Mockito vs EasyMock vs JMockit – Mockito vs EasyMock vs JMockit

最后修改: 2016年 6月 18日


1. Introduction


1.1. Overview


In this post, we’re going to talk about mocking: what it is, why to use it and several exvamples of how to mock the same test case using some of the most used mocking libraries for Java.

在这篇文章中,我们将讨论mocking:它是什么,为什么要使用它,以及如何使用一些最常用的Java mocking库来模拟同一个测试用例的几个例子。

We’ll start with some formal/semi-formal definitions of mocking concepts; then we’ll present the case under test, follow up with examples for each library and end up with some conclusions. The chosen libraries are Mockito, EasyMock, and JMockit.


If you feel that you already know the basics of mocking, maybe you can skip to Point 2 without reading the next three points.


1.2. Reasons to Use Mocks


We’ll start assuming that you already code following some driven development methodology centered on tests (TDD, ATDD or BDD). Or simply that you want to create a test for an existing class that relies on dependencies to achieve its functionality.


In any case, when unit-testing a class, we want to test only its functionality and not that of its dependencies (either because we trust their implementation or because we’ll test it ourselves).


To achieve this, we need to provide to the object-under-test, a replacement that we can control for that dependency. This way we can force extreme return values, exception throwing or simply reduce time-consuming methods to a fixed return value.


This controlled replacement is the mock, and it will help you to simplify test coding and to reduce test execution time.


1.3. Mock Concepts and Definition


Let’s see four definitions from an article written by Martin Fowler that sums up the basics everyone should know about mocks:

让我们看看Martin Fowler所写的文章中的四个定义,它总结了每个人都应该知道的关于mocks的基本知识。

  • Dummy objects are passed around but never actually used. Usually, they are just used to fill parameter lists.
  • Fake objects have working implementations, but usually, take some shortcut which makes them not suitable for production (an in memory database is a good example).
  • Stubs provide canned answers to calls made during the test, usually not responding at all to anything outside what’s programmed in for the test. Stubs may also record information about calls, such as an email gateway stub that remembers the messages it ‘sent’, or maybe only how many messages it ‘sent’.
  • Mocks are what we are talking about here: objects pre-programmed with expectations which form a specification of the calls they are expected to receive.

1.4. To Mock or Not to Mock: That Is the Question

1.4.模仿或不模仿 这就是问题所在

Not everything must be mocked. Sometimes it’s better to do an integration test as mocking that method/feature would be just working for little actual benefit. In our test case (that will be shown in the next point) that would be testing the LoginDao.


The LoginDao would use some third party library for DB access, and mocking it would only consist on assuring that parameters had been prepared for the call, but we still would need to test that the call returns the data we wanted.


For that reason, it won’t be included in this example (although we could write both the unit test with mock calls for the third party library calls AND an integration test with DBUnit for testing the actual performance of the third party library).


2. Test Case


With everything in the previous section in mind, let’s propose a quite typical test case and how we’ll test it using mocks (when it makes sense to use mocks). This will help us to have a common scenario for later on been able to compare the different mocking libraries.


2.1. Proposed Case


The proposed test case will be the login process in an application with a layered architecture.


The login request will be handled by a controller, that uses a service, which uses a DAO (that looks for user credentials on a DB). We won’t deepen too much into each layer’s implementation and will focus more on the interactions between the components of each layer.


This way, we’ll have a LoginController, a LoginService and a LoginDAO. Let’s see a diagram for clarification:


Test case diagram

2.2. Implementation


We’ll follow now with the implementation used for the test case, so we can understand what’s happening (or what should happen) on the tests.


We’ll start with the model used for all operations, UserForm, that will only hold the user’s name and password (we’re using public access modifiers to simplify) and a getter method for the username field to allow mocking for that property:


public class UserForm {
    public String password;
    public String username;
    public String getUsername(){
        return username;

Let’s follow with LoginDAO, that will be void of functionality as we only want its methods to be there so we can mock them when needed:


public class LoginDao {
    public int login(UserForm userForm){
        return 0;

LoginDao will be used by LoginService in its login method. LoginService will also have a setCurrentUser method that returns void to test that mocking.


public class LoginService {
    private LoginDao loginDao;
    private String currentUser;

    public boolean login(UserForm userForm) {
        assert null != userForm;
        int loginResults = loginDao.login(userForm);
        switch (loginResults){
            case 1:
                return true;
                return false;

    public void setCurrentUser(String username) {
        if(null != username){
            this.currentUser = username;

Finally, LoginController will use LoginService for its login method. This will include:


  • a case in which no calls to the mocked service will be done.
  • a case in which only one method will be called.
  • a case in which all methods will be called.
  • a case in which exception throwing will be tested.
public class LoginController {
    public LoginService loginService;

    public String login(UserForm userForm){
        if(null == userForm){
            return "ERROR";
            boolean logged;

            try {
                logged = loginService.login(userForm);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return "ERROR";

                return "OK";
                return "KO";

Now that we’ve seen what is it that we’re trying to test let’s see how we’ll mock it with each library.


3. Test Setup


3.1. Mockito


For Mockito we’ll be using version 2.8.9.


The easiest way of creating and using mocks is via the @Mock and @InjectMocks annotations. The first one will create a mock for the class used to define the field and the second one will try to inject said created mocks into the annotated mock.


There are more annotations such as @Spy that lets you create a partial mock (a mock that uses the normal implementation in non-mocked methods).


That being said, you need to call MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this) before executing any tests that would use said mocks for all of this “magic” to work. This is usually done in a @Before annotated method. You can also use the MockitoJUnitRunner.

也就是说,你需要在执行任何使用上述模拟的测试之前调用MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this),以使所有这些 “魔法 “发挥作用。这通常是在@Before注释的方法中完成的。你也可以使用MockitoJUnitRunner

public class LoginControllerTest {

    private LoginDao loginDao;

    private LoginService spiedLoginService;

    private LoginService loginService;

    private LoginController loginController;

    public void setUp() {
        loginController = new LoginController();

3.2. EasyMock


For EasyMock, we’ll be using version 3.4 (Javadoc). Note that with EasyMock, for mocks to start “working”, you must call EasyMock.replay(mock) on every test method, or you will receive an exception.

对于 EasyMock,我们将使用3.4版本(Javadoc)。请注意,在EasyMock中,为了使模拟开始 “工作”,你必须在每个测试方法上调用EasyMock.replay(mock),否则你将收到一个异常。

Mocks and tested classes can also be defined via annotations, but in this case, instead of calling a static method for it to work, we’ll be using the EasyMockRunner for the test class.


Mocks are created with the @Mock annotation and the tested object with the @TestSubject one (which will get its dependencies injected from created mocks). The tested object must be created in-line.


public class LoginControllerTest {

    private LoginDao loginDao;

    private LoginService loginService;

    private LoginController loginController = new LoginController();

3.3. JMockit


For JMockit we’ll be using version 1.24 (Javadoc) as version 1.25 hasn’t been released yet (at least while writing this).


Setup for JMockit is as easy as with Mockito, with the exception that there is no specific annotation for partial mocks (and really no need either) and that you must use JMockit as the test runner.


Mocks are defined using the @Injectable annotation (that will create only one mock instance) or with @Mocked annotation (that will create mocks for every instance of the class of the annotated field).


The tested instance gets created (and its mocked dependencies injected) using the @Tested annotation.


public class LoginControllerTest {

    private LoginDao loginDao;

    private LoginService loginService;

    private LoginController loginController;

4. Verifying No Calls to Mock


4.1. Mockito


For verifying that a mock received no calls in Mockito, you have the method verifyNoInteractions() that accepts a mock.


public void assertThatNoMethodHasBeenCalled() {

4.2. EasyMock


For verifying that a mock received no calls you simply don’t specify behavior, you replay the mock, and lastly, you verify it.


public void assertThatNoMethodHasBeenCalled() {

4.3. JMockit


For verifying that a mock received no calls you simply don’t specify expectations for that mock and do a FullVerifications(mock) for said mock.


public void assertThatNoMethodHasBeenCalled() {
    new FullVerifications(loginService) {};

5. Defining Mocked Method Calls and Verifying Calls to Mocks


5.1. Mockito


For mocking method calls, you can use Mockito.when(mock.method(args)).thenReturn(value). Here you can return different values for more than one call just adding them as more parameters: thenReturn(value1, value2, value-n, …).

对于mocking方法调用,你可以使用Mockito.when(mock.method(args)).thenReturn(value)。在这里,你可以为多个调用返回不同的值,只需将它们作为更多的参数。thenReturn(value1, value2, value-n, …)

Note that you can’t mock void returning methods with this syntax. In said cases, you’ll use a verification of said method (as shown on line 11).


For verifying calls to a mock you can use Mockito.verify(mock).method(args) and you can also verify that no more calls were done to a mock using verifyNoMoreInteractions(mock).


For verifying args, you can pass specific values or use predefined matchers like any(), anyString(), anyInt(). There are a lot more of that kind of matchers and even the possibility to define your matchers which we’ll see in following examples.

对于验证args,你可以传递特定的值或使用预定义的匹配器,如any(), anyString(), anyInt().还有很多这样的匹配器,甚至有可能定义你的匹配器,我们将在下面的例子中看到。

public void assertTwoMethodsHaveBeenCalled() {
    UserForm userForm = new UserForm();
    userForm.username = "foo";

    String login = loginController.login(userForm);

    Assert.assertEquals("OK", login);

public void assertOnlyOneMethodHasBeenCalled() {
    UserForm userForm = new UserForm();
    userForm.username = "foo";

    String login = loginController.login(userForm);

    Assert.assertEquals("KO", login);

5.2. EasyMock


For mocking method calls, you use EasyMock.expect(mock.method(args)).andReturn(value).


For verifying calls to a mock, you can use EasyMock.verify(mock), but you must call it always after calling EasyMock.replay(mock).


For verifying args, you can pass specific values, or you have predefined matchers like isA(Class.class), anyString(), anyInt(), and a lot more of that kind of matchers and again the possibility to define your matchers.


public void assertTwoMethodsHaveBeenCalled() {
    UserForm userForm = new UserForm();
    userForm.username = "foo";

    String login = loginController.login(userForm);

    Assert.assertEquals("OK", login);

public void assertOnlyOneMethodHasBeenCalled() {
    UserForm userForm = new UserForm();
    userForm.username = "foo";

    String login = loginController.login(userForm);

    Assert.assertEquals("KO", login);

5.3. JMockit


With JMockit, you have defined steps for testing: record, replay and verify.


Record is done in a new Expectations(){{}} block (into which you can define actions for several mocks), replay is done simply by invoking a method of the tested class (that should call some mocked object), and verification is done inside a new Verifications(){{}} block (into which you can define verifications for several mocks).


For mocking method calls, you can use mock.method(args); result = value; inside any Expectations block. Here you can return different values for more than one call just using returns(value1, value2, …, valuen); instead of result = value;.

对于mocking方法调用,你可以在任何Expectations块内使用mock.method(args); result = value;/em>。在这里,你可以为多个调用返回不同的值,只需使用returns(value1, value2, …, valuen);/em>而不是result = value;/em>。

For verifying calls to a mock you can use new Verifications(){{}} or new Verifications(mock){{}} to verify every expected call previously defined.

对于验证对模拟的调用,你可以使用new Verifications(){{}}new Verifications(mock){{}}来验证之前定义的每一个预期调用。

For verifying args, you can pass specific values, or you have predefined values like any, anyString, anyLong, and a lot more of that kind of special values and again the possibility to define your matchers (that must be Hamcrest matchers).


public void assertTwoMethodsHaveBeenCalled() {
    UserForm userForm = new UserForm();
    userForm.username = "foo";
    new Expectations() {{
        loginService.login(userForm); result = true;

    String login = loginController.login(userForm);

    Assert.assertEquals("OK", login);
    new FullVerifications(loginService) {};

public void assertOnlyOneMethodHasBeenCalled() {
    UserForm userForm = new UserForm();
    userForm.username = "foo";
    new Expectations() {{
        loginService.login(userForm); result = false;
        // no expectation for setCurrentUser

    String login = loginController.login(userForm);

    Assert.assertEquals("KO", login);
    new FullVerifications(loginService) {};

6. Mocking Exception Throwing


6.1. Mockito


Exception throwing can be mocked using .thenThrow(ExceptionClass.class) after a Mockito.when(mock.method(args)).


public void mockExceptionThrowing() {
    UserForm userForm = new UserForm();

    String login = loginController.login(userForm);

    Assert.assertEquals("ERROR", login);

6.2. EasyMock


Exception throwing can be mocked using .andThrow(new ExceptionClass()) after an EasyMock.expect(…) call.

在调用EasyMock.expect(…)之后,可以使用.andThrow(new ExceptionClass())来模拟异常的抛出。

public void mockExceptionThrowing() {
    UserForm userForm = new UserForm();
    EasyMock.expect(loginService.login(userForm)).andThrow(new IllegalArgumentException());

    String login = loginController.login(userForm);

    Assert.assertEquals("ERROR", login);

6.3. JMockit


Mocking exception throwing with JMockito is especially easy. Just return an Exception as the result of a mocked method call instead of the “normal” return.

用JMockito来模拟抛出异常是非常容易的。只要返回一个Exception作为模拟方法调用的结果,而不是 “正常 “的返回。

public void mockExceptionThrowing() {
    UserForm userForm = new UserForm();
    new Expectations() {{
        loginService.login(userForm); result = new IllegalArgumentException();
        // no expectation for setCurrentUser

    String login = loginController.login(userForm);

    Assert.assertEquals("ERROR", login);
    new FullVerifications(loginService) {};

7. Mocking an Object to Pass Around


7.1. Mockito


You can create a mock also to pass as an argument for a method call. With Mockito, you can do that with a one-liner.


public void mockAnObjectToPassAround() {
    UserForm userForm = Mockito.when(Mockito.mock(UserForm.class).getUsername())

    String login = loginController.login(userForm);

    Assert.assertEquals("OK", login);

7.2. EasyMock


Mocks can be created in-line with EasyMock.mock(Class.class). Afterward, you can use EasyMock.expect(mock.method()) to prepare it for execution, always remembering to call EasyMock.replay(mock) before using it.


public void mockAnObjectToPassAround() {
    UserForm userForm = EasyMock.mock(UserForm.class);

    String login = loginController.login(userForm);

    Assert.assertEquals("OK", login);

7.3. JMockit


To mock an object for just one method, you can simply pass it mocked as a parameter to the test method. Then you can create expectations as with any other mock.


public void mockAnObjectToPassAround(@Mocked UserForm userForm) {
    new Expectations() {{
        userForm.getUsername(); result = "foo";
        loginService.login(userForm); result = true;
    String login = loginController.login(userForm);

    Assert.assertEquals("OK", login);
    new FullVerifications(loginService) {};
    new FullVerifications(userForm) {};

8. Custom Argument Matching


8.1. Mockito


Sometimes argument matching for mocked calls needs to be a little more complex than just a fixed value or anyString(). For that cases with Mockito has its matcher class that is used with argThat(ArgumentMatcher<>).


public void argumentMatching() {
    UserForm userForm = new UserForm();
    userForm.username = "foo";
    // default matcher

    String login = loginController.login(userForm);

    Assert.assertEquals("OK", login);
    // complex matcher
        new ArgumentMatcher<String>() {
            public boolean matches(String argument) {
                return argument.startsWith("foo");

8.2. EasyMock


Custom argument matching is a little bit more complicated with EasyMock as you need to create a static method in which you create the actual matcher and then report it with EasyMock.reportMatcher(IArgumentMatcher).


Once this method is created, you use it on your mock expectation with a call to the method (like seen in the example in line ).


public void argumentMatching() {
    UserForm userForm = new UserForm();
    userForm.username = "foo";
    // default matcher
    // complex matcher

    String login = loginController.login(userForm);

    Assert.assertEquals("OK", login);

private static String specificArgumentMatching(String expected) {
    EasyMock.reportMatcher(new IArgumentMatcher() {
        public boolean matches(Object argument) {
            return argument instanceof String 
              && ((String) argument).startsWith(expected);

        public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer) {
    return null;

8.3. JMockit


Custom argument matching with JMockit is done with the special withArgThat(Matcher) method (that receives Hamcrest‘s Matcher objects).


public void argumentMatching() {
    UserForm userForm = new UserForm();
    userForm.username = "foo";
    // default matcher
    new Expectations() {{
        loginService.login((UserForm) any);
        result = true;
        // complex matcher
        loginService.setCurrentUser(withArgThat(new BaseMatcher<String>() {
            public boolean matches(Object item) {
                return item instanceof String && ((String) item).startsWith("foo");

            public void describeTo(Description description) {

    String login = loginController.login(userForm);

    Assert.assertEquals("OK", login);
    new FullVerifications(loginService) {};

9. Partial Mocking


9.1. Mockito


Mockito allows partial mocking (a mock that uses the real implementation instead of mocked method calls in some of its methods) in two ways.


You can either use .thenCallRealMethod() in a normal mock method call definition, or you can create a spy instead of a mock in which case the default behavior for that will be to call the real implementation in all non-mocked methods.


public void partialMocking() {
    // use partial mock
    loginController.loginService = spiedLoginService;
    UserForm userForm = new UserForm();
    userForm.username = "foo";
    // let service's login use implementation so let's mock DAO call

    String login = loginController.login(userForm);

    Assert.assertEquals("OK", login);
    // verify mocked call

9.2. EasyMock


Partial mocking also gets a little more complicated with EasyMock, as you need to define which methods will be mocked when creating the mock.


This is done with EasyMock.partialMockBuilder(Class.class).addMockedMethod(“methodName”).createMock(). Once this is done, you can use the mock as any other non-partial mock.


public void partialMocking() {
    UserForm userForm = new UserForm();
    userForm.username = "foo";
    // use partial mock
    LoginService loginServicePartial = EasyMock.partialMockBuilder(LoginService.class)
    // let service's login use implementation so let's mock DAO call

    loginController.loginService = loginServicePartial;

    String login = loginController.login(userForm);

    Assert.assertEquals("OK", login);
    // verify mocked call

9.3. JMockit


Partial mocking with JMockit is especially easy. Every method call for which no mocked behavior has been defined in an Expectations(){{}} uses the “real” implementation.

使用JMockit的部分嘲弄特别容易。在Expectations(){{}}中没有定义模拟行为的每个方法调用都使用“真实 “实现

Now let’s imagine that we want to partially mock the LoginService class to mock the setCurrentUser() method while using the actual implementation of the login() method.


To do this, we first create and pass an instance of LoginService to the expectations block. Then, we only record an expectation for the setCurrentUser() method:


public void partialMocking() {
    LoginService partialLoginService = new LoginService();
    loginController.loginService = partialLoginService;

    UserForm userForm = new UserForm();
    userForm.username = "foo";
    new Expectations(partialLoginService) {{
        // let's mock DAO call
        loginDao.login(userForm); result = 1;
        // no expectation for login method so that real implementation is used
        // mock setCurrentUser call

    String login = loginController.login(userForm);

    Assert.assertEquals("OK", login);
    // verify mocked call
    new Verifications() {{

10. Conclusion


In this post, we’ve been comparing three Java mock libraries, each one with its strong points and downsides.


  • All three of them are easily configured with annotations to help you define mocks and the object-under-test, with runners to make mock injection as painless as possible.
    • We’d say Mockito would win here as it has a special annotation for partial mocks, but JMockit doesn’t even need it, so let’s say that it’s a tie between those two.
  • All three of them follow more or less the record-replay-verify pattern, but in our opinion, the best one to do so is JMockit as it forces you to use those in blocks, so tests get more structured.
  • Easiness of use is important so you can work as less as possible to define your tests. JMockit will be the chosen option for its fixed-always-the-same structure.
  • Mockito is more or less THE most known so that the community will be bigger.
  • Having to call replay every time you want to use a mock is a clear no-go, so we’ll put a minus one for EasyMock.
  • Consistency/simplicity is also important for me. We loved the way of returning results of JMockit that is the same for “normal” results as for exceptions.

Will all this being said, we’re going to choose JMockit as a kind of a winner even though up till now we’ve been using Mockito as we’ve been captivated by its simplicity and fixed structure and will try and use it from now on.


The full implementation of this tutorial can be found on the GitHub project so feel free to download it and play with it.
