Should Logging Out Be a GET or POST? – 注销应该是GET还是POST?

最后修改: 2021年 5月 9日


1. Overview


In a traditional web application, logging in usually requires sending a username and password to the server for authentication. While these elements could theoretically be URL parameters in a GET request, it is obviously much better to encapsulate them into a POST request.


However, should logging out be available through a GET request since it does not require any sensitive information to be sent?


In this tutorial, we’ll look at various aspects of this design consideration.


2. Server-Side Sessions


When we manage server-side sessions, we must expose an endpoint to destroy those sessions. We may be tempted to use the GET method due to its simplicity. Of course, this will technically work, but it may lead to some undesirable behavior.


There are some processes like web accelerators that will prefetch GET links for the user. The purpose of prefetching is to immediately serve content when a user follows that link, which cuts down on page loading times. These processes make an assumption that the GET link is strictly for returning content and not for changing the state of anything.


If we expose our logout as a GET request and present it as a link, these processes may inadvertently log users out while trying to prefetch links on the page.


This may not be a problem if our logout URL is not statically available, such as being determined by javascript, for example. However, the HTTP/1.1 RFC clearly states that GET methods should only be used to return content and the user cannot be held responsible for any side-effects of a GET request. We should follow this recommendation whenever possible.

如果我们的注销URL不是静态的,例如由javascript决定,这可能不是一个问题。然而,HTTP/1.1 RFC明确指出,GET方法只能用于返回内容,用户不能对GET请求的任何副作用负责。我们应该尽可能地遵循这一建议。

In contrast, the RFC describes the POST method as one that can submit data (our session or session ID) to a data-handling process (logout). This is a more appropriate description of what we are trying to accomplish.


2.1. Spring Security


By default, Spring Security requires the logout request to be of type POST. However, we can cause Spring to use a GET logout request when we disable CSRF protection:

默认情况下,Spring Security 要求注销请求为 POST 类型。但是,当我们禁用CSRF 保护时,我们可以使 Spring 使用 GET 注销请求。

protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

3. Stateless REST


When we manage stateless REST sessions, the concept of “logging out” changes. In a stateless environment, every request includes the entire session. Therefore, it is possible to “log out” by simply using Javascript to throw away the session rather than sending any kind of request at all.

当我们管理无状态的REST会话时,”注销 “的概念发生了变化。在无状态环境中,每个请求都包括整个会话。因此,可以通过简单地使用Javascript来丢弃会话,而不是发送任何类型的请求来 “注销”。

However, for security reasons, the server should still be notified of log-out actions in order to blacklist the revoked JWT. This prevents a session from being used after “logging out.”

然而,出于安全原因,服务器仍应被通知注销行动,以便将撤销的JWT列入黑名单。这可以防止会话在 “注销 “后被使用。

Even in a stateless environment, we must still send a request to the server upon logging out. Since the intent of such a request is not to retrieve content, it should not be made via GET. Instead, the session should be POST-ed to the server with the explicit intent to log out.


4. Conclusion


In this short discussion, we’ve briefly looked at the common design question of whether logging out should be a GET or POST.


We considered various aspects of this issue:


  • Semantically, GET requests should not have any stateful side effects
  • There are processes that users might be running in their browser that include prefetching links. If logging out happens over GET, a prefetching process could inadvertently log the user out after logging in
  • Even stateless sessions should report log-out events to the server, which should be done via a POST request