Java Weekly, Issue 529 – Java Weekly》第 529 期

最后修改: 2024年 2月 15日


1. Spring and Java

1. Spring 和 Java

>> Emulating C# LINQ in Java using Code Reflection []

>> Emulating C# LINQ in Java using Code Reflection [] </p

Java’s LINQ Inspiration: code reflection and emulating the LINQ in Java.

Java 的 LINQ 灵感:代码反射和在 Java 中模拟 LINQ。

>> FetchType: Lazy/Eager loading for Hibernate & JPA []

>> FetchType:用于 Hibernate & JPA 的懒惰/快速加载 [] </p

Mastering JPA Fetch Types: a comprehensive guide to entity mappings and performance optimization.

Mastering JPA Fetch Types:实体映射和性能优化综合指南。

>> Hibernate StatelessSession JDBC Batching []

>>Hibernate StatelessSession JDBC 批量处理 []

And, still on the persistence track – optimizing Hibernate: exploring StatelessSession and JDBC Batching.

此外,我们还在持续性方面进行了优化 Hibernate:探索无状态会话(StatelessSession)和 JDBC 批处理

Also worth reading:

Webinars and presentations:


Time to upgrade:


2. Technical & Musings


>> Apache Pekko: Simplifying Concurrent Development With the Actor Model []

>> Apache Pekko:利用角色模型简化并行开发 [] 。

Meet Apache Pekko: Taking Advantage of Actor Model for Scalability and Resilience in Distributed Systems

认识 Apache Pekko:利用行动者模型提高分布式系统的可扩展性和复原力

Also worth reading:


3. Pick of the Week


>> Empower your Jakarta EE development with Payara Server []

>> 使用 Payara Server 增强您的 Jakarta EE 开发能力 []

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