Java Weekly, Issue 522 – Java Weekly》第 522 期

最后修改: 2023年 12月 29日


1. Spring and Java

1. Spring 和 Java

>> Hibernate StatelessSession Upsert []

>> Hibernate StatelessSession 上传 [] </p

A portable way of performing an upsert using Hibernate StatelessSession’s Upsert method. Interesting.

使用 Hibernate StatelessSession 的 Upsert 方法执行 upsert 的便携式方法。有趣

>> This Year in Spring – 2023 []

>> 今年的Spring – 2023 [] </p

Always a good way to take a step back and see just how fast we’re moving 🙂

退后一步,看看我们的脚步有多快,总是个好办法 🙂

Also worth reading:

Webinars and presentations:


Time to upgrade:


2. Technical & Musings


>> Five Apache Projects You Probably Haven’t Heard Of (Yet) []

>> 你可能还没听说过的五个阿帕奇项目(尚未) [] </p

Some lesser-known Apache projects for use cases like real-time data warehouse, API gateway, sharding sphere, and more. A good scan.

一些鲜为人知的 Apache 项目,用于实时数据仓库、API 网关、分片领域等用例。精彩扫描

Also worth reading:


3. Pick of the Week


>> Why do programmers need private offices with doors []

>> 为什么程序员需要带门的私人办公室 []

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