<init> and <clinit> Methods in the JVM – JVM中的<init> 和<clinit> 方法

最后修改: 2020年 6月 7日


1. Overview


The JVM uses two distinctive methods to initialize object instances and classes.


In this quick article, we’re going to see how the compiler and runtime use the <init> and <clinit> methods for initialization purposes.

在这篇快速文章中,我们将看到编译器和运行时如何使用<init> <clinit> 方法进行初始化。

2. Instance Initialization Methods


Let’s start with a straightforward object allocation and assignment:


Object obj = new Object();

If we compile this snippet and take a look at its bytecode via javap -c, we’ll see something like:

如果我们编译这个片段,并通过javap -c看一下它的字节码,我们会看到类似的东西。

0: new           #2      // class java/lang/Object
3: dup
4: invokespecial #1      // Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
7: astore_1

To initialize the object, the JVM calls a special method named <init>. In JVM jargon, this method is an instance initialization method. A method is an instance initialization if and only if:


  • It is defined in a class
  • Its name is <init>
  • It returns void

Each class can have zero or more instance initialization methods. These methods usually are corresponding to constructors in JVM-based programming languages such as Java or Kotlin.


2.1. Constructors and Instance Initializer Blocks


To better understand how the Java compiler translates constructors to <init>, let’s consider another example:


public class Person {
    private String firstName = "Foo"; // <init>
    private String lastName = "Bar"; // <init>
    // <init>

    // <init>
    public Person(String firstName, String lastName) {
        this.firstName = firstName;
        this.lastName = lastName;
    // <init>
    public Person() {

This is the bytecode for this class:


public Person(java.lang.String, java.lang.String);
     0: aload_0
     1: invokespecial #1       // Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
     4: aload_0
     5: ldc           #7       // String Foo
     7: putfield      #9       // Field firstName:Ljava/lang/String;
    10: aload_0
    11: ldc           #15      // String Bar
    13: putfield      #17      // Field lastName:Ljava/lang/String;
    16: getstatic     #20      // Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
    19: ldc           #26      // String Initializing...
    21: invokevirtual #28      // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    24: aload_0
    25: aload_1
    26: putfield      #9       // Field firstName:Ljava/lang/String;
    29: aload_0
    30: aload_2
    31: putfield      #17      // Field lastName:Ljava/lang/String;
    34: return

Even though the constructor and the initializer blocks are separate in Java, they are in the same instance initialization method at the bytecode level. As a matter of fact, this <init> method:

尽管构造器和初始化器块在Java中是分开的,但在字节码层面上,它们是在同一个实例初始化方法中。事实上,这个<init> 方法。

  • First, initializes the firstName and lastName fields (index 0 through 13)
  • Then, it prints something to the console as part of the instance initializer block (index 16 through 21)
  • And finally, it updates the instance variables with the constructor arguments

If we create a Person as follows:

如果我们创建一个Person ,如下所示。

Person person = new Person("Brian", "Goetz");

Then this translates to the following bytecode:


0: new           #7        // class Person
3: dup
4: ldc           #9        // String Brian
6: ldc           #11       // String Goetz
8: invokespecial #13       // Method Person."<init>":(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V
11: astore_1

This time JVM calls another <init> method with a signature corresponding to the Java constructor.

这次JVM调用另一个<init> 方法,其签名与Java构造函数相对应。

The key takeaway here is that the constructors and other instance initializers are equivalent to the <init> method in the JVM world.

这里的关键是构造函数和其他实例初始化器等同于JVM世界中的<init> 方法。

3. Class Initialization Methods


In Java, static initializer blocks are useful when we’re going to initialize something at the class level:


public class Person {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Person.class); // <clinit>

    // <clinit>
    static {
        System.out.println("Static Initializing...");

    // omitted

When we compile the preceding code, the compiler translates the static block to a class initialization method at the bytecode level.


Put simply, a method is a class initialization one if and only if:


  • Its name is <clinit>
  • It returns void

Therefore, the only way to generate a <clinit> method in Java is to use static fields and static block initializers.


JVM invokes the <clinit> the first time we use the corresponding class. Therefore, the <clinit> invocation happens at runtime, and we can’t see the invocation at the bytecode level.


4. Conclusion


In this quick article, we saw the difference between <init> and <clinit> methods in the JVM. The <init> method is used to initialize object instances.  Also, the JVM invokes the <clinit> method to initialize a class whenever necessary.

在这篇快速文章中,我们看到了JVM中<init> <clinit> 方法之间的区别。<init>方法是用来初始化对象实例的。 此外,JVM在必要时调用<clinit>方法来初始化一个类。

To better understand how initialization works in the JVM, it’s highly recommended to read the JVM specification.
