JUnit 4 on How to Ignore a Base Test Class – JUnit 4关于如何忽略一个基础测试类的问题

最后修改: 2021年 9月 29日


1. Overview


This tutorial will discuss possible solutions to skip running tests from base test classes in JUnit 4. For purposes of this tutorial, a base class has only helper methods, while children classes will extend it and run actual tests.

本教程将讨论在JUnit 4中跳过运行基测试类的测试的可能解决方案。在本教程中,基类只有辅助方法,而子类将扩展它并运行实际测试

2. Bypass Base Test Class


Let’s assume we have a BaseUnitTest class with some helper methods:


public class BaseUnitTest {
    public void helperMethod() {
        // ...

Now, let’s extend it with a class that has tests:


public class ExtendedBaseUnitTest extends BaseUnitTest {
    public void whenDoTest_thenAssert() {
        // ...        

If we run tests, either with an IDE or a Maven build, we might get an error telling us about no runnable test methods in BaseUnitTest. We don’t want to run tests in this class, so we’re looking for a way to avoid this error.


We’ll take a look at three different possibilities. If running tests with an IDE, we might get different results, depending on our IDE’s plugin and how we configure it to run JUnit tests.


2.1. Rename Class


We can rename our class to a name that the build convention will exclude from running as a test. For example, if we’re using Maven, we can check the defaults of the Maven Surefire Plugin.

我们可以将我们的类重命名为一个构建约定将排除在测试运行之外的名字。例如,如果我们使用Maven,我们可以检查Maven Surefire Plugin的默认设置。

We could change the name from BaseUnitTest to BaseUnitTestHelper or similar:


public class BaseUnitTestHelper {
    public void helperMethod() {
        // ...

2.2. Ignore


A second option would be to disable tests temporarily using the JUnit @Ignore annotation. We can add it at the class level to disable all tests in a class:

第二个选择是使用JUnit @Ignore注解暂时禁用测试。我们可以在类的层面上添加它来禁用一个类中的所有测试

@Ignore("Class not ready for tests")
public class IgnoreClassUnitTest {
    public void whenDoTest_thenAssert() {
        // ...

Likewise, we can add it at the method level, in case we still need to run other tests within the class but only exclude one or a few:


public class IgnoreMethodTest {
    @Ignore("This method not ready yet")
    public void whenMethodIsIgnored_thenTestsDoNotRun() {
        // ...

If running with Maven, we will see output like:


Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 1, Time elapsed: 0.041 s - in com.baeldung.IgnoreMethodTest

The @Disabled annotation replaces @Ignore since JUnit 5.

自JUnit 5以来,@Disabled注解取代了@Ignore

2.3. Make the Base Class abstract


Possibly the best approach is to make a base test class abstract. Abstraction will require a concrete class to extend it. That’s why JUnit will not consider it a test instance in any case.


Let’s make our BaseUnitTest class abstract:


public abstract class BaseUnitTest {
    public void helperMethod() {
        // ...

3. Conclusion


In this article, we’ve seen some examples of excluding a base test class from running tests in JUnit 4. The best approach is to create abstract classes.

在这篇文章中,我们已经看到了一些在JUnit 4中排除基测试类运行测试的例子。最好的方法是创建抽象类。

JUnit’s @Ignore annotation is also widely used but is considered a bad practice. By ignoring tests, we might forget about them and the reason for their ignoring.


As always, the code presented in this article is available over on GitHub.
