Maven Enforcer Plugin – Maven Enforcer 插件

最后修改: 2019年 2月 26日


1. Overview


In this tutorial, we’re going to learn about the Maven Enforcer Plugin and how we can use it to guarantee the level of compliance in our project.

在本教程中,我们将了解Maven Enforcer插件以及如何使用它来保证我们项目的合规性水平。

The plugin is especially handy when we have distributed teams, scattered across the globe.


2. Dependency


To make use of the plugin in our project, we need to add the following dependency to our pom.xml:



The latest version of the plugin is available on Maven Central.

该插件的最新版本可在Maven Central上找到。

3. Plugin Configuration and Goals


Maven Enforcer has two goals: enforcer:enforce and enforcer:display-info.

Maven Enforcer有两个目标。enforcer:enforceenforcer:display-info

The enforce goal runs during a project build to execute rules specified in the configuration, while the display-info goal shows current information about the built-in rules that are present in the project’s pom.xml.


Let’s define the enforce goal in the executions tag. Furthermore, we’ll add the configuration tag that holds the rules definitions for the project:



4. Maven Enforcer Rules


The keyword enforce gives a subtle suggestion of the existence of rules to abide by. This is how the Maven Enforcer plugin works. We configure it with some rules that are to be enforced during the build phase of the project.

关键字enforce给出了一个微妙的暗示,即存在需要遵守的规则。这就是Maven Enforcer插件的工作原理。我们用一些规则来配置它,这些规则将在项目的构建阶段被强制执行。

In this section, we’re going to look at the available rules that we can apply to our projects to enhance their quality.


4.1. Ban Duplicate Dependency


In a multi-module project, where a parent-child relationship exists among POMs, ensuring there’s no duplicate of dependency in the effective final POM for a project can be a tricky task. But, with the banDuplicatePomDependencyVersions rule, we can easily make sure that our project is free of such glitch.


All we need to do is to add the banDuplicatePomDependencyVersions tag to the rules section of the plugin configuration:



To check the rule’s behavior, we can duplicate one dependency in pom.xml and run mvn clean compile. It’ll produce the following error lines on the console:

为了检查规则的行为,我们可以在pom.xml中复制一个依赖,然后运行mvn clean compile。它将在控制台产生以下错误行。

[WARNING] Rule 0: org.apache.maven.plugins.enforcer.BanDuplicatePomDependencyVersions failed with message:
Found 1 duplicate dependency declaration in this project:
 - dependencies.dependency[io.vavr:vavr:jar] ( 2 times )

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  1.370 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2019-02-19T10:17:57+01:00

4.2. Require Maven and Java Version


The requireMavenVersion and requireJavaVersion rules enable a project-wide lock-in of required Maven and Java versions, respectively. This will help eliminate the disparity that might arise from using different versions of Maven and JDK in development environments.


Let’s update the rules section of the plugin configuration:



These allow us to specify the version numbers in a flexible manner, as long as they comply with the plugin’s version range specification pattern.


Furthermore, both rules also accept a message parameter for specifying a custom message:


    <message>Invalid Maven version. It should, at least, be 3.0</message>

4.3. Require Environment Variable


With the requireEnvironmentVariable rule, we can ensure that a certain environment variable is set in the execution environment.


It can be repeated to accommodate more than one required variable:



4.4. Require Active Profile


Profiles in Maven help us to configure properties that’ll be active when our application is deployed to different environments.


Consequently, we can use the requireActiveProfile rule when we need to ensure that one or more specified profiles are active, thus guaranteeing the successful execution of our application:


    <message>Missing active profiles</message>

In the snippet above, we used the message property to provide a custom message to show if the rule-check fails.


4.5. Other Rules


The Maven Enforcer plugin has many other rules to promote project quality and consistency irrespective of the development environment.

Maven Enforcer插件有许多其他规则,以促进项目质量和一致性,而不论开发环境如何。

Also, the plugin has a command to display info about some currently configured rules:


mvn enforcer:display-info

5. Custom Rules


So far, we’ve been exploring the built-in rules of the plugin. Now, it’s time to look at creating our own custom rule.


First, we need to create a new Java project that’ll contain our custom rule. A custom rule is a class Object that implements the EnforceRule interface and overrides the execute() method:

首先,我们需要创建一个新的Java项目,它将包含我们的自定义规则。自定义规则是一个Object类,实现了EnforceRule接口并重写了execute() 方法

public void execute(EnforcerRuleHelper enforcerRuleHelper) throws EnforcerRuleException {
    try {
        String groupId = (String) enforcerRuleHelper.evaluate("${project.groupId}");
        if (groupId == null || !groupId.startsWith("com.baeldung")) {
            throw new EnforcerRuleException("Project group id does not start with com.baeldung");
    catch (ExpressionEvaluationException ex) {
        throw new EnforcerRuleException( "Unable to lookup an expression " 
          + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex );

Our custom rule simply checks if the target project’s groupId starts with com.baeldung or not.


Notice how we don’t have to return boolean or anything as such to indicate the rule is not satisfied. We just throw an EnforcerRuleException with a description of what is wrong.


We can use our custom rule by adding it as a dependency to the Maven Enforcer plugin:

我们可以通过将我们的自定义规则作为Maven Enforcer插件的依赖项来使用它

    <myCustomRule implementation="com.baeldung.enforcer.MyCustomRule"/>

Please note that if the custom rule project is not a published artifact on Maven Central, we can install it into the local Maven repo by running the mvn clean install.

请注意,如果自定义规则项目不是Maven Central上发布的工件,我们可以通过运行mvn clean install.将其安装到本地Maven repo。

This will make it available when compiling the target project that has the Maven Enforcer Plugin. Please see the plugin’s documentation for the custom rule to learn more.

这将使其在编译拥有Maven Enforcer插件的目标项目时可用。请参阅该插件的自定义规则的文档以了解更多信息。

To see it in action, we can set the groupId property of the project with the Enforcer Plugin to anything other than “com.baeldung” and run mvn clean compile.

为了看到它的作用,我们可以将带有Enforcer插件的项目的groupId属性设置为 “com.baeldung “以外的任何内容,然后运行mvn clean compile

6. Conclusion


In this quick tutorial, we saw how the Maven Enforcer Plugin can be a useful addition to our existing chest of plugins. The ability to write custom rules enhance its range of application.

在这个快速教程中,我们看到了Maven Enforcer插件是如何成为我们现有插件库中的一个有益补充。编写自定义规则的能力增强了其应用范围。

Please note that we need to uncomment the dependencies and rule for the custom-rule example in the complete example source code that’s available over on GitHub.
