java 21 的超酷新功能:虚拟线程、更快的启动速度、Java 21 功能以及更多。

>> Introducing Generational ZGC []

>> Introducing Generational ZGC []]] </p

And, yes, ZGC can be even better by supporting generations: providing scalability and ultra-low latency, while solving the allocation stall issue. An interesting read.

是的,ZGC 可以通过支持世代变得更好:提供可扩展性和超低延迟,同时解决分配停滞问题。一篇有趣的文章。

Also worth reading:

Webinars and presentations:


Time to upgrade:


2. Technical & Musings


>> Index Selectivity []

>>指数选择性 [] </p

Index selectively: what it is, how it works, and how query optimiser might choose to avoid using an index based on this idea.


>> Chopping the monolith in a smarter way []

>> 以更聪明的方式砍掉石碑 [] </p

Another perspective to chop the monolith: fanning out the requests in the API Gateway side, instead of the client side.

从另一个角度切分单体:在 API Gateway 端而不是客户端分散请求。

Also worth reading:


3. Pick of the Week


>> Reflecting on 18 years at Google []

>> 回顾在谷歌的 18 年 []

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