1. Overview
Manually building a complex project is quite cumbersome. There are much easier ways to do this using build tools. As we know, one of the main build tools for Java projects is Maven. Maven helps standardize the build and deployment of applications.
手动构建一个复杂的项目是相当麻烦的。使用构建工具来做这件事要容易得多。 正如我们所知,Java项目的主要构建工具之一是Maven。Maven有助于实现应用程序构建和部署的标准化。
In this tutorial, we’ll discuss what a Maven artifact is and what its key elements are. We’ll also look at Maven coordinates, dependency management, and finally, Maven repositories.
2. What Is Maven?
We can use Maven to build and manage any Java-based project. It provides many functionalities such as:
- building and compiling
- documentation and report
- dependency management
- source management
- project update
- deployment
Each Maven project has its own POM file. We can configure Maven to build either one project or multiple projects.
A multi-project typically defines a POM file in the root directory and lists the individual projects in a modules section. In short, a Maven build produces one or more artifacts.
3. What Is a Maven Artifact?
An artifact is an element that a project can either use or produce. In Maven terminology, an artifact is an output generated after a Maven project build. It can be, for example, a jar, war, or any other executable file.
Also, Maven artifacts include five key elements, groupId, artifactId, version, packaging, and classifier. Those are the elements we use to identify the artifact and are known as Maven coordinates.
4. Maven Coordinates
Maven coordinate is a combination of the values for the groupId, artifactId, and version for a given artifact. Furthermore, Maven uses coordinates to find any component matching the values for groupId, artifactId, and version.
Among the coordinate elements, we must define the groupId, artifactId, and version. The packaging element is optional, and we can’t directly define the classifier.
For instance, the pom.xml configuration file below shows an example of Maven coordinates:
Let’s look in detail at each of the Maven coordinates.
4.1. The groupId Element
The groupId element is the identifier of the group at the origin of the project. This key makes it easier and quicker to organize and find the project.
Also, a groupId follows the same naming rules as Java packages, and we generally choose as groupId the name of the top package of the project.
For instance, a groupId of org.apache.commons corresponds to ${repository_home}/org/apache/commons.
4.2. The artifactId Element
The artifactId element is the identifier of the project within the group. It is used by default to construct the artifact’s final name. Therefore, this name has some specifications as it should ideally be small in length. The best practice for naming an artifactId is to use the actual project name as a prefix. The advantage of this is that it makes it easier to find the artifacts.
Like the groupId, the artifactId manifests itself as a sub-directory under the directory tree that represents the groupId.
For example, an artifactId of commons-lang3 under a groupId of org.apache.commons, would determine that the artifact is under : ${repository_home}/org/apache/commons/commons-lang3/.
4.3. The version Element
The version is used as part of an artifact’s identifier. It defines the current version of the Maven project. We should note that Maven defines a set of version specifications, as well as the concept of releases and snapshots, that we will cover later.
A version is represented as a subdirectory in the directory tree, which is formed by the groupId and the artifactId.
For instance, a version of 3.1.1 for an artifactId commons-lang3 under the groupId of org.apache.commons would determine that the artifact is located under: ${repository_home}/org/apache/commons/commons-lang3/3.1.1/.
例如,在groupId 的org.apache.commons下,artifactId commons-lang3的版本为3.1.1,将确定该工件位于。${repository_home}/org/apache/commons/commons-lang3/3.1.1/.。
4.4. The packaging Element
This element is used to specify the type of artifact generated by the project. The packaging can be anything that describes any binary software format, including ZIP, EAR, WAR, SWC, NAR, SWF, SAR.
这个元素用来指定项目产生的工件的类型。包装可以是任何描述任何二进制软件格式的东西,包括ZIP, EAR, WAR, SWC, NAR, SWF, SAR.。
Also, the packaging defines the different goals to execute during the project’s default lifecycle. For instance, the package phase executes the jar:jar goal for a jar-type artifact and the war:war goal for a war-type artifact.
4.5. The classifier Element
We usually use a classifier for technical reasons when delivering the same code but as several separate artifacts.
For example, if we want to build two artifacts of a JAR with different Java compilers, we can do it easily using the classifier as it allows the production of two different artifacts with the same combination for groupId:artifactId:version.
Also, we can use classifiers when packaging source code, an artifact’s JavaDoc, or assembling binaries.
For our above example of commons-lang3, the artifact to look for is: commons-lang3-3.10-javadoc.jar or commons-lang3-3.10-sources.jar, under ${repository_home}/org/apache/commons/commons-lang3/3.1.0/.
5. Release vs. Snapshot Artifacts
Now, let’s see the differences between a snapshot artifact and a release artifact.
5.1. Release Artifacts
A release artifact indicates that the version is stable and can be used outside development processes like integration tests, customer qualification, pre-production, etc.
Also, a release artifact is unique. Running the mvn deploy command will deploy our project to the repository. But, subsequent execution of the same command on the same project with the same version will result in a failure.
另外,release artifact是唯一的。运行mvn deploy命令将把我们的项目部署到版本库中。但是,随后在同一项目上以相同的版本执行同一命令将导致失败。
5.2. Snapshot Artifacts
A snapshot artifact indicates that the project is under development. When we install or publish a component, Maven checks the version attribute. If it contains the string “SNAPSHOT”, Maven converts this key into a date and time value in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) format.
快照工件表明该项目正在开发中。当我们安装或发布一个组件时,Maven会检查version属性。如果它包含字符串 “SNAPSHOT”,Maven会将这个键转换为UTC(协调世界时)格式的日期和时间值。
For example, if our project is in version 1.0-SNAPSHOT and we deploy its artifacts on a Maven repository, Maven converts this version to “1.0-202202019-230800”, assuming we deploy on February 19, 2022, at 23:08 UTC.
例如,如果我们的项目是1.0-SNAPSHOT版本,我们在Maven资源库上部署其工件,Maven会将该版本转换为 “1.0-202202019-230800″,假设我们在2022年2月19日23:08 UTC部署。
In other words, when we deploy a snapshot, we are not delivering a software component, but we only deliver a snapshot of it.
6. Dependency Management
Dependency management is essential in the Maven world. For instance, when a project depends on other classes in its operating process (compilation, execution), it becomes necessary to identify and import these dependencies from the remote repositories to the local repository. Therefore, the project will have dependencies on these libraries, which will ultimately be added to the classpath of the project.
Furthermore, Maven’s dependency management is based on several concepts:
- repositories: essential to store artifacts
- scope: allows us to specify in which context we use a dependency
- transitivity: allows us to manage the dependencies of dependencies
- inheritance: POMs inheriting from the parent can set their dependency by providing only the dependency’s groupId and artifactId without the version attribute. Maven gets the appropriate version from the parent POM file.
With Maven, dependency management is done through the pom.xml. For instance, a dependency declaration in the Maven projects looks like this:
7. Maven Repository
Maven uses a repository to store elements like dependencies and plugins required to build projects. This makes it possible to centralize these elements, which are generally used in several projects.
As we mentioned earlier, repositories store artifacts using a set of coordinates: groupId, artifactId, version, and packaging. Furthermore, Maven uses a particular directory structure to organize the contents of a repository and allow it to find the required elements: ${repository_home}/groupId/artifactId/version.
For instance, let’s consider this POM configuration.
With the above configuration, our project will be stored in a repository in the ${repository_home}/com/baeldung/myApp/1.0.0/ path.
8. Conclusion
In this article, we discussed the concept of Maven artifacts and their coordinates system. Also, we learned related concepts such as dependencies and repositories.