1. Overview
In this article, we will explore the challenges and solutions surrounding message ordering in Apache Kafka. Processing messages in the correct order is crucial for maintaining data integrity and consistency in distributed systems. While Kafka offers mechanisms to maintain message order, achieving this in a distributed environment presents its own set of complexities.
在本文中,我们将探讨 Apache Kafka 中围绕消息排序的挑战和解决方案。以正确的顺序处理消息对于维护分布式系统中的数据完整性和一致性至关重要。虽然 Kafka 提供了维护消息顺序的机制,但在分布式环境中实现这一点仍有其自身的复杂性。
2. Ordering Within a Partition and Its Challenges
Kafka maintains order within a single partition by assigning a unique offset to each message. This guarantees sequential message appending within that partition. However, when we scale up and use multiple partitions, maintaining a global order becomes complex. Different partitions receive messages at varying rates, complicating strict ordering across them.
Kafka 通过为每条消息分配一个唯一的偏移量来维持单个 分区内的顺序。这保证了该分区内消息的顺序追加。但是,当我们扩展并使用多个分区时,维持全局顺序就变得复杂了。不同的分区接收消息的速度各不相同,这使得在它们之间严格排序变得复杂。
2.1. Producer and Consumer Timing
Let’s talk about how Kafka handles the order of messages. There’s a bit of a difference between the order in which a producer sends messages and how the consumer receives them. By sticking to just one partition, we process messages in the order they arrive at the broker. However, this order might not match the sequence in which we originally sent them. This mix-up can happen because of things like network latency or if we are resending a message. To keep things in line, we can implement producers with acknowledgments and retries. This way, we make sure that messages not only reach Kafka but also in the right order.
让我们来谈谈 Kafka 是如何处理消息顺序的。生产者发送消息的顺序和消费者接收消息的顺序是有区别的。通过只使用一个分区,我们可以按照消息到达代理的顺序来处理它们。但是,这个顺序可能与我们最初发送信息的顺序不一致。出现这种混淆的原因可能是网络延迟或我们重新发送消息。为了保持一致,我们可以通过确认和重试来实现生产者。这样,我们就能确保消息不仅能到达 Kafka,而且顺序正确。
2.2. Challenges with Multiple Partitions
This distribution across partitions, while beneficial for scalability and fault tolerance, introduces the complexity of achieving global message ordering. For instance, we’re sending out two messages, M1 and M2, in that order. Kafka gets them just like we sent them, but it puts them in different partitions. Here’s the catch, just because M1 was sent first doesn’t mean it’ll be processed before M2. This can be challenging in scenarios where the order of processing is crucial, such as financial transactions.
这种跨分区的分布虽然有利于扩展性和容错性,但也带来了实现全局消息排序的复杂性。例如,我们按照 M1 和 M2 的顺序发送两条消息。Kafka 会按照我们发送的顺序获取它们,但会把它们放在不同的分区中。问题是,M1 先发送并不意味着它会在 M2 之前被处理。在金融交易等对处理顺序要求很高的场景中,这可能是个挑战。
2.3. Single Partition Message Ordering
We create topics with the name ‘single_partition_topic’, which has one partition, and ‘multi_partition_topic’, which has 5 partitions. Below is an example of a topic with a single partition, where the producer is sending a message to the topic:
我们创建的 topics 名称为 ‘single_partition_topic’(有一个分区)和 ‘multi_partition_topic’(有 5 个分区)。下面是一个具有单分区的主题的示例,其中生产者正在向主题发送一条消息:
Properties producerProperties = new Properties();
producerProperties.put(ProducerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, KAFKA_CONTAINER.getBootstrapServers());
producerProperties.put(ProducerConfig.KEY_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, LongSerializer.class.getName());
producerProperties.put(ProducerConfig.VALUE_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, JacksonSerializer.class.getName());
producer = new KafkaProducer<>(producerProperties);
for (long sequenceNumber = 1; sequenceNumber <= 10; sequenceNumber++) {
UserEvent userEvent = new UserEvent(UUID.randomUUID().toString());
ProducerRecord<Long, UserEvent> producerRecord = new ProducerRecord<>(Config.SINGLE_PARTITION_TOPIC, userEvent);
Future<RecordMetadata> future = producer.send(producerRecord);
RecordMetadata metadata = future.get();
logger.info("User Event ID: " + userEvent.getUserEventId() + ", Partition : " + metadata.partition());
UserEvent is a POJO class that implements the Comparable interface, helping in sorting the message class by globalSequenceNumber (external sequence number). Since the producer is sending POJO message objects, we implemented a custom Jackson Serializer and Deserializer.
UserEvent 是一个 POJO 类,它实现了 Comparable 接口,有助于按 globalSequenceNumber(外部序列号)对消息类进行排序。由于生产者发送的是 POJO 消息对象,因此我们实现了一个自定义的 Jackson Serializer 和 Deserializer 。
Partition 0 receives all user events, and the event IDs appear in the following sequence:
0 号分区接收所有用户事件,事件 ID 按以下顺序显示:
In Kafka, each consumer group operates as a distinct entity. If two consumers belong to different consumer groups, they both will receive all the messages on the topic. This is because Kafka treats each consumer group as a separate subscriber.
在 Kafka 中,每个消费者组都是一个独立的实体。这是因为 Kafka将每个消费者组视为独立的订阅者。
If two consumers belong to the same consumer group and subscribe to a topic with multiple partitions, Kafka will ensure that each consumer reads from a unique set of partitions. This is to allow concurrent processing of messages.
如果两个消费者属于同一个消费者组,并且订阅了具有多个分区的主题,Kafka 将确保 每个消费者从一组唯一的分区读取。这是为了允许并发处理消息。
Kafka ensures that within a consumer group, no two consumers read the same message, thus each message is processed only once per group.
Kafka 确保在一个消费者组内,不会有两个消费者读取相同的信息,因此每个消费者组只处理一次信息。
The code below is for a consumer consuming messages from the same topic:
Properties consumerProperties = new Properties();
consumerProperties.put(ConsumerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, KAFKA_CONTAINER.getBootstrapServers());
consumerProperties.put(ConsumerConfig.KEY_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, LongDeserializer.class.getName());
consumerProperties.put(ConsumerConfig.VALUE_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, JacksonDeserializer.class.getName());
consumerProperties.put(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, "earliest");
consumerProperties.put(Config.CONSUMER_VALUE_DESERIALIZER_SERIALIZED_CLASS, UserEvent.class);
consumerProperties.put(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, "test-group");
consumer = new KafkaConsumer<>(consumerProperties);
ConsumerRecords<Long, UserEvent> records = consumer.poll(TIMEOUT_WAIT_FOR_MESSAGES);
records.forEach(record -> {
UserEvent userEvent = record.value();
logger.info("User Event ID: " + userEvent.getUserEventId());
In this case, we get the output which shows the consumer consuming messages in the same order, below are the sequential event IDs from the output:
在这种情况下,我们得到的输出结果显示消费者以相同的顺序消费信息,以下是输出结果中的顺序事件 ID:
2.4. Multiple Partition Message Ordering
For a topic with multiple partitions, the consumer and producer configurations are the same. The only difference is the topic and partitions where messages go, the producer sends messages to the topic ‘multi_partition_topic’:
Future<RecordMetadata> future = producer.send(new ProducerRecord<>(Config.MULTI_PARTITION_TOPIC, sequenceNumber, userEvent));
RecordMetadata metadata = future.get();
logger.info("User Event ID: " + userEvent.getUserEventId() + ", Partition : " + metadata.partition());
The consumer consumes messages from the same topic:
ConsumerRecords<Long, UserEvent> records = consumer.poll(TIMEOUT_WAIT_FOR_MESSAGES);
records.forEach(record -> {
UserEvent userEvent = record.value();
logger.info("User Event ID: " + userEvent.getUserEventId());
The producer output lists event IDs alongside their respective partitions as below:
生成器输出会列出事件 ID 和各自的分区,如下所示:
939c1760-140e-4d0c-baa6-3b1dd9833a7d, 0
47fdbe4b-e8c9-4b30-8efd-b9e97294bb74, 4
4566a4ec-cae9-4991-a8a2-d7c5a1b3864f, 4
4b061609-aae8-415f-94d7-ae20d4ef1ca9, 3
eb830eb9-e5e9-498f-8618-fb5d9fc519e4, 2
9f2a048f-eec1-4c68-bc33-c307eec7cace, 1
c300f25f-c85f-413c-836e-b9dcfbb444c1, 0
c82efad1-6287-42c6-8309-ae1d60e13f5e, 4
461380eb-4dd6-455c-9c92-ae58b0913954, 4
43bbe38a-5c9e-452b-be43-ebb26d58e782, 3
For the consumer, the output would show that the consumer is not consuming messages in the same order. The event IDs from the output are below:
对于消费者,输出结果将显示 消费者没有以相同的顺序消费报文。输出结果中的事件 ID 如下:
3. Message Ordering Strategies
3. 信息排序策略
3.1. Using a Single Partition
We could use a single partition in Kafka, as demonstrated in our earlier example with ‘single_partition_topic’, which ensures the ordering of messages. However, this approach has its trade-offs:
我们可以在 Kafka 中使用单个分区,就像前面的示例中使用 ‘single_partition_topic’ 所演示的那样,这样可以确保消息的排序。不过,这种方法也有其利弊:
- Throughput Constraint: Imagine we’re at a busy pizza shop. If we’ve only got one chef (the producer) and one waiter (the consumer) working on one table (the partition), they can only serve so many pizzas before things start to back up. In the world of Kafka, when we’re dealing with a ton of messages, sticking to a single partition is like that one-table scenario. A single partition becomes a bottleneck in high-volume scenarios and the rate of message processing is limited since only one producer and one consumer can operate on a single partition at a time.
- Reduced Parallelism: In the case of the example above, if we have multiple chefs (producers) and waiters (consumers) working on multiple tables (partitions), then the number of orders fulfilled increases. Kafka’s strength lies in parallel processing across multiple partitions. With just one partition, this advantage is lost, leading to sequential processing and further restricting message flow
In essence, while a single partition guarantees order, it does so at the expense of reduced throughput.
3.2. External Sequencing with Time Window Buffering
In this approach, the producer tags each message with a global sequence number. Multiple consumer instances consume messages concurrently from different partitions and use these sequence numbers to reorder messages, ensuring global order.
In a real-world scenario with multiple producers, we will manage a global sequence by a shared resource that’s accessible across all producer processes, such as a database sequence or a distributed counter. This ensures that the sequence numbers are unique and ordered across all messages, irrespective of which producer sends them:
for (long sequenceNumber = 1; sequenceNumber <= 10 ; sequenceNumber++) {
UserEvent userEvent = new UserEvent(UUID.randomUUID().toString());
Future<RecordMetadata> future = producer.send(new ProducerRecord<>(Config.MULTI_PARTITION_TOPIC, sequenceNumber, userEvent));
RecordMetadata metadata = future.get();
logger.info("User Event ID: " + userEvent.getUserEventId() + ", Partition : " + metadata.partition());
On the consumer side, we group the messages into time windows and then process them sequentially. Messages that arrive within a specific time frame we batch it together, and once the window elapses, we process the batch. This ensures that messages within that time frame are processed in order, even if they arrive at different times within the window. The consumer buffers messages and reorders them based on sequence numbers before processing. We need to ensure that messages are processed in the correct order, and for that, the consumer should have a buffer period where it polls for messages multiple times before processing the buffered messages and this buffer period is long enough to cope with potential message ordering issues:
List<UserEvent> buffer = new ArrayList<>();
long lastProcessedTime = System.nanoTime();
ConsumerRecords<Long, UserEvent> records = consumer.poll(TIMEOUT_WAIT_FOR_MESSAGES);
records.forEach(record -> {
while (!buffer.isEmpty()) {
if (System.nanoTime() - lastProcessedTime > BUFFER_PERIOD_NS) {
processBuffer(buffer, receivedUserEventList);
lastProcessedTime = System.nanoTime();
records = consumer.poll(TIMEOUT_WAIT_FOR_MESSAGES);
records.forEach(record -> {
void processBuffer(List buffer, List receivedUserEventList) {
buffer.forEach(userEvent -> {
logger.info("Processing message with Global Sequence number: " + userEvent.getGlobalSequenceNumber() + ", User Event Id: " + userEvent.getUserEventId());
Each event ID appears in the output alongside its corresponding partition, as shown below:
每个事件 ID 都会与其对应的分区一起出现在输出中,如下图所示:
d6ef910f-2e65-410d-8b86-fa0fc69f2333, 0
4d6bfe60-7aad-4d1b-a536-cc735f649e1a, 4
9b68dcfe-a6c8-4cca-874d-cfdda6a93a8f, 4
84bd88f5-9609-4342-a7e5-d124679fa55a, 3
55c00440-84e0-4234-b8df-d474536e9357, 2
8fee6cac-7b8f-4da0-a317-ad38cc531a68, 1
d04c1268-25c1-41c8-9690-fec56397225d, 0
11ba8121-5809-4abf-9d9c-aa180330ac27, 4
8e00173c-b8e1-4cf7-ae8c-8a9e28cfa6b2, 4
e1acd392-db07-4325-8966-0f7c7a48e3d3, 3
Consumer output with global sequence numbers and event IDs:
用户输出全局序列号和事件 ID:
1, d6ef910f-2e65-410d-8b86-fa0fc69f2333
2, 4d6bfe60-7aad-4d1b-a536-cc735f649e1a
3, 9b68dcfe-a6c8-4cca-874d-cfdda6a93a8f
4, 84bd88f5-9609-4342-a7e5-d124679fa55a
5, 55c00440-84e0-4234-b8df-d474536e9357
6, 8fee6cac-7b8f-4da0-a317-ad38cc531a68
7, d04c1268-25c1-41c8-9690-fec56397225d
8, 11ba8121-5809-4abf-9d9c-aa180330ac27
9, 8e00173c-b8e1-4cf7-ae8c-8a9e28cfa6b2
10, e1acd392-db07-4325-8966-0f7c7a48e3d3
3.3. Considerations for External Sequencing with Buffering
In this approach, each consumer instance buffers messages and processes them in order based on their sequence numbers. However, there are a few considerations:
- Buffer Size: The buffer’s size can increase depending on the volume of incoming messages. In implementations that prioritize strict ordering by sequence numbers, we might see significant buffer growth, especially if there are delays in message delivery. For instance, if we process 100 messages per minute but suddenly receive 200 due to a delay, the buffer will grow unexpectedly. So we must manage the buffer size effectively and have strategies ready in case it exceeds the anticipated limit
- Latency: When we buffer messages, we’re essentially making them wait a bit before processing (introducing latency). On one hand, it helps us keep things orderly; on the other, it slows down the whole process. It’s all about finding the right balance between maintaining order and minimizing latency
- Failures: If consumers fail, we might lose the buffered messages, to prevent this, we might need to regularly save the state of our buffer
- Late Messages: Messages arriving post-processing of their window will be out of sequence. Depending on the use case, we might need strategies to handle or discard such messages
- State Management: If processing involves stateful operations, we’ll need mechanisms to manage and persist state across windows.
- Resource Utilization: Keeping a lot of messages in the buffer requires memory. We need to ensure that we have enough resources to handle this, especially if messages are staying in the buffer for longer periods
3.4. Idempotent Producers
Kafka’s idempotent producer feature aims to deliver messages precisely once, thus preventing any duplicates. This is crucial in scenarios where a producer might retry sending a message due to network errors or other transient failures. While the primary goal of idempotency is to prevent message duplication, it indirectly influences message ordering. Kafka achieves idempotency using two things a Producer ID (PID) and a sequence number which acts as the idempotency key and is unique within the context of a specific partition.
Kafka 的empotent 生产者功能旨在精确地发送一次消息,从而避免重复发送。在生产者可能会因网络错误或其他瞬时故障而重试发送消息的情况下,这一点至关重要。虽然idempotency的主要目标是防止消息重复,但它也间接影响了消息的排序。Kafka 使用两样东西来实现empotency:一个是生产者 ID(PID),另一个是序列号,序列号作为empotency密钥,在特定分区的上下文中是唯一的。
- Sequence Numbers: Kafka assigns sequence numbers to each message sent by the producer. These sequence numbers are unique per partition, ensuring that messages, when sent by the producer in a specific sequence, are written in that same order within a specific partition upon being received by Kafka. Sequence numbers guarantee order within a single partition. However, when producing messages to multiple partitions, there’s no global order guarantee across partitions. For example, if a producer sends messages M1, M2, and M3 to partitions P1, P2, and P3, respectively, each message receives a unique sequence number within its partition. However, it does not guarantee the relative consumption order across these partitions
- Producer ID (PID): When enabling idempotency, the broker assigns a unique Producer ID (PID) to each producer. This PID, combined with the sequence number, enables Kafka to identify and discard any duplicate messages that result from producer retries
Kafka guarantees message ordering by writing messages to partitions in the order they’re produced, thanks to sequence numbers, and prevents duplicates using the PID and the idempotency feature. To enable the idempotent producer, we need to set the “enable.idempotence” property to true in the producer’s configuration:
Kafka 通过序列号将消息按生成顺序写入分区,从而保证消息的排序,并使用 PID 和 idempotency 功能防止重复。要启用empotent生产者,我们需要在生产者配置中将“enable.idempotence”属性设置为true:
props.put(ProducerConfig.ENABLE_IDEMPOTENCE_CONFIG, "true");
4. Key Configurations for Producer and Consumer
There are key configurations for Kafka producers and consumers that can influence message ordering and throughput.
Kafka 生产者和消费者的一些关键配置会影响消息排序和吞吐量。
4.1. Producer Configurations
- MAX_IN_FLIGHT_REQUESTS_PER_CONNECTION: If we are sending a bunch of messages, then this setting in Kafka helps in deciding how many messages we can send without waiting for a ‘read’ receipt. If we set it higher than 1 without turning on idempotence, we might end up disturbing the order of our messages if we have to resend them. But, if we turn on idempotence, Kafka keeps messages in order, even if we send a bunch at once. For super strict order, like ensuring every message is read before the next one is sent, we should set this value to 1. If we want to prioritize speed and over perfect order, then we can set up to 5, but this can potentially introduce ordering issues.
- BATCH_SIZE_CONFIG and LINGER_MS_CONFIG: Kafka controls the default batch size in bytes, aiming to group records for the same partition into fewer requests for better performance. If we set this limit too low, we’ll be sending out lots of small groups, which can slow us down. But if we set it too high, it might not be the best use of our memory. Kafka can wait a bit before sending a group if it’s not full yet. This wait time is controlled by LINGER_MS_CONFIG. If more messages come in quickly enough to fill up our set limit, they go immediately, but if not, Kafka doesn’t keep waiting – it sends whatever we have when the time’s up. It’s like balancing speed and efficiency, making sure we’re sending just enough messages at a time without unnecessary delays.
props.put(ProducerConfig.MAX_IN_FLIGHT_REQUESTS_PER_CONNECTION, "1");
props.put(ProducerConfig.BATCH_SIZE_CONFIG, "16384");
props.put(ProducerConfig.LINGER_MS_CONFIG, "5");
4.2. Consumer Configurations
- MAX_POLL_RECORDS_CONFIG: It’s the limit on how many records our Kafka consumer grabs each time it asks for data. If we set this number high, we can chow down on a lot of data at once, boosting our throughput. But there’s a catch – the more we take, the trickier it might be to keep everything in order. So, we need to find that sweet spot where we’re efficient but not overwhelmed
- FETCH_MIN_BYTES_CONFIG: If we set this number high, Kafka waits until it has enough data to meet our minimum bytes before sending it over. This can mean fewer trips (or fetches), which is great for efficiency. But if we’re in a hurry and want our data fast, we might set this number lower, so Kafka sends us whatever it has more quickly. For instance, if our consumer application is resource-intensive or needs to maintain strict message order, especially with multi-threading, a smaller batch might be beneficial
- FETCH_MAX_WAIT_MS_CONFIG: This will decide how long our consumer waits for Kafka to gather enough data to meet our FETCH_MIN_BYTES_CONFIG. If we set this time high, our consumer is willing to wait longer, potentially getting more data in one go. But if we’re in a rush, we set this lower, so our consumer gets data faster, even if it’s not as much. It’s a balancing act between waiting for a bigger haul and getting things moving quickly
props.put(ConsumerConfig.MAX_POLL_RECORDS_CONFIG, "500");
props.put(ConsumerConfig.FETCH_MIN_BYTES_CONFIG, "1");
props.put(ConsumerConfig.FETCH_MAX_WAIT_MS_CONFIG, "500");
5. Conclusion
In this article, we have delved into the intricacies of message ordering in Kafka. We have explored the challenges and presented strategies to address them. Whether it’s through single partitions, external sequencing with time window buffering, or idempotent producers, Kafka offers custom solutions to meet the needs of message ordering.
在本文中,我们深入探讨了 Kafka 中消息排序的复杂性。我们探讨了其中的挑战,并提出了应对策略。无论是通过单一分区、带有时间窗口缓冲的外部排序,还是通过idempotent producers,Kafka都能提供定制的解决方案来满足消息排序的需求。
As always, the source for the examples is available on GitHub.
一如既往,示例的源代码可在 GitHub 上获取。