1. Overview
In a Maven multi-module project, the effective POM is the result of merging all configurations defined within a module and its parents.
在Maven multi-module项目中,有效的POM是合并模块及其父模块中定义的所有配置的结果。
In order to avoid redundancies and duplication between modules, we often keep common configurations in the shared parent. However, there can be a challenge if we need to have a custom configuration for a child module without impacting all its siblings.
In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to override the parent plugin configuration.
2. Default Configuration Inheritance
Plugin configurations allow us to reuse a common build logic across projects. If the parent has a plugin, the child will automatically have it without additional configuration. This is like an inheritance.
To achieve this, Maven merges the XML files at the element level. If the child defines an element with a different value, it replaces the one from the parent. Let’s see this in action.
2.1. Project Structure
First, let’s define a multi-module Maven project to experiment on. Our project will consist of one parent and two children:
+ parent
+ child-a
+ child-b
Let’s say we want to configure the maven-compiler-plugin to use different Java versions between modules. Let’s configure our project to use Java 11 in general, but have child-a use Java 8.
假设我们想配置maven-compiler-plugin,让模块之间使用不同的Java版本。让我们把项目配置为普遍使用Java 11,但让child-a使用Java 8。
We’ll start with the parent configuration:
Here we’ve specified an additional property, maxmem, that we also want to use. However, we want child-a to have its own compiler settings.
So, let’s configure child-a to use Java 8:
因此,让我们把孩子-a配置为使用Java 8。
Now that we have our example, let’s see what this does to the effective POM.
2.2. Understanding the Effective POM
The effective POM is affected by various factors, like inheritance, profiles, external settings, and so on. In order to see the actual POM, let’s run mvn help:effective-pom from the child-a directory:
有效的POM受到各种因素的影响,比如继承、配置文件、外部设置等等。为了看到实际的POM,让我们在child-a目录下运行mvn help:effective-pom。
mvn help:effective-pom
As expected, child-a has its own variation of source and target values. However, one additional surprise is that it also has the maxmem property from its parent.
This means if any child property is defined, it will win, otherwise, the parent one will be used.
3. Advanced Configuration Inheritance
When we want to fine-tune the merging strategy, we can use attributes. These attributes are placed on the XML element that we want to control. Also, they will be inherited and will affect only the first-level children.
3.1. Working with Lists
In the previous example, we saw what happens if the child has a different value. Now, we’ll see the case when the child has a different list of elements. As an example, let’s look at including multiple resource directories, with the maven-resources-plugin.
As a baseline, let’s configure the parent to include resources from the parent-resources directory:
At this point, child-a will inherit this plugin configuration from its parent. However, let’s say we wanted to define an alternative resource directory for child-a:
Now, let’s review the effective POM:
mvn help:effective-pom
In this case, the entire list is overridden by the child configuration.
3.2. Append Parent Configuration
Perhaps we want some children to use a common resource directory and also define additional ones. For this, we can append the parent configuration by using combine.children=”append” on the resources element in the parent:
<resources combine.children="append">
Consequently, the effective POM will contain both of them:
mvn help:effective-pom
<resources combine.children="append">
The combine attributes are not be propagated to any nested elements. So, had the resources section been a complex structure, the nested elements would be merged using the default strategy.
3.3. Override Child Configuration
In the previous example, the child was not entirely in control of the final POM, owing to a parent combine strategy. A child can overrule the parent by adding combine.self=”override” on its resources element:
<resources combine.self="override">
In this instance, the child regains control:
mvn help:effective-pom
<resources combine.self="override">
4. Non-Inheritable Plugins
The previous attributes are suitable for fine-tuning, but they’re not appropriate when the child completely disagrees with its parent.
To avoid a plugin being inherited at all, we can add the property <inherited>false</inherited> at the parent level:
为了避免一个插件被完全继承,我们可以在父级添加属性<inherited>false</inherited> 。
This means the plugin will be applied only for the parent and will not be propagated to its children.
5. Conclusion
In this article, we saw how to override the parent plugin configuration.
First, we explored the default behavior. Then we saw how a parent can define a merging policy and how a child can reject it. Finally, we saw how to mark a plugin as non-inheritable to avoid all children having to override it.
As always, the code is available over on GitHub.