Introduction to jOOL – JOOL简介

最后修改: 2017年 2月 25日


1. Overview


In this article, we will be looking at the jOOL library – another product from jOOQ.


2. Maven Dependency


Let’s start by adding a Maven dependency to your pom.xml:



You can find the latest version here.


3. Functional Interfaces


In Java 8, functional interfaces are quite limited. They accept the maximum number of two parameters and do not have many additional features.

在Java 8中,功能接口是相当有限的。它们最多接受两个参数,并且没有很多额外的功能。

jOOL fixes that by proving a set of new functional interfaces that can accept even 16 parameters (from Function1 up to Function16) and are enriched with additional handy methods.


For example, to create a function that takes three arguments, we can use Function3:


Function3<String, String, String, Integer> lengthSum
  = (v1, v2, v3) -> v1.length() + v2.length() + v3.length();

In pure Java, you would need to implement it by yourself. Besides that, functional interfaces from jOOL have a method applyPartially() that allows us to perform a partial application easily:


Function2<Integer, Integer, Integer> addTwoNumbers = (v1, v2) -> v1 + v2;
Function1<Integer, Integer> addToTwo = addTwoNumbers.applyPartially(2);

Integer result = addToTwo.apply(5);

assertEquals(result, (Integer) 7);

When we have a method that is of a Function2 type, we can transform it easily to a standard Java BiFunction by using a toBiFunction() method:

当我们有一个Function2类型的方法时,我们可以通过使用toBiFunction()方法轻松地将其转换为标准的Java BiFunction

BiFunction biFunc = addTwoNumbers.toBiFunction();

Similarly, there is a toFunction() method in Function1 type.


4. Tuples


A tuple is a very important construct in a functional programming world. It’s a typed container for values where each value can have a different type. Tuples are often used as function arguments.


They’re also very useful when doing transformations on a stream of events. In jOOL, we have tuples that can wrap from one up to sixteen values, provided by Tuple1 up to Tuple16 types:


tuple(2, 2)

And for four values:



Let’s consider an example when we have a sequence of tuples that carried 3 values:


Seq<Tuple3<String, String, Integer>> personDetails = Seq.of(
  tuple("michael", "similar", 49),
  tuple("jodie", "variable", 43));
Tuple2<String, String> tuple = tuple("winter", "summer");

List<Tuple4<String, String, String, String>> result = personDetails
  .map(t -> t.limit2().concat(tuple)).toList();

  Arrays.asList(tuple("michael", "similar", "winter", "summer"), tuple("jodie", "variable", "winter", "summer"))

We can use different kinds of transformations on tuples. First, we call a limit2() method to take only two values from Tuple3. Then, we are calling a concat() method to concatenate two tuples.

我们可以对图元使用不同种类的转换。首先,我们调用一个limit2() 方法,从图元3中只取两个值。然后,我们在调用一个concat()方法来串联两个图元。

In the result, we get values that are of a Tuple4 type.


5. Seq


The Seq construct adds higher-level methods on a Stream while often uses its methods underneath.


5.1. Contains Operations


We can find a couple variants of methods checking for a presence of elements in a Seq. Some of those methods use an anyMatch() method from a Stream class:

我们可以找到一些检查Seq中是否存在元素的方法的变体。其中一些方法使用来自Stream 类的anyMatch() 方法。

assertTrue(Seq.of(1, 2, 3, 4).contains(2));

assertTrue(Seq.of(1, 2, 3, 4).containsAll(2, 3));

assertTrue(Seq.of(1, 2, 3, 4).containsAny(2, 5));

5.2. Join Operations


When we have two streams and we want to join them (similar to a SQL join operation of two datasets), using a standard Stream class is not a very elegant way to do this:

当我们有两个流并且我们想要连接它们(类似于两个数据集的SQL连接操作)时,使用一个标准的Stream 类并不是一个非常优雅的方式来做到这一点。

Stream<Integer> left = Stream.of(1, 2, 4);
Stream<Integer> right = Stream.of(1, 2, 3);

List<Integer> rightCollected = right.collect(Collectors.toList());
List<Integer> collect = left

assertEquals(collect, Arrays.asList(1, 2));

We need to collect right stream to a list, to prevent java.lang.IllegalStateException: stream has already been operated upon or closed. Next, we need to make a side effect operation by accessing a rightCollected list from a filter method. It is error prone and not elegant way to join two data sets.

我们需要将right stream收集到一个列表中,以防止java.lang.IllegalStateException: stream has already been operated upon or closed.接下来,我们需要通过从filter method访问rightCollected list进行一个副作用操作。这很容易出错,也不是连接两个数据集的优雅方式。

Fortunately, Seq has useful methods to do inner, left and right joins on data sets. Those methods hide an implementation of it exposing elegant API.


We can do an inner join by using an innerJoin() method:


  Seq.of(1, 2, 4).innerJoin(Seq.of(1, 2, 3), (a, b) -> a == b).toList(),
  Arrays.asList(tuple(1, 1), tuple(2, 2))

We can do right and left joins accordingly:


  Seq.of(1, 2, 4).leftOuterJoin(Seq.of(1, 2, 3), (a, b) -> a == b).toList(),
  Arrays.asList(tuple(1, 1), tuple(2, 2), tuple(4, null))

  Seq.of(1, 2, 4).rightOuterJoin(Seq.of(1, 2, 3), (a, b) -> a == b).toList(),
  Arrays.asList(tuple(1, 1), tuple(2, 2), tuple(null, 3))

There is even a crossJoin() method that makes possible to make a cartesian join of two datasets:

甚至还有一个crossJoin() 方法,使两个数据集的笛卡尔连接成为可能。

  Seq.of(1, 2).crossJoin(Seq.of("A", "B")).toList(),
  Arrays.asList(tuple(1, "A"), tuple(1, "B"), tuple(2, "A"), tuple(2, "B"))

5.3. Manipulating a Seq


Seq has many useful methods for manipulating sequences of elements. Let’s look at some of them.


We can use a cycle() method to take repeatedly elements from a source sequence. It will create an infinite stream, so we need to be careful when collecting results to a list thus we need to use a limit() method to transform infinite sequence into finite one:

我们可以使用cycle() 方法从一个源序列中重复获取元素。这将会产生一个无限的流,所以我们在收集结果到一个列表时需要小心,因此我们需要使用limit() 方法来将无限的序列转化为有限的序列。

  Seq.of(1, 2, 3).cycle().limit(9).toList(),
  Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3)

Let’s say that we want to duplicate all elements from one sequence to the second sequence. The duplicate() method does exactly that:

比方说,我们想把一个序列中的所有元素复制到第二个序列中。duplicate() 方法正是这样做的。

  Seq.of(1, 2, 3).duplicate().map((first, second) -> tuple(first.toList(), second.toList())),
  tuple(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3), Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3))

Returning type of a duplicate() method is a tuple of two sequences.


Let’s say that we have a sequence of integers and we want to split that sequence into two sequences using some predicate. We can use a partition() method:


  Seq.of(1, 2, 3, 4).partition(i -> i > 2)
    .map((first, second) -> tuple(first.toList(), second.toList())),
  tuple(Arrays.asList(3, 4), Arrays.asList(1, 2))

5.4. Grouping Elements


Grouping elements by a key using the Stream API is cumbersome and non-intuitive – because we need to use collect() method with a Collectors.groupingBy collector.

使用Stream API按键对元素进行分组是很麻烦的,也是不直观的–因为我们需要使用collect() 方法和Collectors.groupingBycollector。

Seq hides that code behind a groupBy() method that returns Map so there is no need to use a collect() method explicitly:


Map<Integer, List<Integer>> expectedAfterGroupBy = new HashMap<>();
expectedAfterGroupBy.put(1, Arrays.asList(1, 3));
expectedAfterGroupBy.put(0, Arrays.asList(2, 4));

  Seq.of(1, 2, 3, 4).groupBy(i -> i % 2),

5.5. Skipping Elements


Let’s say that we have a sequence of elements and we want to skip elements while a predicate is not matched. When a predicate is satisfied, elements should land in a resulting sequence.


We can use a skipWhile() method for that:


  Seq.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).skipWhile(i -> i < 3).toList(),
  Arrays.asList(3, 4, 5)

We can achieve the same result using a skipUntil() method:


  Seq.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).skipUntil(i -> i == 3).toList(),
  Arrays.asList(3, 4, 5)

5.6. Zipping Sequences


When we’re processing sequences of elements, often there is a need to zip them into one sequence.


The zip() API that could be used to zip two sequences into one:

可用于将两个序列压缩成一个的zip() API。

  Seq.of(1, 2, 3).zip(Seq.of("a", "b", "c")).toList(),
  Arrays.asList(tuple(1, "a"), tuple(2, "b"), tuple(3, "c"))

The resulting sequence contains tuples of two elements.


When we are zipping two sequences, but we want to zip them in a specific way we can pass a BiFunction to a zip() method that defines the way of zipping elements:

当我们对两个序列进行压缩时,但我们想以特定的方式压缩它们,我们可以将一个BiFunction 传递给zip() 方法,该方法定义了元素的压缩方式。

  Seq.of(1, 2, 3).zip(Seq.of("a", "b", "c"), (x, y) -> x + ":" + y).toList(),
  Arrays.asList("1:a", "2:b", "3:c")

Sometimes, it is useful to zip sequence with an index of elements in this sequence, via the zipWithIndex() API:

有时,通过zipWithIndex() API,用这个序列中元素的索引来压缩序列是很有用的。

  Seq.of("a", "b", "c").zipWithIndex().toList(),
  Arrays.asList(tuple("a", 0L), tuple("b", 1L), tuple("c", 2L))

6. Converting Checked Exceptions to Unchecked


Let’s say that we have a method that takes a string and can throw a checked exception:


public Integer methodThatThrowsChecked(String arg) throws Exception {
    return arg.length();

Then we want to map elements of a Stream applying that method to each element. There is no way to handle that exception higher so we need to handle that exception in a map() method:

然后我们想要映射Stream的元素,将该方法应用于每个元素。我们没有办法更高的处理这个异常,所以我们需要在map() 方法中处理这个异常。

List<Integer> collect = Stream.of("a", "b", "c").map(elem -> {
    try {
        return methodThatThrowsChecked(elem);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

    Arrays.asList(1, 1, 1)

There is not much we can do with that exception because of the design of functional interfaces in Java so in a catch clause, we are converting a checked exception into unchecked one.


Fortunately, in a jOOL there is an Unchecked class that has methods that can convert checked exceptions into unchecked exceptions:


List<Integer> collect = Stream.of("a", "b", "c")
  .map(Unchecked.function(elem -> methodThatThrowsChecked(elem)))

  Arrays.asList(1, 1, 1)

We are wrapping a call to a methodThatThrowsChecked() into an Unchecked.function() method that handles converting of exceptions underneath.


7. Conclusion


This article shows how to use the jOOL library that adds useful additional methods to the Java standard Stream API.

本文展示了如何使用jOOL库,该库为Java标准Stream API增加了有用的附加方法。

The implementation of all these examples and code snippets can be found in the GitHub project – this is a Maven project, so it should be easy to import and run as it is.
