Java Weekly, Issue 533 – Java Weekly》第 533 期

最后修改: 2024年 3月 15日


1. Spring and Java

1. Spring 和 Java

>> Function Calling in Java and Spring AI using the latest Mistral AI API []

>> 使用最新的 Mistral AI API 在 Java 和 Spring AI 中进行函数调用 []]。

Integrating LLM with external tools: exploring advanced function calling in Java and Spring AI with the latest Mistral AI API.

将 LLM 与外部工具整合:利用最新的 Mistral AI API 探索 Java 和 Spring AI 中的高级函数调用。

>> The Ktor Roadmap for 2024 []

>>《2024 年 Ktor 路线图》 []

Exciting new features to expect from Ktor in 2024: OpenTelemetry, gRPC, managed transactions, simplified dependency injection, and quite a bit more.

Ktor 将在 2024 年推出令人兴奋的新功能:OpenTelemetry、gRPC、托管事务、简化的依赖注入等。

Also worth reading:

Webinars and presentations:


Time to upgrade:


2. Technical & Musings


>> PostgreSQL Index Types []

>>PostgreSQL索引类型 [] PostgreSQL索引类型?

What index to choose? exploring different index types in PostgreSQL and use cases for each. 

探索 PostgreSQL 中不同的 索引类型以及每种类型的用例。

>> Measuring Developer Productivity via Humans []

>> 通过人类衡量开发人员的生产力 []

And a nuanced piece on the obviously difficult problem of measuring developer productivity, where there are no obvious answers.


Also worth reading:


3. Pick of the Week


And the Microsoft live conference is getting closer:


>> Microsoft JDConf 2024, on the 27th and 28th []

>>微软 JDConf 2024(27 日和 28 日) []

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