1. Introduction
In this tutorial, we’ll discuss how JPA entities and the Java Serializable interface blend. First, we’ll take a look at the java.io.Serializable interface and why we need it. After that, we’ll take a look at the JPA specification and Hibernate as its most popular implementation.
在本教程中,我们将讨论JPA实体和Java Serializable接口如何融合。首先,我们将看看java.io.Serializable接口以及我们为什么需要它。之后,我们将看看JPA规范和作为其最流行实现的Hibernate。
2. What Is the Serializable Interface?
Serializable is one of the few marker interfaces found in core Java. Marker interfaces are special case interfaces with no methods or constants.
Object serialization is the process of converting Java objects into byte streams. We can then transfer these byte streams over the wire or store them in persistent memory. Deserialization is the reverse process, where we take byte streams and convert them back into Java objects. To allow object serialization (or deserialization), a class must implement the Serializable interface. Otherwise, we’ll run into java.io.NotSerializableException. Serialization is widely used in technologies such as RMI, JPA, and EJB.
3. JPA and Serializable
Let’s see what the JPA specification says about Serializable and how it pertains to Hibernate.
让我们看看JPA规范中关于Serializable 的内容,以及它与Hibernate的关系。
3.1. JPA Specification
One of the core parts of JPA is an entity class. We mark such classes as entities (either with the @Entity annotation or an XML descriptor). There are several requirements that our entity class must fulfill, and the one we’re most concerned with, according to the JPA specification, is:
If an entity instance is to be passed by value as a detached object (e.g., through a remote interface), the entity class must implement the Serializable interface.
如果一个实体实例要作为一个分离的对象(例如,通过一个远程接口)按值传递,那么实体类必须实现Serializable 接口。
In practice, if our object is to leave the domain of the JVM, it’ll require serialization.
Each entity class consists of persistent fields and properties. The specification requires that fields of an entity may be Java primitives, Java serializable types, or user-defined serializable types.
An entity class must also have a primary key. Primary keys can be primitive (single persistent field) or composite. Multiple rules apply to a composite key, one of which is that a composite key is required to be serializable.
Let’s create a simple example using Hibernate, H2 in-memory database, and a User domain object with UserId as a composite key:
public class User {
@EmbeddedId UserId userId;
String email;
// constructors, getters and setters
public class UserId implements Serializable{
private String name;
private String lastName;
// getters and setters
We can test our domain definition using the integration test:
public void givenUser_whenPersisted_thenOperationSuccessful() {
UserId userId = new UserId();
User user = new User(userId, "johndoe@gmail.com");
User userDb = entityManager.find(User.class, userId);
assertEquals(userDb.email, "johndoe@gmail.com");
If our UserId class does not implement the Serializable interface, we’ll get a MappingException with a concrete message that our composite key must implement the interface.
3.2. Hibernate @JoinColumn Annotation
3.2.Hibernate @JoinColumn注释
Hibernate official documentation, when describing mapping in Hibernate, notes that the referenced field must be serializable when we use referencedColumnName from the @JoinColumn annotation. Usually, this field is a primary key in another entity. In rare cases of complex entity classes, our reference must be serializable.
Hibernate官方文档在描述Hibernate中的映射时指出,当我们使用@JoinColumn /a>注释中的referencedColumnName 时,引用的字段必须是可序列的。通常,这个字段是另一个实体中的一个主键。在复杂的实体类的罕见情况下,我们的引用必须是可序列化的。
Let’s extend the previous User class where the email field is no longer a String but an independent entity. Also, we’ll add an Account class that will reference a user and has a field type. Each User can have multiple accounts of different types. We’ll map Account by email since it’s more natural to search by email address:
让我们扩展之前的User 类,其中email 字段不再是一个String,而是一个独立的实体。同时,我们将添加一个账户类,它将引用一个用户,并有一个字段类型。每个用户可以有多个不同类型的账户。我们将通过email来映射Account,因为通过email地址来搜索更自然。
public class User {
@EmbeddedId private UserId userId;
private Email email;
public class Email implements Serializable {
private long id;
private String name;
private String domain;
public class Account {
private long id;
private String type;
@JoinColumn(referencedColumnName = "email")
private User user;
To test our model, we’ll write a test where we create two accounts for a user and query by an email object:
public void givenAssociation_whenPersisted_thenMultipleAccountsWillBeFoundByEmail() {
// object creation
List userAccounts = entityManager.createQuery("select a from Account a join fetch a.user where a.user.email = :email")
.setParameter("email", email)
assertEquals(userAccounts.size(), 2);
If the Email class does not implement the Serializable interface, we’ll get MappingException again, but this time with a somewhat cryptic message: “Could not determine type”.
3.3. Exposing Entities to the Presentation Layer
When sending objects over the wire using HTTP, we usually create specific DTOs (data transfer objects) for this purpose. By creating DTOs, we decouple internal domain objects from external services. If we want to expose our entities directly to the presentation layer without DTOs, then entities must be serializable.
We use the HttpSession object to store relevant data that help us identify users across multiple page visits to our website. The web server can store session data on a disk when shutting down gracefully or transfer session data to another web server in clustered environments. If an entity is part of this process, then it must be serializable. Otherwise, we’ll run into NotSerializableException.
4. Conclusion
In this article, we covered the basics of Java serialization and saw how it comes into play in JPA. First, we went over the JPA specification’s requirements regarding Serializable. After that, we looked into Hibernate as the most popular implementation of JPA. In the end, we covered how JPA entities work with web servers.
As usual, all code presented in this article can be found over on GitHub.