1. Overview
To simplify the development of REST web services and their clients in Java, a standard and portable implementation of JAX-RS API has been designed which is called Jersey.
为了简化REST网络服务及其客户端在Java中的开发,我们设计了一个标准的、可移植的JAX-RS API的实现,它被称为Jersey。
Jersey is an open source framework for developing REST web services that provide support for JAX-RS APIs and serves as a JAX-RS reference implementation.
Jersey是一个开源框架,用于开发REST Web服务,提供对JAX-RS API的支持,并作为JAX-RS参考实现。
In this tutorial, we’ll look at how we can set up a Jersey response body with different media types.
2. Maven Dependencies
First, we need the following dependencies included in the pom.xml file:
The latest version of JAX-RS can be found at jaxrs-ri, and Jersey server can be found at jersey-server
3. Response in Jersey
Naturally, there are different ways to build a response using Jersey, and we’ll look into how we can build them below.
All the examples here are HTTP GET requests, and we’ll be using the curl command to test the resources.
这里所有的例子都是HTTP GET请求,我们将使用curl命令来测试资源。
3.1. Ok Text Response
The endpoint shown here is a simple example of how plain text can be returned as a Jersey response:
public Response getOkResponse() {
String message = "This is a text response";
return Response
We can do an HTTP GET using curl to verify the response:
我们可以使用curl做一个HTTP GET,以验证响应。
curl -XGET http://localhost:8080/jersey/response/ok
This endpoint will send back a response as follows:
This is a text response
When the media type isn’t specified, Jersey will default to text/plain.
3.2. Error Response
Errors can also be sent back as a Jersey response:
public Response getNOkTextResponse() {
String message = "There was an internal server error";
return Response
To verify the response, we can do an HTTP GET request using curl :
为了验证响应,我们可以使用curl做一个HTTP GET请求。
curl -XGET http://localhost:8080/jersey/response/not_ok
The error message will be sent back in the response:
There was an internal server error
3.3. Plain Text Response
We can also return simple plain text responses:
public Response getTextResponseTypeDefined() {
String message = "This is a plain text response";
return Response
Again, we can do an HTTP GET using curl to verify the response:
同样,我们可以使用curl做一个HTTP GET,以验证响应。
curl -XGET http://localhost:8080/jersey/response/text_plain
The response will be as follows:
This is a plain text response
The same outcome could also be achieved via the Produces annotation instead of using the type() method in the Response:
@Produces({ MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN })
public Response getTextResponseTypeAnnotated() {
String message = "This is a plain text response via annotation";
return Response
We can do response verification using curl:
curl -XGET http://localhost:8080/jersey/response/text_plain_annotation
Here’s the response:
This is a plain text response via annotation
3.4. JSON Response Using POJO
A simple Plain Old Java Object (POJO) can also be used build a Jersey response.
一个简单的Plain Old Java Object(POJO)也可以用来构建Jersey响应。
We have a very simple Person POJO shown below, which we’ll use to build a response:
我们有一个非常简单的Person POJO,如下所示,我们将用它来建立一个响应。
public class Person {
String name;
String address;
// standard constructor
// standard getters and setters
The Person POJO can now be used to return JSON as the Response body:
Person POJO现在可以用来返回JSON作为响应体。
public Response getPojoResponse() {
Person person = new Person("Abhinayak", "Nepal");
return Response
The working of this GET endpoint can be verified – via the following curl command:
curl -XGET http://localhost:8080/jersey/response/pojo
The Person POJO will be transformed into a JSON and sent back as a response:
Person POJO将被转换为JSON,并作为响应发送回来。
3.5. JSON Response Using Simple String
We can use preformatted strings to create a response, and it can be done simply.
The following endpoint is an example of how a JSON represented as a String can be sent back as a JSON in the Jersey response:
public Response getJsonResponse() {
String message = "{\"hello\": \"This is a JSON response\"}";
return Response
This can be verified by doing an HTTP GET using curl to verify the response:
这可以通过使用curl做HTTP GET来验证响应。
curl -XGET http://localhost:8080/jersey/response/json
Calling this resource will return a JSON:
{"hello":"This is a JSON response"}
The same pattern applies for other common media types like XML or HTML. We just need to notify Jersey that it’s an XML or HTML using MediaType.TEXT_XML or MediaType.TEXT_HTML and Jersey will handle the rest.
4. Conclusion
In this quick article, we constructed Jersey (JAX-RS) responses for a variety of media types.
All of the code snippets, mentioned in the article, can be found in over on GitHub.