1. Overview
In this article, we’ll make a quick review of JUnit’s @Test annotation. This annotation provides a powerful tool for performing unit and regression testing.
2. Maven Configuration
To use the latest version of JUnit 5, we’ll need to add the following Maven dependency:
要使用最新版本的JUnit 5,我们需要添加以下Maven依赖。
We use the test scope because we don’t want Maven to include this dependency in our final build.
Since the surefire plugin doesn’t still natively fully support JUnit 5, we’ll also need to add a provider, which tells Maven where to find our tests:
由于surefire插件并不完全支持JUnit 5,我们还需要添加一个提供者,它告诉Maven在哪里可以找到我们的测试。
In our configuration, we’ll use surefire 2.19.1 because, at the time of writing, version 2.20.x is not compatible with the junit-platform-surefire-provider.
在我们的配置中,我们将使用surefire 2.19.1,因为,在写作时,2.20.x版本与 junit-platform-surefire-provider不兼容。
3. Method Under Test
First of all, let’s build a simple method that we’ll use in our test scenarios to showcase the @Test annotation’s capabilities:
public boolean isNumberEven(Integer number) {
return number % 2 == 0;
This method should return true if the argument passed is an even number and false otherwise. Now, let’s check out if it works the way it’s supposed to.
4. Testing the Method
For our example, we want to specifically check two scenarios:
- when given an even number, the method should return true
- when given an odd number, the method should return false
This means that the implementation code will call our isNumberEven method with different parameters and check that the result is what we expect.
In order for the tests to be recognized as such, we’ll add the @Test annotation. We can have as many of these as we want in a class, but it’s a good practice to put together only the related ones. Notice also that a test must not be private, nor may it return a value —otherwise it’ll just be ignored.
为了使测试被识别出来,我们将添加@Test 注解。我们可以在一个类中拥有任意多的注解,但只将相关的注解放在一起是一个好的做法。请注意,测试不能是private,也不能返回一个值–否则它将被忽略。
Given these considerations, let’s write our test methods:
void givenEvenNumber_whenCheckingIsNumberEven_thenTrue() {
boolean result = bean.isNumberEven(8);
void givenOddNumber_whenCheckingIsNumberEven_thenFalse() {
boolean result = bean.isNumberEven(3);
If we now run a Maven build, the surefire plugin will go through all the annotated methods in the classes placed under src/test/java and execute them, causing the build to fail if any test failures occur.
如果我们现在运行Maven构建,surefire插件将浏览放置在src/test/java 下的类中的所有注释方法并执行它们,如果出现任何测试失败,将导致构建失败。
If you come from JUnit 4, be aware that in this version the annotation doesn’t accept any parameters. To check for a timeout or an exception thrown we would use assertions instead:
如果你来自JUnit 4,请注意,在这个版本中,注解不接受任何参数。为了检查超时或抛出的异常,我们将使用断言来代替。
void givenLowerThanTenNumber_whenCheckingIsNumberEven_thenResultUnderTenMillis() {
Assertions.assertTimeout(Duration.ofMillis(10), () -> bean.isNumberEven(3));
void givenNull_whenCheckingIsNumberEven_thenNullPointerException() {
Assertions.assertThrows(NullPointerException.class, () -> bean.isNumberEven(null));
5. Conclusion
In this quick tutorial, we showed how to implement and run a simple JUnit test with the @Test annotation.
More about the JUnit framework can be found in this post which provides a general introduction.
All the code used in the examples is available in the GitHub project.